Explosion at Boston Marathon

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, April 15, 2013, 08:10:56 PM

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Quote from: Carmen Stateside on April 20, 2013, 01:47:25 AM
We will hear the proper story now, or will we?
I wonder. One of the things about the situation in the north was that in the end violence was in the financial interest of the security forces. It suited them because it meant their jobs were funded. They also had an interest in demonising nationalists. The war on terror industry in the US costs several % of GDP. It is more or less the only economic stimulus the GOP will tolerate.
Shutting down a major city is real senior hurling but I wonder how much it cost at a time when the labour participation rate is the lowest it has been in 30 years.


From the Bunker

Quote from: gallsman on April 20, 2013, 09:07:23 AM

Stew, this is why you wait for facts to emerge before going off on one.

Of course this will not be widely reported! Watching RT (Russia Today). Only channel i see to mention Bill that was passed during the week and comment on it.

Anyway this has to have been one of the greatest 'Hyperbole' of a search i have ever seen.


The reporting on it hasn't been the mainstream meejas finest hour. I think they have been relying on loons on Twitter for their "sources".
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Quote from: BennyCake on April 19, 2013, 05:01:26 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on April 19, 2013, 03:17:49 PM
Cone on Leo keep up, he is winding up about the conspiracies that grow up around these events.
The chat with Jack Ruby was that he killed LHO before he got a chance to reveal embarrassing secrets. Whilst maybe not on this level, it might still be 'cleaner' for the authorities for both suspects to be dead and therefore they can tell whatever version of the truth they like, or one which fits best.

The words Nail and Head come to mind.

So what's the odds this other guy will survive? I'm guessing one zillion to one. For the reasons explained above by Nag.

You would make a great odds maker, not.
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"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"


Quote from: Gaffer on April 20, 2013, 10:36:22 AM

If he had brains.... ::)

The one thing this whole episode has shown is how influential that mass social media is in terms of the "war against terror". 


Quote from: Minder on April 20, 2013, 09:30:57 AM
The reporting on it hasn't been the mainstream meejas finest hour. I think they have been relying on loons on Twitter for their "sources".
Maybe cos a lot of papers are very low on journalists with a bit of perspective. Many papers just take wire info especially for stories outside their bread and butter issues. There have been savage cuts over the last few years with the ad model banjaxed.


Quote from: BennyHarp on April 20, 2013, 04:04:11 AM
My bet would be that he will not be alive to face trial, his death would tie up the lose ends nice and neatly and any story can be released about his motives. Also, it appears that the owner of the boat basically followed a trail of blood to the boat and found him lying there. How did someone that badly injured manage to get away in the first place?

You already lost your zillion to one bet that he would be taken alive.

How "badly injured" do you have to be to bleed? Gun shot wounds don't always kill quickly. He may not have been hit in any vital organ.

Any other conspiratorial "predictions"?

give her dixie

You know, this manhunt for the second Boston bomber has been an embarrassment for US law enforcement. They had enough firepower in this small Boston suburb of Watertown to start World War III - umpteen SWAT teams, the FBI, cops, National Guard, armoured vehicles, helicopters, all the most up to date comms technology, and they still couldn't track down a wounded 19 year kid.

In the end it was a regular guy walking out of his house after the lock down was ended who found him hiding in his boat.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on April 20, 2013, 12:37:58 PM
You know, this manhunt for the second Boston bomber has been an embarrassment for US law enforcement. They had enough firepower in this small Boston suburb of Watertown to start World War III - umpteen SWAT teams, the FBI, cops, National Guard, armoured vehicles, helicopters, all the most up to date comms technology, and they still couldn't track down a wounded 19 year kid.

In the end it was a regular guy walking out of his house after the lock down was ended who found him hiding in his boat.

Was nearly like they used the opportunity to practice "locking down" a major city. 5 mins after the lockdown ended he was caught! Not sure why they'd do this but to me, it seemed a major over reaction to the situation.
That was never a square ball!!


Quote from: Syferus on April 20, 2013, 12:52:24 AM
Quote from: trileacman on April 20, 2013, 12:44:07 AM
Quote from: Syferus on April 20, 2013, 12:35:59 AM
Quote from: ONeill on April 20, 2013, 12:14:52 AM
Imagine if this level of coverage existed during the troubles.

I know we're awesome and all that craic, but helping found modern freedom fighting/terrorism is one of our country's legacies dirtiest legacies and one that hasn't been properly explored in terms of its international impact. Even Che studied Mick Collins and his leadership of the IRB.

That's a load of shit.

You'd want to back up definitive statements a bit more than that if you want anything more than a shouting match.

The IRB's guerrilla tactics in the War of Independence formed the basis for modern 20th and 21st century rebel tactics, that's not an opinion, it's a fact. Organising small bands of men into cells who operate semi-independently using the element of surprise almost exclusively didn't enter other guerrillas' heads by an act of God.

Firstly is contributing to freedom-fighting "one of our dirtiest legacy"?

Secondly the black-hands were organised into small bands of men organising high profile attacks in urban areas and that was in 1914, the actions of which undoubtedly laid the foundations for almost all of the major armed conflicts in the world since. We did not invent "small bands of men in cells who operate semi-independently using the element of surprise almost exclusively", it existed before 1918. Secondly the IRA tactics of 1916-1921 were (for the most part) to attack armed forces, members of the British security forces and "conspirators" in Ireland.

Surprise bombing/attacks on British homeland and targeting it's civilian population (a major factor of today's terrorist and American strategy) was not integrated into the War of Independence and you can not easily trace back modern terrorist tactics to Mick Collins and the boys.

Some characteristics are shared but to declare a definite lineage between the two is a load of shite.
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Quote from: give her dixie on April 20, 2013, 12:37:58 PM
You know, this manhunt for the second Boston bomber has been an embarrassment for US law enforcement. They had enough firepower in this small Boston suburb of Watertown to start World War III - umpteen SWAT teams, the FBI, cops, National Guard, armoured vehicles, helicopters, all the most up to date comms technology, and they still couldn't track down a wounded 19 year kid.

In the end it was a regular guy walking out of his house after the lock down was ended who found him hiding in his boat.

Embarrassment? Really?
Considering the area they were searching has the population of over 4.5 million people and they were able to use technology to get the bombers ID and captured the last one within 5 days is pretty impressive.

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