Jamie Bryson

Started by theticklemister, January 07, 2013, 07:35:47 PM

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Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 04:15:59 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
It's not that black and white. It's not simply people who back Bryson and those who silently despise him. A lot of them would not support him by going to protests or would not advocate his action in public either. But at the same time they wouldn't openly disparage him to a Catholic neighbour or whilst in public. Deep down a vast majority of them feel their traditions and culture are being diluted to appease a Catholic mass who not too long ago where under cosh. It's an upset to the status quo and it irks a lot of them to a small degree.

Not that I blame them, I mean whilst I would question the naming of some trophies and grounds after IRA members amongst my friends, family and indeed on this site, I wouldn't allow the same liberalism to infiltrate a conversation with a protestant from home. I wouldn't want to be seen to be seeking to appease the likes of Byrson, Fraizer and Donaldson by removing references to some of our own. It's about sticking up for your own side and all that.

It's a different thing up here, looking in isn't the same as living in.

Thanks for the considered response. The thing is, you're basically saying that I'm right - no one would ever speak out against Bryson, even in private, for fear of letting the side down. There are no depths to which he can not plunge the North before people from his side will denounce him because you are with themmuns or agin 'em. And I don't think there are two sides to this story. There was widespread and vocal opposition to the Provos right throughout the Troubles from Nationalists. There is no comparable constituency in Unionism. You don't see the various OWCers here saying that Bryson doesn't speak for anyone because the fact of the matter is that he does, or at least they would choose to tolerate him rather say anything against him. That's not to say that the individual contributors think this way, just that they couldn't say with a straight face that he represents a completely extermist viewpoint. Faced with that, it does make me wonder (and ironically I'll probably regret saying this) whether the Shinner apologists on here have a point, i.e. that the Brits and Unionists couldn't have been brought to a compromise until they had been bombed to one.

Aw you're still over-reading it though. There are very few OWCers on here so it's no barometer of general opposition, likewise comparing Nationalist opposition to the IRA and Unionist opposition to Byrson isn't right either. As of yet Byrson isn't going round setting off car bombs killing 15 a time so the prods aren't as pushed to go openly denouncing him. A few w**kers standing round the Ormeau Road isn't going to get them to break ranks.

When himself and Willie were arrested and put up on charges you'd have heard a pin drop, I can't recall any of the major parties getting worked up about it or anyone in my part of the world, they didn't really give a shit. You can't say that they'd continue their silence should Byrson actually start actively killing and maiming people. The DUP created a monster here but have had to wash their hands of it since Fraizer and Byrson got involved.

I mean alot of Unionist would openly tell you the UDA/UVF are nothing more than criminal scum and regard them in the same way the RIRA in Dublin are thought of. So there's a difference in equating Byrson and the IRA up to this point.

QuoteThe thing is, you're basically saying that I'm right - no one would ever speak out against Bryson, even in private, for fear of letting the side down. There are no depths to which he can not plunge the North before people from his side will denounce him because you are with themmuns or agin 'em.

No you're wrong. There is a limit to which they will tolerate him and should he seek to drag us back to civil war then the state will lock him up and the Unionists will denounce him. This is all shadow games up here, we can't go around bombing and shooting so it's march and counter-march, we honour the hunger strikers, they want a flag, we march for St Patricks, they march for the 12th etc, etc.

30 years ago, Bryson would be a 23 year old with an armalite yelling "trick or treat", today's he's armed with a twitter account, a rangers top and a rudimentary grasp of the written language. It's all vestiges of a violent past and the trick is to prevent it escalating when tempers fray.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014


Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 05:01:25 PM
Aw you're still over-reading it though. There are very few OWCers on here so it's no barometer of general opposition, likewise comparing Nationalist opposition to the IRA and Unionist opposition to Byrson isn't right either. As of yet Byrson isn't going round setting off car bombs killing 15 a time so the prods aren't as pushed to go openly denouncing him. A few w**kers standing round the Ormeau Road isn't going to get them to break ranks.

When himself and Willie were arrested and put up on charges you'd have heard a pin drop, I can't recall any of the major parties getting worked up about it or anyone in my part of the world, they didn't really give a shit. You can't say that they'd continue their silence should Byrson actually start actively killing and maiming people. The DUP created a monster here but have had to wash their hands of it since Fraizer and Byrson got involved.

I mean alot of Unionist would openly tell you the UDA/UVF are nothing more than criminal scum and regard them in the same way the RIRA in Dublin are thought of. So there's a difference in equating Byrson and the IRA up to this point.

