5 suggestions to improve the GAA

Started by samwin08, June 26, 2012, 04:12:40 PM

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Quote from: cadence on June 28, 2012, 09:46:43 AM
ban donegal, the tactics are negative and stupid and ignorant and it's an absolute farce they're allowed. the management also forces their players (apparently, at gun point) to train very muchly, this should not be allowed (the training very muchly, the forcing at gun point is fine, nothing in the rule book says otherwise, but i haven't checked yet, but it's plausable). and i am very muchly upset about how another individual has been treated by being dropped from the team. it should not be the manager's decion to make if he should be dropped or not, it should, of course, be given to someone else, i don't know who yet (i haven't thought this part through, but only this part).

Is the Manager allowed to pick the team?


that's why i want them banned, so we can discuss issues like this in the safest possible way. they're a danger to the game and need to be stopped. mark my words, 10 years from now, there won't be any football being played, there'll just be gym bunnies running at each other with a ball, all controlled remotely by some people who don't love the game as much as me or you. it's a disaster.   

Etienne Lantier

Quote from: samwin08 on June 26, 2012, 04:12:40 PM
1. Reduce ticket prices dramatically across the board to all games including provincial club championship games. Club championship games are family games and must be priced accordingly.
2. GAA must accept and acknowledge that supporters only attend games to support their own team and are unwilling to pay double header prices. Why pay full price for half a loaf? (Provincial finals and All Ireland finals only attract supporters from all over).
3. At current admission prices, Only charge  1/2 price to double header games as supporters either leave after their own team has played or only arrive before their team plays. e.g . . . . Look at National League finals attendance trends. Fact:  Many people, who would like to attend, don't because they are paying the full price for half a loaf!
4. Abandon Double header games in winter time e.g. Mc Kenna cup semi finals this year played as a double header. Who wishes to sit in the cold for 3/4 hours?
5. Reduce 1/2 time interval break to 10 mins for all except intercounty championship games.

As a GAA supporter that's my view.

People whinging about ticket prices really gets on my tits. Tell me how much last weekend's drinking cost you.

As a GAA supporter that's my view.


Quote from: armaghniac on June 27, 2012, 11:54:46 PM
No reason why a single web registration system could not be used by everyone.

Now... its ok for anyone on here to say that - they obviously have a computer and are comfortable with the internet.

What about the flat cap brigade who wouldn't even know how to turn them on?

Who pays to maintain the system? (The servers, software and bandwidth typically don't come cheap)

i usse an speelchekor

Etienne Lantier

What are you on about? The GAA already have a online registration system and it's used by all clubs, to the best of my knowledge.


1) Cut ticket prices to increase attendances and because they a ridiciously high - especially for the likes of the McKenna Cup. (And for the benefit of Etienne last weekends drinking cost me about £5 only. Some people are not living extragavagent life styles and simply can't afford drink or GAA tickets)
2) At least 90% of All Ireland Final tickets should go to the competiting counties - stop with the corporate tickets etc etc etc
3) The GAA should use some common sense when it comes to saturday night games - the Saturday night games should not be used for intercounty games that are quite a distance apart eg: Down & Cork. Saturday is a working day for many people (As sunday is for some too, but not as many) and they can't make it to the games unless local, so they have time to get after work etc
4) Stop playing Dublin home games in Croke Park
5) Introduce season tickets for the terraces - I don't like the stand - no atmosphere!
Down for Sam 2017 (Have already written of 2016!)