Explosion at Boston Marathon

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, April 15, 2013, 08:10:56 PM

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Quote from: LeoMc on April 19, 2013, 05:45:33 PM
Are you saying that is in the authorities best interests that he doesn't survive or are you playing devils advocate?

He won't live, and that will suit the US government, FBI, CIA etc etc. They can say what they like about them. All the evidence cleaned up, just like in 9/11, 7/7.

Expect to see a new law introduced in the next few days, like the Patriot Act days after 9/11. Of course, most people won't know about it, because they'll be deliberately distracted from it. And those who do know about it, will think it's a good thing, to protect our freedom and our liberty. The usual dung.


Quote from: give her dixie on April 19, 2013, 06:41:57 PM
I have been following most of this story on the news over the past 12 hours, as I have not been near the internet. However, one thing that is very clear, the Boston incident has been top news steadily for days now, and the Waco explosion is way down the list. 14 people are dead there, and it is 3rd or 4th in the news reporting.

Agreed, the Waco explosion needed far more coverage, particularly by American news stations, but nothing grabs the public's attention like a manhunt; telling someone terrible zoning practices and poor oversight caused an incident is alway going to be less exciting than a 'mad man' on the loose.


Quote from: BennyCake on April 19, 2013, 06:50:29 PM
Quote from: LeoMc on April 19, 2013, 05:45:33 PM
Are you saying that is in the authorities best interests that he doesn't survive or are you playing devils advocate?

He won't live, and that will suit the US government, FBI, CIA etc etc. They can say what they like about them. All the evidence cleaned up, just like in 9/11, 7/7.

Expect to see a new law introduced in the next few days, like the Patriot Act days after 9/11. Of course, most people won't know about it, because they'll be deliberately distracted from it. And those who do know about it, will think it's a good thing, to protect our freedom and our liberty. The usual dung.

Luckily you'll be here to keep us informed Benny.

Unless they come for you first....

give her dixie

Quote from: BennyCake on April 19, 2013, 06:50:29 PM
Quote from: LeoMc on April 19, 2013, 05:45:33 PM
Are you saying that is in the authorities best interests that he doesn't survive or are you playing devils advocate?

He won't live, and that will suit the US government, FBI, CIA etc etc. They can say what they like about them. All the evidence cleaned up, just like in 9/11, 7/7.

Expect to see a new law introduced in the next few days, like the Patriot Act days after 9/11. Of course, most people won't know about it, because they'll be deliberately distracted from it. And those who do know about it, will think it's a good thing, to protect our freedom and our liberty. The usual dung.

It has already started.......


The US House of Representatives has passed the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protect Act (CISPA).

Lawmakers in the House voted 288-to-127 Thursday afternoon to accept the bill. Next it will move to the Senate and could then end up on the desk of US President Barack Obama for him to potentially sign the bill into law. Earlier this week, though, senior White House advisers said they would recommend the president veto the bill.

Should CISPA earn the president's autograph, private businesses will be encouraged to voluntarily share cyberthreat information with the US government. The authors of the bill say this is an effort to better combat the reportedly increasing attempts to harm America's critical computer networks and pilfer the systems of private companies for intellectual property and other sensitive trade secrets.

One of the bill's creators, Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland), said during a round of debate on Wednesday that $400 billion worth of American trade secrets are being stolen by US companies every year. Passing CISPA, he said, would be a common sense solution to a threat that's growing at an alarming rate.

"If your house is being robbed, you call 911 and the police department comes. That's the same scenario we are looking at here," he said.

Also testifying Wednesday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Florida) said CISPA could be used to combat the 25 million cybercrime victims she claims are targeted every day.

That same day, CISPA co-author Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) stressed that his bill doesn't extend any extra surveillance powers to the federal government, despite condemnation from critics that say exactly that. "It does something very simple: it allows the government to share zeroes and ones with the private sector," he said. Rather, he called it "a critical bipartisan first step for enabling American's private sector to defend itself" and "improves cybersecurity without compromising our civil liberties."

"We have yet to find a single United States company that opposes this bill," said Rep. Rogers.

But companies do in fact oppose CISPA, including a number of entities that carry a good deal of clout around both Silicon Valley and inside the beltway. Just last month Facebook rescinded their support of the act, according to Cnet's Declan McCullagh, because a spokesperson for the social media site says they prefer a legislative "balance" that ensures "the privacy of our users."

After CISPA was unsuccessfully introduced to Congress last year — only to stall in the Senate — Microsoft endorsed the act only to eventually do an about-face.

"Microsoft believes that any proposed legislation should facilitate the voluntary sharing of cyber threat information in a manner that allows us to honor the privacy and security promises we make to our customers," the company's Scott Charney told McCullagh at the time.

