Grimley V Brolly, row in full swing

Started by T Fearon, May 21, 2013, 09:19:47 AM

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Quote from: lynchbhoy on May 24, 2013, 12:06:52 AM
Quote from: muppet on May 23, 2013, 08:30:49 PM
Quote from: ross matt on May 23, 2013, 08:26:28 PM
Quote from: red hander on May 23, 2013, 06:57:42 PM
Quote from: macdanger2 on May 21, 2013, 04:23:30 PM
All three of them are complete w@nkers and as far as I know, not one of them has ever been confident enough in their own ability to actually go out and manage an intercounty team.

Brolly was eulogising about how Donegal (or was it Tyrone?) would have been smart enough to pull down players running through unlike Galway. O'Rourke put him back in his box when he asked if Joe would be writing an article about their cynical and persistent fouling....

That's rich coming from a Meath man  ::)
+1 Colm loves to lament the "pullin and draggin" in the modern game but he was (by his own admission) a fine exponent of it back in the day when they played Cork in the AI final. Brilliant player but very much a hypocrite as a pundit.

Brolly was a fine player and has displayed exceptional personal bravery in his recent kidney donating saga. That makes it more disappointing that as a pundit he is sneering, patronising and frequently nasty and personal.

Imagine someone of Joe's class as a forward being critical of a team for not cynically fouling a current day team as they run through a defence?  Zero credibility. O'Rourke should be sent out to pasture and Joe is a cartoon that needs to transfer to the Nickelodean channel!

Imagine the same pundit publicly pressurising a referee, to watch for one team in an AIF doing exactly that.

Zero credibility is right.
The ref generally officiated the game correctly.
I say generally as personally I thought he gave the underdogs more than the benefit of the doubt - poss as they were losing.
Cynical fouling is fouling and punishable by free kicks. Too many refs don't blow for this.
My oul lad was going ballistic watching the Cavan v Armagh rerun on setanta this afternoon and the unpunished cynical fouling.
I have to say he was right.
As was the ref in 2012 all Ireland football final. Brolly has no influence here.

I have no problem with the ref, other than the two brave men attacking 20 year old O'Connor at the start whether he had the ball or not. But I would blame the silent umpires more than the ref.

My problem with Brolly was the intent of this article, not how the ref reacted:

The most polite thing I can say it that it wasn't a very balanced analysis by a supposedly neutral pundit.
MWWSI 2017


Now it's Paul's turn - fighting talk.

Grimley got his chance to respond to the RTÉ pundit's heated criticism of his tactics against Cavan in the wake of the county's qualifier win over Wicklow on Sunday.

Brolly questioned Grimley's ability to be an inter-county manager and mentioned his twin brothers, Mark and John, who are former Armagh footballers.

"I don't change my tactics because someone like Joe Brolly doesn't like them or thinks I shouldn't be here," rapped Grimley.

"The thing about pundits and analysts is, you're only an expert analyst if you're wearing the same shoes as the person you're criticising. Joe hasn't and it's doubtful he ever will. He has a right to say what he wants but he hasn't a right to insult people or mock them or make fun of members of their family which is what he did.

"As far as I'm concerned, there is no line drawn under it, and there never will be."

Grimley insists he has more respect for pundits who have managed teams, such as former Ireland International Rules boss Colm O'Rourke.

He added: "I'll take criticism from people like Colm O'Rourke every day of the week. Somebody like Joe Brolly is just classed as an entertainer.

"I'd be quite prepared to take constructive criticism from any man but people like him, who jumps on a man when he stumbles, and tries to make himself popular, well, his opinion doesn't count."


Grimley is right. A few Armagh posters on here could also apply to his view of Brolly.


He never knows when the clatter is falling out of him


I still believe Brolly called it right with big Paul. He did however personalize it which became the issue. It is not necessary to have managed a County Team to have an opinion or for that matter to have even managed a club team. Many astute tacticians would not manage a team, it doesn't make their assessment of Paul's tactics any less valid. Managing a County team is about surrounding yourself with the right people and then being able to use their expertise as required. It also means being able to manage players, the county board and the expectations of supporters. One win against wicklow does not change that. But hopefully the lessons are being learned. In relation to Joe, Paul needs to move on otherwise their will be only one winner.


Quote from: Applesisapples on July 02, 2013, 12:32:41 PM
I still believe Brolly called it right with big Paul. He did however personalize it which became the issue. It is not necessary to have managed a County Team to have an opinion or for that matter to have even managed a club team. Many astute tacticians would not manage a team, it doesn't make their assessment of Paul's tactics any less valid. Managing a County team is about surrounding yourself with the right people and then being able to use their expertise as required. It also means being able to manage players, the county board and the expectations of supporters. One win against wicklow does not change that. But hopefully the lessons are being learned. In relation to Joe, Paul needs to move on otherwise their will be only one winner.

He's not for moving on - there won't be a line drawn under it EVER acording to Grimley.

I didn't think he'd be the type to hold a grudge !  ;)



To be fair, Broly runs rings around the Leitrim man as a pundit, and this is from someone who knows O'Rourke is the only of the the three amigos that is half-ways close to not collapsing under the weight of his own ego. Doesn't matter one iota if O'Rourke is the greatest manager of all time.


Quote from: Syferus on July 02, 2013, 12:49:22 PM
To be fair, Broly runs rings around the Leitrim man as a pundit. Doesn't matter one iota if O'Rourke is the greatest or worst manager of all time.

That's like saying Mr Pastry runs rings around Yeats as a poet.


Quote from: Syferus on July 02, 2013, 12:49:22 PM
To be fair, Broly runs rings around the Leitrim man as a pundit, and this is from someone who knows O'Rourke is the only of the the three amigos that is half-ways close to not collapsing under the weight of his one ego. Doesn't matter one iota if O'Rourke is the greatest manager of all time.

Do you not have hair to cut or something?

If you were any use you'd be playing.


I genuinely wouldn't want to be in Brollys shoes when Paul Grimley inevitably bumps into him.
Brolly will pass it off with a laugh & a joke - but its clear he has really got under Grimleys skin. Big Paul will not be laughing & will be looking answers.
I like Brolly. He talks a lot of sense MOST of the time & is good entertainment value. He does loose the run of himself though & has upset too many people in the last couple of years. Slagging & mocking GAA volunteers, whom are doing their level best isn't really the ethos of the association.
Brolly needed his wings clipped with the personalised stuff. I think (even though he'd never admit it) he was taken aback by the twitter / media backlash to his comments.
Hopefully Brolly will have the good grace to admit he went too far, apolgise & they can move on.


Do you think he'll hit him? He'd need a good lawyer then, so.


Sheamy - If he doesn't get the answers he wants, Yes I think he will.


Quote from: God14 on July 02, 2013, 02:20:15 PM
Sheamy - If he doesn't get the answers he wants, Yes I think he will.

Grist to the mill surely ?.


Quote from: orangeman on July 02, 2013, 02:21:34 PM
Quote from: God14 on July 02, 2013, 02:20:15 PM
Sheamy - If he doesn't get the answers he wants, Yes I think he will.

Grist to the mill surely ?.

It's highly unlikely that some night wee Joe decides to take a piss up some side street off the welly park behind a transit van, Grimley spots him and follows him to deliver his own form of retribution is it now?

He fell M'lud is hardly going to cut it.
