Jimmy's throwing hacks out!

Started by T Fearon, September 23, 2012, 08:42:20 PM

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Quote from: ONeill on September 25, 2012, 07:15:27 PM
Strong rumours that Bogue and McGuinness have a single coming out for Christmas. Bogue is doing Eminem style rapping whilst Jimmy has the Dido lines. Should be good.

Anyone who hasn't read the book can't really give an opinion as to whether McGuinness was correct or not to do what he did on Sunday. Paddy Cunningham criticised his own management and Baker threw his eyes up at it. Cassidy said nothing but good about Jimmy and McGuinness decided to use that to stock up on motivational fodder for the follow year's campaign at the expense of his captain. In my opinion, and I've never met Jimmy, as a sports psychologist McGuinness knew exactly what he was doing. If you read the book that'll be clear. There's not a jot of offence in it.

Jimmy could easily have said nothing about it, pulled Kevin aside and said 'please don't be telling people we do a lot of running in training'. He chose to make an issue of it and off-loaded Kevin to send a message to his side - purely for psychological reasons (again in my opinion). It worked but Sunday's charade was all part of the McGuinness show - again at the expense of a journalist who simply interviewed 9 county men for a book, told through their eyes.

I've bumped into Declan Bogue a few times. That maybe colours my take on it but it's justified. He's not your stereotype when you think of a 'hack'. He's an honest, decent fellow - always above board - the sort of lad who'll never get above his station or play games with people for his own end. That's why I'd back him to the hilt on this. He did nothing wrong.

For an innocent abroad Bogue pulled off quite a coup in getting Cassidy to come outside McGuinness' tighly knit group and talk,perhaps he was too innocent to realize there would be repercussions,then again maybe not.


Talk about what though?

No one would have guessed there would be repercussions having read it. You'd maybe have been worried about other players and what they said about the season but Cassidy's was a riveting tale about his season coming back from retirement. It wasn't about Jimmy. Possibly Kevin talking about contacting motivators or personal trainers outside of Jimmy hurt McGuinness's feelings. Perhaps when he told the story of Jimmy making them all lie down in a dark room before a match whilst he chatted to them about what they have to do and some of the players nodding off to sleep with their ipods in it, irked Jimmy. It's a mystery. Other Donegal players have since gone to press this year about their remarkable dietary requirements under Jimmy and spoke of other things. Where are the boundaries? Was it because Jimmy wasn't aware of it? We'll never know.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


he did plenty wrong. he influenced one of our best players to break confidentiality. what goes on in teams and groups has to stay private to protect those within the group from being exposed and judged from outside. it's not an easy thing to be honest and transparent about your own failings within a group situation. participants need to be able to feel safe and know that they are protected. break this trust and the group is no longer a sfae and protective space. this damages the group's ability to be an honest and transparent environment and a truly reflective one that analyses what it should be analysing and seeking to improve becasue participants are afraid.

bogue may have genuinely unawares of the damage he was potentially doing in that he wasn't wilfully doing something he knew would be damaging for the squad. but this just shows he's really not that self-reflective and his ethics on the damage he was potentially doing, without the consent of the man running the show, jmcg. it would have been quite easy for him to talk to jmcg about his plans. but he plowed on regardless, only interested in his own project as opposed of those who could have been potentially affected negatively by his project. of course he can write what he likes as long as it is within article 12 human rights, he may proceed, but with caution, as it is equally jmg's rights to pull the carpet from under him and deny access on the grounds that he is acting just as lawfully and is protecting what he values, the donegal football team. 


His book wasnt about Jim McGuinness or Donegal. It was about intercounty players, one of whom was Kevin Cassidy. J McG has done fantastically, and deserves every plaudit he gets, but he needs to get over himself on this one.


wrong. bogue got a player to breach confidentiality/break team ground rules. the subject matter is coincidental. everything stays in-house without exception. thems the rules for obvious reasons and it's not difficult to understand and see the need to adhere to them. not recognising these simple facts is disingenuous.


Quote from: cadence on September 25, 2012, 08:30:29 PM
wrong. bogue got a player to breach confidentiality/break team ground rules. the subject matter is coincidental. everything stays in-house without exception. thems the rules for obvious reasons and it's not difficult to understand and see the need to adhere to them. not recognising these simple facts is disingenuous.

LOL u claiming that he used interrogation like methods to prise the info out of Cassidys mouth.  Think u may be overvaluing Declans intimidating and threatening nature .


Have the book, Jimmy's bein a tit.


