Bali Methanol Poisoning - take care

Started by orangeman, May 31, 2013, 10:15:12 AM

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I was listening to the news in the car yesterday and Joe Duffy came on.

A father came on and I decided to listen - and I listened to the man telling his story.

It was tragic.

Basically this man's daughter was on holiday in Bali 4 years ago and she drank some of the local's potions. Improted brand name alcoholic drinks are so expensive to import over there, the locals mix their own local Arrag wine into the bottles in order to make money from them. The local stuff is methanol.

Methanol is lethal and causes death. It loks and sounds like there have been hundreds of victims.

So please be careful - if you've sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends in Australia, let them know about this. Yeterday's programme was the first I heard about this issue.

Here's the link.!rii=9%3A20207870%3A53%3A30%2D05%2D2013%3A

And here's the facebook page -

News report -