Laois v Armagh - NFL Round 5 - Sunday 18th March

Started by BennyCake, March 06, 2012, 10:31:59 PM

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That is not an informed statement. And it would have been talked about if it happened - which we dont know because we didn't see.

If it happened it would have be talked about, McNulty would have had a word with him in the dressing room, as any manager in any sport would have. McNulty would have stated that he spoke to Sheehan about the incident when doing the interview. Instead he mentioned the linesman - this in itself indicates that McNulty either dosen't have a clue about what happened or nothing actually happened.

If it did happen you would have expected McNulty to mention Sheehan's name in the interview as he was obviously the victim. But he dosen't.

Surely McNulty would have said something like..."I spoke to Sheehan at half time and he said...." But he didnt.

Dont Matter

Why would he have stated he spoke to Sheehan? Makes no difference. Obviously something happened down the tunnel, we can't be sure what exactly but it wasn't just made up.
I don't think McNulty would of commented unless he heard the story.
'Dublin is not a national problem, it's a national opportunity.'
Peter Quinn


There is no point anyone trying to exonerate McKeever on the basis that there is no video evidence so there is no proof that he did anything. That is a silly non-argument. Let's be honest here. The official didn't just make up a complete fiction. McKeever obviously wasn't standing there with his hands closed in quiet prayer. No doubt something happened and there was some contact. To say anything else would just be blinkered.

However it is unavoidable that no one has the right to come on and say even though they didn't see it that he is culpable of some atrocity. He may have punched a man in the face or he may simply have given him a wee shove. Both are technically striking offences and depending on how pedantic the official was either one would get him sent off. So without a clear report or admission it is well possible that the contact was minor and although perhaps technically "striking" it does not mean that there was definiately any violence invoved.

I think McKeever is overly aggressive and many of his challlenegs while hard are often NOT fair. But I will not hang him for something that I did not see when I have seen fussy officials complain about minor things elsewhere. I believe the offficial knows the rules and is not blind so I am sure technically he deserved a red card. But, although it might be, it does not automatically mean it was violent, dangerous or outrageous.


McNulty is sitting on the fence, he is taking a side, so you have to question what actually happened. Not that it matter, undoubtedly McKeever is going to get a lenghty ban as GAA dont question decisions.

Can any fans confirm wether or not there was a brawl in the tunnel...Im sure if a player was struck with a punch some sort of scuffle would have happened.


McNulty should perhaps keep his mouth shut. Who were the linesmen??

With only 2 league games left the returning players aren't going to have much time to bed in / get up to the pace.

Stevie Nicks

Was at the match on Sunday and was watching the players enter tunnel as I thought some of the Armagh management might approach the ref to ask why he had not awarded two clear pen decisions to Armagh, however both teams and management walked into tunnel without any alternation. I have no doubt that cmck and Sheehan could well have had a chat before reaching the dressing rooms. People talk about Ciaran's reputation and that there is no smoke without fire as far as he is concerned. What annoys me is Mr Sheehan is also no angel and find it hard to believe that he didn't warrant a chat from the referee???? Are we supposed to believe that Ciaran just walked up to the poor unfortunate Laois number 15 and kick him?? 

Throw ball

I was at the match too and there was definitely no sign of trouble in the tunnel area at half time. I was sitting next to the parents of one of the Laois players and they said they thought there was now cameras in the tunnel at Portlaoise due to the number of incidents there had been there. Maybe someone could confirm if this is right. Would also note that the referee signalled that he was sent off for a kick. The way he signalled would make me think it was more of a trip. As for Sheehan other Laois supporters said leaving the ground that if he did get hit it was not for nothing. Seems that both players have a reputation!


Youse deserve every bit of bad refereeing you get to try and even up the imposition of Hughes on the rest of us.


Quote from: oakleafgael on March 19, 2012, 10:02:12 PM
Youse deserve every bit of bad refereeing you get to try and even up the imposition of Hughes on the rest of us.

Couldn't help laughing at that one!
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Quote from: PAULD123 on March 19, 2012, 08:33:25 PM
I believe the offficial knows the rules and is not blind

That belief would have been shaken if you were actually in Portlaoise.

Those not in attendance at yesterday's game really don't understand the circumstances in which the decision to line McKeever was made. Given their judgement of a whole host of other incidents over the seventy minutes, there is every reason to question the competency of that set of officials to have made the correct call on what happened, or did not happen, at half time.


Quote from: oakleafgael on March 19, 2012, 10:02:12 PM
Youse deserve every bit of bad refereeing you get to try and even up the imposition of Hughes on the rest of us.

Ha, not too many arguments there.


Quote from: oakleafgael on March 19, 2012, 10:02:12 PM
Youse deserve every bit of bad refereeing you get to try and even up the imposition of Hughes on the rest of us.

Fair enough


AFS you seem to go a long way to say nothing definite there.
Yes, I like so many others posting here were not at the game and so have no good right to speculate on what might or might not have happened. However, it is a discussion board and we can all give our own opinions as long as we know that's all they are.

There seems to be a mutual consensus from some neutrals that both McKeever and Sheahan do tend to do their fair share of mouthing off and bending the rules to suit themselves. I know Sheahan indeed does tend to rub people up the wrong way and so if I was a gambling man I would hazard a guess that he was mouthing off the whole of the first half and so McKeever, being the sly fox that he can be, chose to take some action in the tunnel area as it would not be caught on camera or by any of the officials. Now what he did only a few people probably know and I am not one of them but for anyone to come on here and be so blinkered to say that NOTHING at all happened and that the linesman or Ref totally made it up, is just being silly.

Now this is my own opinion and I'm not on my high horse that NO Tyrone players have not done things wrong like this in the past. We know they have. Fair enough the Ref might have been a bit of a nightmare the whole game but I just don't accept that he sent him off for a wee push in the back or a wee trip walking in the tunnel.
That's just my own opinion and nothing more so of course I could be TOTALLY wrong.
I'm just a bit shocked that so many of ye Armagh lads often admitted in the past that McKeever does tend to do silly things sometimes so why not this time? Is it because he stood up to the Ref, like a bold boy at school and said NO sir. I didn't do anything.

If yer all calling the Ref and linesman liars then that is a whole different ball game.


Quote from: Fuzzman on March 19, 2012, 10:53:15 PMIf yer all calling the Ref and linesman liars then that is a whole different ball game.

Are they not human? Are they incapable of lying? We probably see lying or its ugly namesake alternative 'mistake' every week. While at times officials can make mistakes, GAA officials in particular never seem to learn from these 'mistakes' they make time and time again. Instead the idiots at te top of the GAA heirarchy are making it more difficult for the players rather than address the real issue which are the arbitary rules they have put in place.

I would be more likely to believe in the tooth fairy than believe in all GAA officials being honest.