Fair comment.

Jeepers Creepers

Remember, a lot of leafy unionist suburbs are within stones throw of the the loyalist hoi polloi so silence is golden. If Bryson & Frazier do become a genuine threat to the peace process then you will see the shadows come out to play and reign them in. Remember Paul Berry.


Quote from: sensethetone on November 28, 2013, 03:57:43 PM
heard bryson on radio this mornin.. anyone who supports the gaa- supports terrorism aswell as any sponsorship of anythin to do with the gaa-supports terrorism. f mitchell then mentioned some of the top sponsors eg. ulster bank, super valu, bushmills, vodafone,02, canal court, o neills etc etc then frank goes are they sponsoring terrorism and jamie goes..... yes!

I guess Jamie and his fcukwit followers will be looking for a new electricity supplier (other than PowerNI), new mobile phone provider (other than 3, O2 or Vodafone...although they're all probably with Orange anyway), a new supermarket to shop in other than Tesco, Supervalu (and any other that allows GAA clubs to pack bags for shoppers), a new bank, whisky, pint, Bookmaker etc.

That's alot of businesses to boycott. Good luck with that, ya fcukwits!


this little fuckwit knows nothing of the troubles. says how pathetic loyalism is , when some people actually listen to this fool and see him as some sort of leading light for the lower loyalist classes, anybody with a brain wouldn't be seen near this sorry lot. Again i say if they had to do a days work, instead of f**king about with nothing to do during the day, they wouldn't have time for this crap. You got little to live for if u spend u days worried about a flag, rangers in the lower tiers of Scottish soccer, whats the Catholics are doing, and how British we can be to offend people. Then again anybody sensible from unionist point of view like Basil McCrea is lambasted for been a turn coat and a traitor


Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
Deep down a vast majority of them feel their traditions and culture are being diluted to appease a Catholic mass who not too long ago where under cosh. It's an upset to the status quo and it irks a lot of them to a small degree.

When your tradition and culture is about displaying a lack of respect to those of a different religious conviction, then your culture and traditions are fcuked up. Hate fueled numpties running the show it would seem
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera



Quote from: Bingo on November 28, 2013, 07:29:56 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 04:20:07 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on November 28, 2013, 04:18:44 PM

What about him?

I'll get my coat...

I turn my back for one minute and......

Sure we all know you set up all those dodgy cross border companies for the money making men to dry clean all their stuff!!!  Complicit! :P

Myles Na G.

Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 03:43:09 PM
Someone here (I hope) must know someone of the unionist persuasion in the North. If so, can you please confirm that people on the ground despair at the way that the likes of Jamie Bryson are allowed to speak on behalf of all of them without anyone shouting him down. The alternative - that people on the ground are so outraged over The Fleg that they quietly hope that he'll give Prods more traction in the zero-sum game with the Taigs - doesn't bear thinking about.

It's not that black and white. It's not simply people who back Bryson and those who silently despise him. A lot of them would not support him by going to protests or would not advocate his action in public either. But at the same time they wouldn't openly disparage him to a Catholic neighbour or whilst in public. Deep down a vast majority of them feel their traditions and culture are being diluted to appease a Catholic mass who not too long ago where under cosh. It's an upset to the status quo and it irks a lot of them to a small degree.

Not that I blame them, I mean whilst I would question the naming of some trophies and grounds after IRA members amongst my friends, family and indeed on this site, I wouldn't allow the same liberalism to infiltrate a conversation with a protestant from home. I wouldn't want to be seen to be seeking to appease the likes of Byrson, Fraizer and Donaldson by removing references to some of our own. It's about sticking up for your own side and all that.

It's a different thing up here, looking in isn't the same as living in.
It seems that there are quite a few people on this board who have little or no real contact with anyone from a unionist background. If you did, you'd be aware that most average unionists think Jamie and Willie are a couple of wankers. And they say so, quite loudly, to anyone who happens to be listening. Even on OWC, the prevailing view would be that the pair are complete dickheads. I haven't posted on that board for quite a while, but I'd still go on now and again to read what's been said and I can assure you that most people on OWC regard Jamie and Willie as comedy gold.


Quote from: BennyCake on November 28, 2013, 06:57:57 PM
Quote from: sensethetone on November 28, 2013, 03:57:43 PM
heard bryson on radio this mornin.. anyone who supports the gaa- supports terrorism aswell as any sponsorship of anythin to do with the gaa-supports terrorism. f mitchell then mentioned some of the top sponsors eg. ulster bank, super valu, bushmills, vodafone,02, canal court, o neills etc etc then frank goes are they sponsoring terrorism and jamie goes..... yes!

