What? A whining Nordie?

Started by Benny Sweeney, March 27, 2012, 04:59:45 PM

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What a tool. I've never once bought the Independent, and I never will when ballbags like him are writing for them.


Why would any self respecting Irishman even buy a Free State rag like that anyway?


Remember the independent monday to saturday is a different paper to the sunday indo. Its the sunday rag is where all these slime balls like o doherty reside.


This whole thread is a heap of tripe. Wind-Ups are one thing but giving oxygen to the mad natterings of the like of Poxy O'Doherty  ::)
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


What does he do apart from write his column?


Was it this clown who was on the Late Late a few years bragging about how great cocaine use was?