Cant stand yapps like moyna

Started by Orchardman, February 07, 2013, 06:20:42 PM

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Maybe im missing the point . But should it not be up to The college to Form their own rules for their own competitions? only they know what rules suit thier unique situation .
while i think the Gaa could do with a 'Bringing the game into Disrepute' rule to deal with situations like this where Stupid things are said by people whoio should know better . the likes of Moyna are very important To the GAA Deaking with Player at an age where drop out is huge. imposing silly artifical Rules do little to help the Situation
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


Quote from: rosnarun on February 08, 2013, 11:46:55 AM
Maybe im missing the point . But should it not be up to The college to Form their own rules for their own competitions? only they know what rules suit thier unique situation .
while i think the Gaa could do with a 'Bringing the game into Disrepute' rule to deal with situations like this where Stupid things are said by people whoio should know better . the likes of Moyna are very important To the GAA Deaking with Player at an age where drop out is huge. imposing silly artifical Rules do little to help the Situation

The players he deals with are near all inter county players.

Does he do much for the ordinary club player in the college ? 


I thought he told Walsh he wasn't coming to DCU 'to play football'?  :D
Seriously though, to threaten to stop 'teaching' gaelic games is drama queen behaviour pure and simple.
Comments like that can badly damage an individuals credibility.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Why doesn't he just f##k off from the GAA then? He appears to have used the sport to further his own career and he wouldn't have a profile at all in the general public if it wasn't for the GAA. The Sigerson has become a joke because people like him have been instrumental in trying to stock pile players and his rant is like an immature child who needs the support of his mates to lend weight to his pathetic argument - ffs telling PE teachers not to promote GAA?? Can anyone expect Michael Murphy to listen to this clown?

"Mr Murphy, will you show us how to play Gaelic?" "No kids, Niall Moyna from DCU said I couldn't because he thought that the GAA wronged him a few years ago" "No problem Sir, that's fine, best of luck on Sunday"
That was never a square ball!!


Quote from: spuds on February 08, 2013, 12:27:13 AM
Quote from: cadence on February 07, 2013, 08:53:03 PM
the real story for me is that he has failed to uphold his duty to protect his student's confidentiality and privacy. don't know what data protection law is like in ireland, or if there is any, but employers sack staff for doing that here in the uk. gross misconduct.

That's what stood out for me also in the article. Would hate for any manager I dealt with quoting me to the media to build his case. Wonder is Murphy that upset about it at all ?

i would be. it's up to murphy to give his own opinion, not murphy's opinion according to moyna which is what we got. murphy may have a position on it that he wanted to keep to himself because coming out with his take on it may have repercussions for him in the future. moyna is very unprofessional imo.

think he could maybes have broken the disclosure part of ireland's data protection act 1988 s1 and s2 para5(b) as well. he needs to wise up, or somebody give him a helping hand to wise up if he can't do it himself. he's a data contoller in this instance, murphy the data subject.


Eamonn Sweeney had a go at Niall Moyna as well over his recent comments on the back page of Sunday Independent sports section yesterday. Some people in the GAA think rules should apply only if doesn't affect them.

magpie seanie

The like of this is why I can't have any time for the Sigerson Cup.


Quote from: ck on February 08, 2013, 11:03:41 AM
Quote from: Hound on February 08, 2013, 08:22:17 AM
Personally I think Moyna is right to be annoyed. Of course his comments in the immediate aftermath of the decision were OTT, but I'm sure we've all had serious frustration at the machinations of the GAA at some time or other - "typical feckin GAA" when something has gone wrong at some level or another.

I think there's a big amount of begrudgery in some of the anti-Moyna comments. He feels his player has been hard done by, so he feels he has to speak out. A certain amount of over reaction but it is a huge decision for the two lads, and in Aidan Walsh's case (don't know the details of Boyle's case but its presumably very similar) it looks very unfair to me.

The rule is now that you can only qualify to play Sigerson while completing two separate courses. However, if you start a course and then drop out, that won't count - so long as you've all the official deregistration paperwork done by October.

When Walsh was doing his first course, he realised quickly that it wasnt for him, and dropped out. If the October rule had been in place back then, he would most certainly have completed all the paperwork by the deadline. But back then there was no such deadline, so he hadnt bothered with the paperwork until some later time.