Quote from: cadence on September 25, 2012, 08:30:29 PM
wrong. bogue got a player to breach confidentiality/break team ground rules. the subject matter is coincidental. everything stays in-house without exception. thems the rules for obvious reasons and it's not difficult to understand and see the need to adhere to them. not recognising these simple facts is disingenuous.

Really? Without exception? Are you privy to this information? What about any interviews given this year from Donegal players regarding training or diets? When Rory Kavanagh gave the interview about McGuinness regarding his diagrams and putting them into practice to simulate various plays as well as his dietary needs as directed by McGuinness - is that breaking ground rules?
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Tony Baloney

Quote from: cadence on September 25, 2012, 08:30:29 PM
wrong. bogue got a player to breach confidentiality/break team ground rules. the subject matter is coincidental. everything stays in-house without exception. thems the rules for obvious reasons and it's not difficult to understand and see the need to adhere to them. not recognising these simple facts is disingenuous.
But you are obviously talking shite. Jimmy didnt censure Bogue for coaxing Cassidy to break the squad omerta. He referred to "untruths", being "castigated", being "degraded as a person". Jimmy surely must have learnt, after his 30 years at college, the importance of specifically referencing quotes. Maybe you can make reference to the sections of the book he refers to.

Give and Go

I read that book closely; loved the insight into each of the teams preparations. It was end of year, all the football played and there was nothing in the book in my opinion to take such offence from. It was a great read and I think McGuinness went over the top in his demand that he be removed.
The GAA in Croker and the other journalists should have a hard look at their response.

McGuinness has been brilliant for Donegal and the game and he made a lot sense this week about Eugene McGee's football committee but he erred on this one. Looks petty and spiteful. Move on.


What goes on in the dressing room, should stay there....without exception, and especially if the manager has made it plain to ALL players that there should be no loose chat.

Its hardly Declan Bogues fault that Kevin Cassidy decided to spill the beans...its a small story that has been exaggerated because of the airtime that Jim MC gave it on Sunday. He waited along time to put the knife in. Intentional, or spur of the moment? Who knows?

Its about respect for the team - and i see jim Mcguinness position here.

But its also Declan Bogues job to find those kind of stories...to slag of journalists here is abit extreme, as it is ultimately them who give us the fodder and shite for here...theirs is a contentious job, and the less contentious they are the less interesting they are...

Personally, I find it hard to have a player talk about stuff of a team nature - especially when that player is still playing for that team - same as cavanagh punditing on the BBC about how they do things with tyrone etc...maybe slightly different, but im trying to support a point

Its all a bit of a storm in a rather large tea cup
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. but he still only has one eye


Well there are two sides to every story and so far the only side we've really seen is Bogue's. The book is an excellent read but until J McG gives his full side of the story I'll not be jumping to conclusions.

Don't understand the cynicism directed towards McGuinness, he runs a tight ship and that was apparent right from the start of his reign, why chastise the man? He's turned Donegal's fortunes around completely, he deserves nothing but praise.


Winning an All-Ireland isn't like going to confessions, Fitz.


Quite liked the book. If McGuinness thought Cassidy was breaking team guidelines then he's entitled to kick him out, but blaming the journalist is kind of petty, he's only doing his job.
Wonder if the player's in the book got any money out of it?

Dougal Maguire

Quote from: deiseach on September 24, 2012, 01:39:45 PM
Quote from: stephenite on September 24, 2012, 03:41:42 AM
An absolute disgrace. Siobhan Brady should be sacked on the spot.

I'm also really disappointed that any colleagues didn't walk out in protest - whatever about failed entities on here, professional journalists should show a bit more backbone.

The villains of this piece are definitely the hacks. I can understand Jimmy McGuinness, flush with a victory where he is getting more credit than most, trying to exact revenge on someone who angered him. And I can understand Siobhan Brady thinking when put on the spot that ejecting Delcan Bogue was the lesser of two evils. But professional journalists, constantly griping that their craft is being undermined by keyboard warriors who care nothing for the facts, should have stood up for one of their own. Shameful.

How many times do people have to be told SIOBHAN BRADY DID NOT EJECT DECLAN BOGUE This is what Bogue himself wrote in the Indo:

'After Sunday's final, I took my place in the press conference, just as I had for the quarter-final and semi-final that Donegal were involved in," Bogue revealed. "It was made known to me that Jim would not talk to reporters while I remained in the room. With their deadlines in mind, I left as discreetly as possible.'
Careful now