Should gays be allowed to legally marry?

Started by Saffrongael, February 05, 2013, 07:50:03 PM

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Should gays be allowed to legally marry?

Don't care


QuoteI would imagine most gay people move away from religion once they personally accept they are gay. Why would they want to be involved with an organisation that sees their way of life as wrong?

My fear would be that the gay people,that are at the front of the gay rights movement, would push and push until theycan marry in a church just to proclaim that they are equal in every way.

Your imagination is a battle of 2 brain cells looking hard for one another but being like ships in the night.  It's a wonder the bigotry and heterosexual prowess that makes you more equal than a gay man gets to shine through at all!

Your opinion on equality and purposeful inability to see all men equal is nothing short than that of a KKK member.


Quote from: seafoid on February 07, 2013, 02:05:25 PM
Quote from: tommysmith on February 07, 2013, 10:17:44 AM
Quote from: nifan on February 07, 2013, 08:22:40 AM
Quote from: tommysmith on February 06, 2013, 10:55:25 PM
It's not normal for two men to be together never mind marry.

People will tell you its 2013 blah blah blah they can do what they want but if everyone woke up in the morning and decided they were a gay that would mean no kids and the population of the world would end up dying off.

If everyone woke up in the morning and decided to become a priest or nun the population of the world would die of. therefore we should logically make it illegal to become a priest or nun

Priests should be allowed marry, i think they would have more right to marry than the gays.
what about all the gay priests?

What about them?


Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 09:34:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 12:46:53 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 12:09:40 AM
I have no opinion on whether gay couples should be allowed to get married. On the subject of parenting, surely the jury is out on the impact to any child due to them being same sex parents. I couldn't say myself but I think (away from celeb lifestyles) many might struggle as they move into adolescence....could be wrong

I was walking home in Salford one day and a small child, couldn't have been more than 5 years old, trips and falls over hurting herself. Mother's reaction? "f**king stupid! Get up!"

I was going to the shops in Manchester one time and a young child was walking with her teenage mum alongside a low wall.  The kid gets up on the wall and walks along it, as children do.  Mother's reaction? "Get down off there you f**king d**khead!"

I saw a group of teenage mothers who got into a scuffle one time and one of them used her pram (baby and all) as a battering ram to hit one of the other girls.

I could go on all day giving you examples of abusive sc**bag parents who seem to breed before they can read. Where's the debate about restricting them from having children? It'd be a bit more of a pressing concern, wouldn't you say?


You'd think the jury is still out on whether scumbags do or do not have a detrimental impact on the lives of their children or indeed whether they should be allowed to adopt or not (your argument not mine btw but I'm going with it)

Has it ever been shown that gay parents have a detrimental impact on their children just by being gay?


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 04:02:50 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 09:34:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 12:46:53 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 12:09:40 AM
I have no opinion on whether gay couples should be allowed to get married. On the subject of parenting, surely the jury is out on the impact to any child due to them being same sex parents. I couldn't say myself but I think (away from celeb lifestyles) many might struggle as they move into adolescence....could be wrong

I was walking home in Salford one day and a small child, couldn't have been more than 5 years old, trips and falls over hurting herself. Mother's reaction? "f**king stupid! Get up!"

I was going to the shops in Manchester one time and a young child was walking with her teenage mum alongside a low wall.  The kid gets up on the wall and walks along it, as children do.  Mother's reaction? "Get down off there you f**king d**khead!"

I saw a group of teenage mothers who got into a scuffle one time and one of them used her pram (baby and all) as a battering ram to hit one of the other girls.

I could go on all day giving you examples of abusive sc**bag parents who seem to breed before they can read. Where's the debate about restricting them from having children? It'd be a bit more of a pressing concern, wouldn't you say?


You'd think the jury is still out on whether scumbags do or do not have a detrimental impact on the lives of their children or indeed whether they should be allowed to adopt or not (your argument not mine btw but I'm going with it)

Has it ever been shown that gay parents have a detrimental impact on their children just by being gay?

Is there many gay parents around?


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 04:02:50 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 09:34:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 12:46:53 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 07, 2013, 12:09:40 AM
I have no opinion on whether gay couples should be allowed to get married. On the subject of parenting, surely the jury is out on the impact to any child due to them being same sex parents. I couldn't say myself but I think (away from celeb lifestyles) many might struggle as they move into adolescence....could be wrong

I was walking home in Salford one day and a small child, couldn't have been more than 5 years old, trips and falls over hurting herself. Mother's reaction? "f**king stupid! Get up!"