I guess Jamie and his fcukwit followers will be looking for a new electricity supplier (other than PowerNI), new mobile phone provider (other than 3, O2 or Vodafone...although they're all probably with Orange anyway), a new supermarket to shop in other than Tesco, Supervalu (and any other that allows GAA clubs to pack bags for shoppers), a new bank, whisky, pint, Bookmaker etc.

That's alot of businesses to boycott. Good luck with that, ya fcukwits!

A lot of ordinary Protestant people would have no idea that GAA is as big as it is, and would be surprised to hear that the likes of PowerNI, Tesco, Ulster Bank, Vodafone, 02 etc would be sponsoring them.

If you read the Newsletter or The Sun - No GAA
If you read the Belfast Telegraph or the Daily Mirror - GAA is hidden away out of sight of the ordinary decent prods.
If you live in the Greater Belfast Area,(but not Nationalist West Belfast) you might never really see GAA pitches.
If you listen to any Northern Ireland radio station, GAA will never be mentioned in ordinary conversation, In fact the only time GAA will ever be mentioned on non-sports news is when Unionist Politicians are invited on to slander it. ( Like this morning with Uncle Tom, Frank Mitchell)


Quote from: Myles Na G. on November 28, 2013, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 03:43:09 PM
Someone here (I hope) must know someone of the unionist persuasion in the North. If so, can you please confirm that people on the ground despair at the way that the likes of Jamie Bryson are allowed to speak on behalf of all of them without anyone shouting him down. The alternative - that people on the ground are so outraged over The Fleg that they quietly hope that he'll give Prods more traction in the zero-sum game with the Taigs - doesn't bear thinking about.

It's not that black and white. It's not simply people who back Bryson and those who silently despise him. A lot of them would not support him by going to protests or would not advocate his action in public either. But at the same time they wouldn't openly disparage him to a Catholic neighbour or whilst in public. Deep down a vast majority of them feel their traditions and culture are being diluted to appease a Catholic mass who not too long ago where under cosh. It's an upset to the status quo and it irks a lot of them to a small degree.

Not that I blame them, I mean whilst I would question the naming of some trophies and grounds after IRA members amongst my friends, family and indeed on this site, I wouldn't allow the same liberalism to infiltrate a conversation with a protestant from home. I wouldn't want to be seen to be seeking to appease the likes of Byrson, Fraizer and Donaldson by removing references to some of our own. It's about sticking up for your own side and all that.

It's a different thing up here, looking in isn't the same as living in.
It seems that there are quite a few people on this board who have little or no real contact with anyone from a unionist background. If you did, you'd be aware that most average unionists think Jamie and Willie are a couple of w**kers. And they say so, quite loudly, to anyone who happens to be listening. Even on OWC, the prevailing view would be that the pair are complete d**kheads. I haven't posted on that board for quite a while, but I'd still go on now and again to read what's been said and I can assure you that most people on OWC regard Jamie and Willie as comedy gold.

While what you  say is true to a point, they still appeal to a worrying type of character who would think nothing of filling a can full of petrol and burning a GAA hall down.  They need to be starved of publicity but the fact that the mainstream politicians, not the average Joe Public Protestant, sit back and allow them to spew their nonsense to my mind shows a certain element of complicity as they are happy for Jamie and Willie to have a real good cut off themmuns.


Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 04:02:40 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on November 28, 2013, 03:58:29 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 03:54:49 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 28, 2013, 03:50:22 PM
It's the former.

The PUP seem to be pushing these protests too. They voted for the flag to come down. Anyone with any wit isn't involved - the DUP started it to get ALliance out of east belfast, the UVF etc jumped on board and then "opportunists" like the PUP and Bryson came on board.  It's all a crock of shit and anyone with any sense knows it.

Yes, but do you know anyone who is willing to say in private that's it's a crock of shit?

Careful between the difference of Unionists and Loyalists.

The Unionists by and large wash their hands of these protesters.

I'm aware of the difference. But no matter how hard I look (and i look a lot), I can't see any evidence of a silent majority of Unionists who think Jamie Bryson is damaging to their cause. Which makes me think that they might not be out there. I'm willing to be proven wrong. Heck, even a silent minority would be nice so that I can dispel the lingering feeling that they'd all side with Jamie rather than be giving an inch to the Fenians.
Deiseach,  there is 6 prods in our work, one an orange lodge grand master and all of them had openly expressed to me about how disgusted they were with the flag protests.  Maybe in derry it's not as bitter.  There flag protest here got about 20 odd scumbags and that was it.


