Rogue Solider------ Yet again America

Started by theticklemister, March 11, 2012, 09:03:47 AM

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A US soldier in Afghanistan opened fire on civilians after walking off his base in the southern province of Kandahar.
Provincial governor Tooryalai Weesa told the BBC 10 people had died and five were wounded in the shooting.
The soldier is reported to have suffered a nervous breakdown before the attack. He has since surrended himself to the US military authorities.
Nato said US and Afghan officials were working together to investigate the "deeply regrettable incident".
Local tribal leaders said women, children and men were among the dead in Panjwai district.
Protests over the attack have broken out in Panjwai district, and travel to the area should be avoided, the US embassy in Kabul has said.

give her dixie

Among the dead are 9 children. No doubt reprisal attacks will occur, and coming on the back of the Koran burning, the stock value of the US and co in Afghanistan is now at an all time low. (Not that it was ever high)

Any apology from the US will be from the teeth out, as for years, they have been murdering innocent men women and children across the globe.

This weekend in Gaza, 19 people have been murdered by Israel in targeted assassinations. It started on Friday when Israel killed 2 men in a car, and the latest to die is a 12 year old boy who was killed a few hours ago.

Hillary Clinton once again backed Israel with the usual bullshit of "Israel has the right to defend itself" WTF Hillary? Do the Palestinians not have any right to defend themselves from the F16, Apache helicopter, and un manned Drones attacking them daily that you gift to Israel each year?

The middle east is hotting up once again, and the 2 main players ramping up the heat are Israel and the US. Last weeks love in at the AIPAC conference told us everything we need to know. War with Iran is coming. Brace yourself......
next stop, September 10, for number 4......