Gay Marriage in Scotland

Started by Applesisapples, July 17, 2012, 12:38:06 PM

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Cold tea

Quote from: stew on July 17, 2012, 11:30:09 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on July 17, 2012, 11:08:29 PM
Quote from: Main Street on July 17, 2012, 09:42:58 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on July 17, 2012, 07:43:33 PM
Whilst being fairly liberal on such matters, I don't fully understand the push to have gay 'marriage' when all of the rights and protections appear to exist under civil partnership arrangements. Is it just the name?
I'd assume there are  gay couples who have the same ambitions / dreams  to get married as anyone else, as distinct from just having their partnership legally recognised. There's a choice between a registry office marriage and willing churches.
Yes, but I'm trying to understand the difference - is it just the name?

No, it is simple really, if being a homosexual is seen as an abomination in the eyes of God how can any Christian Church perform a marriage ceremony in said christian church?

Why can't they get married in a registry office? that would seem to make sense, after all the government run such places and that way they won't cause tremendous damage to the Christian based Churches.

Religious entities have rights as well as the likes of eamon on here, they should never be forced to compromise their principles because someone wants the Church to accommodate them. eamon takes up any cause that is anti christian, that is his right, but he better not fcuk with my right to believe in the invisible man in the sky as he so eloquently puts it, if he does we are going to have serious issues!

When did God announce this, did he also say that abusing young children was an abomination, or covering it up?


Quote from: ONeill on July 18, 2012, 12:06:34 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on July 17, 2012, 11:48:42 PM
I know a few fellas in Scotland who can't wait to take a Rod up the aisle!

Don't think the Irish News read this.
Paddy Heaney has a hilarious column about it today


Quote from: The Iceman on July 17, 2012, 07:51:50 PM
I don't think we will ever get to a point where a church will be forced to accept Gay Marriage. Some protestant denominations may decide to open it's doors to it though.

I think the Catholic Church has done too little to late to protect the sanctity of the "Marriage". Although I can't agree to Gay "Marriage" I will admit that the "Marriage" has been weakened over the centuries long before Gay people wanted to use the term. It should have been a covenant between believers. I'm not sure a Wedding is today what it was once intended to be.... Half the people who get married have no interest in religion I would imagine beyond the keeping up appearances trip to Mass of a Sunday.
Add to that First Communion, Baptism, Confirmation...all about the show. But you still did not reply to my point that if you dissent even in a small way from the teaching of the church then you aren't fully suscribing which means a small majority if any given the list of sins.


Gay people have faith, they believe in God, God made them the way they are so why shouldn't they have the right to a Christian blessing? The Church quietly ignores Priests who bless the marriages and rings of divorcees. Christian faith should be based on the Gospels and not on the Old Testament which is a collection of legends, myths stories and beliefs from thousands of years ago. The God I believe in wouldn't ostracise someone for being Gay, he would sit down and break bread with them. I come back to one of my original points, as a practisng Catholic I don't believe the Church hierarchy have any moral right to preach on this issue.

The Iceman

There is too much jumping about all over the place (pardon the pun) on this thread to follow any line of thought.
This conversation should be based on the Catechism of the Church and it's teachings - this has nothing to do with the abuse cases, the cover ups or whatever else you want to throw at it. It has nothing to do with rogue priests who gave opinions contrary to Chruch teaching or Priests who "quietly" bless Divorcee's - this is all contrary to Church Teaching.

There are different sins Apples, which you would know and understand if you took your faith seriously (please I am not trying to hate anyone or be condescending, I am just tired of ill informed people throwing about crap). There is surely also a difference between sinning and seeking forgiveness and trying to not sin again - than blatantly repeating the behaviour over and over again with no remorse? So therefore you can adhere and subscribe to the rules of the church and still be a sinner. But you should not blatantly defy the rules of the Church, think you are justified and not seek forgiveness. Your statement was foolish - please give up on trying to defend it. You can't say the majority believe in something which is contrary to Church teaching -if they do then they are not part of the Church....