I was going to the shops in Manchester one time and a young child was walking with her teenage mum alongside a low wall.  The kid gets up on the wall and walks along it, as children do.  Mother's reaction? "Get down off there you f**king d**khead!"

I saw a group of teenage mothers who got into a scuffle one time and one of them used her pram (baby and all) as a battering ram to hit one of the other girls.

I could go on all day giving you examples of abusive sc**bag parents who seem to breed before they can read. Where's the debate about restricting them from having children? It'd be a bit more of a pressing concern, wouldn't you say?


You'd think the jury is still out on whether scumbags do or do not have a detrimental impact on the lives of their children or indeed whether they should be allowed to adopt or not (your argument not mine btw but I'm going with it)

Has it ever been shown that gay parents have a detrimental impact on their children just by being gay?

No...because the data isnt there AFAIK...therefore I was only giving a personal opinion. Are you saying that it's definitely nothing to be concerned about? Looks like you are
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I've seen the offspring of gay parents and didn't see anything terribly out of place.  No there's not a lot of them around, that's just a statistical fact. But they exist. And so far, based on what I've seen, I'd be more concerned about the shell-suited urban teenagers in dole-ville having children than a committed gay couple who work for a living.


Quote from: qubdub on February 07, 2013, 10:33:11 AM
For the record I am totally in favour of LGBT rights, but some of these arguments are ridiculous. The nature argument can work both ways
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 07, 2013, 01:02:43 AM
And as for the "natural" argument, homosexuality is widespread in nature. It's been observed in thousands of species and was well documented in about 500 species last time I looked.
So has zebras mating with horses and lions mating with tigers. Should humans now be permitted to shag bonobos? (Queue the Tyrone posters getting excited)
I appreciate that you're being devil's advocate here, but if you were actually using that as an argument against gay marriage my response would be "so you said homosexuality is wrong because it's unnatural, now you're saying it's wrong because it's natural.  You can't have it both ways."


"unnatural"! the ignorant nonsense that gets put forward in this thread. it's not much to ask of people to go onto feckin' wikipedia and read a wee bit. perfectly reasonable explanations for sexual orientation.


EC Unique

Quote from: Puckoon on February 07, 2013, 03:54:29 PM
QuoteI would imagine most gay people move away from religion once they personally accept they are gay. Why would they want to be involved with an organisation that sees their way of life as wrong?

My fear would be that the gay people,that are at the front of the gay rights movement, would push and push until theycan marry in a church just to proclaim that they are equal in every way.

Your imagination is a battle of 2 brain cells looking hard for one another but being like ships in the night.  It's a wonder the bigotry and heterosexual prowess that makes you more equal than a gay man gets to shine through at all!

Your opinion on equality and purposeful inability to see all men equal is nothing short than that of a KKK member.

If all else fails.....throw in a few insults. That will teach him.


To be perfectly frank with you - my insults are miniscule in comparision with your assertion that homosexuals are less than equal. That is exactly how the KKK used to think, not to mention the unionist hordes not that long ago either. I don't suppose you'd be the boy to tell Donal Og he's less equal in your eyes?


May I also point out how difficult this gay stuff is for the older generation?

My granny grew up in the end of the victorian era. She passed some of the thoughts and disciplines from that age to my parents and thence to me. Dresses down to her ankles, and absolutely no hint of a cleavage.

I remember once a conversation between my granny and my mother while they didnt know I was listening.  I was too young to understand the conversation anyway. My granny was telling my mother that frosted glass on bathroom windows was not enough. Blinds and curtains had to be drawn when she was in the bathroom because and I quote "the mere outline is enough her them".

Aye, when I was growing up, Mary Whitehouse was a celebrity. How times have changed.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Quote from: Orior on February 08, 2013, 12:19:55 AM
May I also point out how difficult this gay stuff is for the older generation?

Orior, I think that is a fair point. I can understand it, although I don't agree with it as a justification.

It's akin to being brought up racist. There comes a time where difficult or not you have to acknowledge that all of us are equal, regardless of who you go to bed with (provided they are adults and consenting) and that discrimination of any kind can't be really justified because it's how you were raised?


Quote from: Puckoon on February 08, 2013, 12:17:07 AM
To be perfectly frank with you - my insults are miniscule in comparision with your assertion that homosexuals are less than equal. That is exactly how the KKK used to think, not to mention the unionist hordes not that long ago either. I don't suppose you'd be the boy to tell Donal Og he's less equal in your eyes?

"Not that long ago" as in yesterday?


I suppose I was referring to the historical organization, not the current pocket activists.