Quote from: Feckitt on November 28, 2013, 08:01:22 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on November 28, 2013, 06:57:57 PM
Quote from: sensethetone on November 28, 2013, 03:57:43 PM
heard bryson on radio this mornin.. anyone who supports the gaa- supports terrorism aswell as any sponsorship of anythin to do with the gaa-supports terrorism. f mitchell then mentioned some of the top sponsors eg. ulster bank, super valu, bushmills, vodafone,02, canal court, o neills etc etc then frank goes are they sponsoring terrorism and jamie goes..... yes!

I guess Jamie and his fcukwit followers will be looking for a new electricity supplier (other than PowerNI), new mobile phone provider (other than 3, O2 or Vodafone...although they're all probably with Orange anyway), a new supermarket to shop in other than Tesco, Supervalu (and any other that allows GAA clubs to pack bags for shoppers), a new bank, whisky, pint, Bookmaker etc.

That's alot of businesses to boycott. Good luck with that, ya fcukwits!

A lot of ordinary Protestant people would have no idea that GAA is as big as it is, and would be surprised to hear that the likes of PowerNI, Tesco, Ulster Bank, Vodafone, 02 etc would be sponsoring them.

If you read the Newsletter or The Sun - No GAA
If you read the Belfast Telegraph or the Daily Mirror - GAA is hidden away out of sight of the ordinary decent prods.
If you live in the Greater Belfast Area,(but not Nationalist West Belfast) you might never really see GAA pitches.
If you listen to any Northern Ireland radio station, GAA will never be mentioned in ordinary conversation, In fact the only time GAA will ever be mentioned on non-sports news is when Unionist Politicians are invited on to slander it. ( Like this morning with Uncle Tom, Frank Mitchell)

It's different up East. In my rural area they'd all have a fair idea when Tyrone were going well and winning stuff with many of them tuning in for the final to see what the fuss is/how we do.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014


Quote from: Jeepers Creepers on November 28, 2013, 06:47:08 PM
Remember, a lot of leafy unionist suburbs are within stones throw of the the loyalist hoi polloi so silence is golden. If Bryson & Frazier do become a genuine threat to the peace process then you will see the shadows come out to play and reign them in. Remember Paul Berry.

Was Paul just not partial to a rub of the relic ?


Quote from: Myles Na G. on November 28, 2013, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: trileacman on November 28, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 28, 2013, 03:43:09 PM
Someone here (I hope) must know someone of the unionist persuasion in the North. If so, can you please confirm that people on the ground despair at the way that the likes of Jamie Bryson are allowed to speak on behalf of all of them without anyone shouting him down. The alternative - that people on the ground are so outraged over The Fleg that they quietly hope that he'll give Prods more traction in the zero-sum game with the Taigs - doesn't bear thinking about.

It's not that black and white. It's not simply people who back Bryson and those who silently despise him. A lot of them would not support him by going to protests or would not advocate his action in public either. But at the same time they wouldn't openly disparage him to a Catholic neighbour or whilst in public. Deep down a vast majority of them feel their traditions and culture are being diluted to appease a Catholic mass who not too long ago where under cosh. It's an upset to the status quo and it irks a lot of them to a small degree.

Not that I blame them, I mean whilst I would question the naming of some trophies and grounds after IRA members amongst my friends, family and indeed on this site, I wouldn't allow the same liberalism to infiltrate a conversation with a protestant from home. I wouldn't want to be seen to be seeking to appease the likes of Byrson, Fraizer and Donaldson by removing references to some of our own. It's about sticking up for your own side and all that.

It's a different thing up here, looking in isn't the same as living in.
It seems that there are quite a few people on this board who have little or no real contact with anyone from a unionist background. If you did, you'd be aware that most average unionists think Jamie and Willie are a couple of w**kers. And they say so, quite loudly, to anyone who happens to be listening. Even on OWC, the prevailing view would be that the pair are complete d**kheads. I haven't posted on that board for quite a while, but I'd still go on now and again to read what's been said and I can assure you that most people on OWC regard Jamie and Willie as comedy gold.

The problem is that with the comments he's making against the GAA he is no longer comedy. He is becoming dangerous.