But just last week, TechNet President Rey Ramsey sent a letter to Reps. Rogers and Ruppersberger saying his group thinks CISPA "recognizes the need for effective cybersecurity legislation that encourages voluntary, bi-directional, real time sharing of actionable cyberthreat information to protect networks," but that further work may be needed. TechNet's Executive Council includes Yahoo's Marissa Mayer, Google's Eric Schmidt and Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith.

Web browser makers Mozilla oppose the bill, as does the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the American Civil Liberties Union, and last year's attempt to pass CISPA after it was unveiled for a first time prompted the White House to issue a veto warning then. In the months since the bill stalled in the Senate, though, the president has on his own part urged Congress to adopt a new cybersecurity bill.

CISPA 101: Originally introduced in late-2011, CISPA passed the House but never advanced to a full Senate vote after massive public campaigns waged against the bill. It's authors say CISPA will "provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities" by encouraging private companies such as Google, Facebook and others to hand over to the government any data that could be used to combat cyberattacks. Critics of the bill say its language is too broad, though, and allows federal agencies to access too much personal information.

In February, Pres. Obama signed an executive order that urges his administration to begin working towards improving cybersecurity protections until Congress can craft a bill. Hours later, he said during his annual State of the Union address how imperative legislation action is.

"Earlier today, I signed a new executive order that will strengthen our cyber defenses by increasing information sharing, and developing standards to protect our national security, our jobs and our privacy. Now, Congress must act as well, by passing legislation to give our government a greater capacity to secure our networks and deter attacks," the president said.

But in the veto threat extended by his office earlier this week, the White House writes, "the Administration still seeks additional improvements and if the bill, as currently crafted, were presented to the President, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill."

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-California) corroborated on that statement during Thursday's pre-vote discussion, vowing to cast her ballot against CISPA because it did not, in her opinion, protect the privacy of Americans to the degree it should.

"I'm disappointed," said the congresswoman, "that we did not address some of the concerns mentioned by the White House about personal information. Unfortunately, it offers no policies and did not allow any amendments or real solution that upholds Americans' right to privacy."

CISPA, added Pelosi, provides "overly broad liability protections and immunity to the businesses that violate our liberties," and fails to strike a "crucial balance between security and liberty."

But elsewhere during Thursday's debate, another elected lawmaker cited national security concerns as paramount to these privacy woes. Speaking before his congressional colleagues, Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas) said this week's deadly terrorist attack in Boston are reason enough to pass a cybersecurity bill, despite lacing evidence that the pair of bombs detonated Monday at the Boston Marathon were acts of cyberterror.

"Recent events in Boston demonstrate that we have to come together as Republicans and Democrats" in order to pass a bill that will strengthen national security, McCaul (R-Texas) said Thursday morning.

"In the case of Boston," said McCaul, "there were real bombs."

"In this case, they are digital bombs — and these digital bombs are on their way."

Another lawmaker, Rep. Dan Maffei (D-New York), said CISPA was necessary to protect the US against "independent groups like WikiLeaks," adding unfounded claims that the whistleblower website is "taking very aggressive measures to hack into" US computer networks.

Other noteworthy statements that came out of this week's CISPA debate include one quip from Rep. Candice Miller (R-Michigan), who said Wednesday that the billl "helps us fulfill every one of the responsibilities mandated on us by the US Constitution."

"I believe strongly that you should have constitutional concerns about not passing this bill," said Rep. Miller.

"By supporting CISPA, we move to fulfill our oath" to protect the American people, added Rep. William Enyart (D-Illinois).

As news broke Thursday afternoon that CISPA cleared the House, opponents took to social media to sound out. The EFF responded by saying the House "shamefully" passed, "undermining the privacy of millions of Internet users."

When Rep. Ruppersberger reintroduced CISPA at the start of this congressional season, he evoked the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 to suggest that Congress can and will do whatever is necessary in the wake of another tragedy.

"We don't do anything well after a significant emotional event," said Ruppersberger. Should there be a cyberattack on America on par with 9/11, Congress "will get all the bills passed we want," he said
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on April 19, 2013, 06:41:57 PM
I have been following most of this story on the news over the past 12 hours, as I have not been near the internet. However, one thing that is very clear, the Boston incident has been top news steadily for days now, and the Waco explosion is way down the list. 14 people are dead there, and it is 3rd or 4th in the news reporting.

I disagree. The Waco story was wall to wall yesterday afternoon 12PST when I was in a department store making a rather lengthy purchase. For a whole hour, it was all Waco. Overnight in Boston there have been major developments that have grown/changed/modified the story.

Is there any basis for surprise at this? Or indignation? To suggest Waco is way down the list is I think pushing an agenda that doesn't really exist (unless one's looking very very hard for it).