The only reason Walsh is ineligible to play this year is because he missed the paperwork deadline - a deadline that didn't exist back then! Its completely and blatantly unfair in my view, and you can see why Moyna would be annoyed and why Walsh and his teammates would be scractching their heads about the GAA (not that any of them are going to give it up!)

Disagree completely. Your pro DCU stance implies that Walsh would have completed withdrawal papers had he known about the new rule.. A bit hard when not only was he a student till January but he played freshers football that year too. The fact is that Moyna poached yet anther player and got caught out this time because of the rule, so he huffs no puffs like a child since.

Calling it a "pro-DCU stance" highlights that this is just DCU bashing rather than a judgement on the specific case.

Walsh stopped going to lectures full time within 3 or 4 weeks of the course starting. He didnt formally de-register until the Christmas break and arsed around the college a fair bit as an 18/19 year old might do. I think its fairly likely that he would have formally deregistered by 31 October, had he known anything might ride on it. Nobody can say for sure, which exactly highlights the unfairness of this rule acting retrospectively.

Here's Joe Brolly's take on it. I wonder is he a "pro-DCU" head too.

The Michael Boyle case is different. The rule is you can only do 2 courses, but there's an exception that if one course is a direct follow on from another, the two together will only count as 1: 

Quote....where a student, having successfully completed an undergraduate course at a particular level, progresses from that level to a cognate course at a higher level, he shall be considered as studying the same course

Boyle's second course in Limavady and third course in DCU qualified for this exception. But the rule says "successfully completed", and Boyle didn't finish his Limavady course. So because he didnt finish it he's treated as doing his 3rd course in DCU, whereas if he had finished it, his DCU course would be treated as still his 2nd course. Seems harsh to me, but the literal wording won the day, and I wouldnt particularly dispute that decision.


Just read that interesting article by super joe brolly. One thing im wondering is:

Walsh dropped out of his first after a few weeks, fair enough. He then did a full Biology/PE course in CIT for 3 years, right?

So all he would need to do to become a teacher is to complete a one year H Dip ( that's what i did anyway). Why would he need to be enrolled on a 4 year degree again? I know murphy is also on course to be a PE/Biology teacher, surely this must be his 5th there now?

Even though i wouldn't have a pro or anti- DCU view, and I like to see general fair play and sigerson having proper rules and students, I think walsh could be unlucky enough with the ruling in this case.


My judgement on the rule is that it is a poor attempt to stop colleges like DCU recruiting top county players, offer them incentives and effectively buy Sigerson titles. It's no coincidence that many of these top players are directly recruited into the PE course.. which is headed up by motor mouth Niall Moyna, the DCU team manager. He knows well that this rule is an attempt to stop him and his antics, so he crys to the media and says he'll never "promote" the GAA again. If his behaviour and influence in DCU for the college to fork out for free accommodation and free fees for elite players is his way of "promoting the GAA" then perhaps we are all better off without him.


Is it such a bad thing to offer free accommodation, use of a car, free gym membership etc. to top level young players so they go to your university rather than another one?


Think that's a bit extreme of Brolly to call it vicious. If Walsh had already completed a 3 or 4 year degree, the obviously he would have had 3 or 4 years playing Uni football anyway. Don't think its that big a deal, at the end of the day it still allows for anyone to play up to 8 years of Sigerson football. And I thought the main reason people went to uni anyway was to get a degree, not to play football

rodney trotter

Quote from: Corkey22 on February 13, 2013, 11:37:44 PM
Think that's a bit extreme of Brolly to call it vicious. If Walsh had already completed a 3 or 4 year degree, the obviously he would have had 3 or 4 years playing Uni football anyway. Don't think its that big a deal, at the end of the day it still allows for anyone to play up to 8 years of Sigerson football. And I thought the main reason people went to uni anyway was to get a degree, not to play football

6 years is the limit to play Sigerson Football, Walsh would still have been eligible that way. Being his third different course is where the problem was.


Quote from: magpie seanie on February 11, 2013, 03:25:17 PM
The like of this is why I can't have any time for the Sigerson Cup.

man after my own heart