From what I see, the Church should give up on it's attempted ownership of the term 'marriage'. It gave it up a long time ago like I said in an earlier post. They don't have any right to the term today and will lose any battle to keep the term exclusively to Heterosexual couples. They cannot however be forced to accept Gay Marriage within the confines of their own Church and I cannot see that happening.

For some people this is a serious conversation and those of you who choose to dangle bait instead of engaging should be a bit more sensitive.

With the whole trial fiasco and outrage in Mauritius you hear so many people asking and wondering where the Harte and McAreavey families get the strength and they repeat over and over again - from our faith in God.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

EC Unique

Quote from: The Iceman on July 18, 2012, 02:35:52 PM
They cannot however be forced to accept Gay Marriage within the confines of their own Church and I cannot see that happening.

I really hope you are right there.

Cold tea

Quote from: The Iceman on July 18, 2012, 02:35:52 PM
There is too much jumping about all over the place (pardon the pun) on this thread to follow any line of thought.
This conversation should be based on the Catechism of the Church and it's teachings - this has nothing to do with the abuse cases, the cover ups or whatever else you want to throw at it. It has nothing to do with rogue priests who gave opinions contrary to Chruch teaching or Priests who "quietly" bless Divorcee's - this is all contrary to Church Teaching.

There are different sins Apples, which you would know and understand if you took your faith seriously (please I am not trying to hate anyone or be condescending, I am just tired of ill informed people throwing about crap). There is surely also a difference between sinning and seeking forgiveness and trying to not sin again - than blatantly repeating the behaviour over and over again with no remorse? So therefore you can adhere and subscribe to the rules of the church and still be a sinner. But you should not blatantly defy the rules of the Church, think you are justified and not seek forgiveness. Your statement was foolish - please give up on trying to defend it. You can't say the majority believe in something which is contrary to Church teaching -if they do then they are not part of the Church....

From what I see, the Church should give up on it's attempted ownership of the term 'marriage'. It gave it up a long time ago like I said in an earlier post. They don't have any right to the term today and will lose any battle to keep the term exclusively to Heterosexual couples. They cannot however be forced to accept Gay Marriage within the confines of their own Church and I cannot see that happening.

For some people this is a serious conversation and those of you who choose to dangle bait instead of engaging should be a bit more sensitive.

With the whole trial fiasco and outrage in Mauritius you hear so many people asking and wondering where the Harte and McAreavey families get the strength and they repeat over and over again - from our faith in God.

What drugs are you on mate - does these teachings avocate child abuse, cover ups, as for the rules of the Church it was mortal sinners who came up with these rules ffs!


Iceman it isabout allthose things. Even within the Church today teachings of the past have been quietly dropped, for example limbo. It comes down to simply...what would Christ do. I resent you saying I don't take my faith seriously because I do. However I have a faith that allows me to embrace humankind in all it's guises and not damn someone to hell for being Gay. The Church of which I am a member has lost it's moral authority, but I want to change it from within.


John 13:34-35

for those of you who take your religion seriously- the only commandment actually given by Jesus.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

The Iceman

Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to guide us as a people and a Church.
He bestowed the Keys to the Kingdom to Peter and made him the head of the Church.
The NT says the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Take up your arguments with the Church - believe what you want.....
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


Quote from: The Iceman on July 18, 2012, 04:14:01 PM
believe what you want.....

all people do, and that is what all people do
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: The Iceman on July 18, 2012, 04:14:01 PM
Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to guide us as a people and a Church.
He bestowed the Keys to the Kingdom to Peter and made him the head of the Church.
The NT says the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Take up your arguments with the Church - believe what you want.....
The church sided with Franco in the Spanish civil war and with the death squads in Nicaragua in the 1980s .
Pillar of the truth got suckered by realpolitik.


Quote from: The Iceman on July 18, 2012, 04:14:01 PM
Jesus also sent the Holy Spirit to guide us as a people and a Church.
He bestowed the Keys to the Kingdom to Peter and made him the head of the Church.
The NT says the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Take up your arguments with the Church - believe what you want.....
Why thankyou soo much for giving me that option.


You have to ask yourself why Jesus didn't marry.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: Applesisapples on July 18, 2012, 03:32:16 PM
The Church of which I am a member has lost it's moral authority, but I want to change it from within.
And how exactly does that work?