Quote from: BennyCake on April 19, 2013, 06:50:29 PMAll the evidence cleaned up, just like in 9/11, 7/7.

Tell us what really happened on 9/11. Was it the CIA, Mossad, the Illuminati?


Quote from: dec on April 19, 2013, 07:31:21 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on April 19, 2013, 06:50:29 PMAll the evidence cleaned up, just like in 9/11, 7/7.

Tell us what really happened on 9/11. Was it the CIA, Mossad, the Illuminati?

That's for another day, dec.

J70, I think giverherdixie's post confirms what I said. Isn't it strange how these new laws are just waiting to be rolled out, just a couple of days after such events?

give her dixie

Quote from: Puckoon on April 19, 2013, 07:31:01 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on April 19, 2013, 06:41:57 PM
I have been following most of this story on the news over the past 12 hours, as I have not been near the internet. However, one thing that is very clear, the Boston incident has been top news steadily for days now, and the Waco explosion is way down the list. 14 people are dead there, and it is 3rd or 4th in the news reporting.

I disagree. The Waco story was wall to wall yesterday afternoon 12PST when I was in a department store making a rather lengthy purchase. For a whole hour, it was all Waco. Overnight in Boston there have been major developments that have grown/changed/modified the story.

Is there any basis for surprise at this? Or indignation? To suggest Waco is way down the list is I think pushing an agenda that doesn't really exist (unless one's looking very very hard for it).

I was speaking in terms of the news here Puck. Today on BBC it is hardly even mentioned, with little to no interviews of people who survived. I aint pushing any agenda, just pointing out how a major explosion with 5 times the loss of life over Boston is pushed way down the list.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Im just making an observation here but there's not much in the news about the 27 people killed in a cafe bomb attack in Baghdad yesterday!


That was never a square ball!!


Quote from: BennyHarp on April 19, 2013, 07:47:56 PM
Im just making an observation here but there's not much in the news about the 27 people killed in a cafe bomb attack in Baghdad yesterday!

what a coincidence they brought that law in this week. How was the usa reduced to a security state run for the benefit of plutocrats?  Nobody shouted "stop".


Quote from: seafoid on April 19, 2013, 07:54:01 PM
Quote from: BennyHarp on April 19, 2013, 07:47:56 PM
Im just making an observation here but there's not much in the news about the 27 people killed in a cafe bomb attack in Baghdad yesterday!

what a coincidence they brought that law in this week. How was the usa reduced to a security state run for the benefit of plutocrats?  Nobody shouted "stop".

It was introduced back in the house in February.


Allegations been made now that the bombers were copying a video game 'call of duty'?
They get momentum, they go mad, here they go


Quote from: highorlow on April 19, 2013, 08:10:52 PM
Allegations been made now that the bombers were copying a video game 'call of duty'?

Ah, the VG excuse, as reliable as the transition of the moon after high profile violent incidents.

I only wish the media chose some actually-good games to blame, do terrorists only play crappy games? No Bioshock fans in the jihadist communities? Sure it's all about the bloody collapse of an Ayn Rand-inspired utopia under the pressure of unrestrained capitalism and consumerism, it sounds right up the alley of any would-be bomb thrower or media outlet.


Quote from: give her dixie on April 19, 2013, 07:40:24 PM
Quote from: Puckoon on April 19, 2013, 07:31:01 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on April 19, 2013, 06:41:57 PM
I have been following most of this story on the news over the past 12 hours, as I have not been near the internet. However, one thing that is very clear, the Boston incident has been top news steadily for days now, and the Waco explosion is way down the list. 14 people are dead there, and it is 3rd or 4th in the news reporting.

I disagree. The Waco story was wall to wall yesterday afternoon 12PST when I was in a department store making a rather lengthy purchase. For a whole hour, it was all Waco. Overnight in Boston there have been major developments that have grown/changed/modified the story.

Is there any basis for surprise at this? Or indignation? To suggest Waco is way down the list is I think pushing an agenda that doesn't really exist (unless one's looking very very hard for it).

I was speaking in terms of the news here Puck. Today on BBC it is hardly even mentioned, with little to no interviews of people who survived. I aint pushing any agenda, just pointing out how a major explosion with 5 times the loss of life over Boston is pushed way down the list.

But that was an industrial accident. Happens all over the world every month and is generally accepted as an inevitable, if regrettable, part of modern life, same as car accidents and pollution. On the other hand, major international cities are not shut down by the police every day to accommodate a manhunt for a kid who just bombed a marathon. There is a hierarchy to newsworthiness.


tv news (cnbc again) pushing hard the Chechnya Muslim angle.

It is a bit strange to me that the population of greater Boston (4.5M people same as the 26 counties) are being asked to stay at home under lock down to find a 17 year old student...
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity