O'Donoughue starts ranting again...

Started by neilthemac, March 16, 2007, 05:46:27 PM

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GAA club win leave to fight single use

SOCCER/Shamrock Rovers' stadium: One of Dublin's oldest GAA clubs have been permitted by the High Court to bring a legal challenge to a decision that the stadium proposed to be the new home of Shamrock Rovers be developed as a soccer-only venue.

The Thomas Davis club of Tallaght want to overturn South Dublin County Council's decision of February 13th, 2006 that the 6,000-seat stadium at Whitestown Way, Tallaght, should be completed for soccer only.

That decision was in accordance with a proposal of the county manager made in 2005. However, after a public consultation process and following a recommendation by the Tallaght Area Committee in November 2005, the manager's proposal was altered to one in favour of a multi-sport stadium, involving the development of a larger pitch suitable for Gaelic games.

The council on December 12th, 2005, unanimously adopted a resolution in favour of that proposal.

However, after the council were told that Minister for Sports John O'Donoghue would provide funding only for a soccer stadium, on February 13th, 2006, they passed a resolution which reverted to the original proposal.

The Thomas Davis club sought leave from the High Court to bring a judicial review challenge to that decision.

In opposing the application, South Dublin County Council and Shamrock Rovers had argued that Thomas Davis had no substantial interest in the matter and were not prejudiced by the decision. It was also argued it was never intended the club would have access to the stadium.

In his reserved judgment yesterday, Mr Justice Iarfhlaith O'Neill said the council decision of February 13th, 2006, individually and exclusively affected the GAA club. The stadium was in the club's area and the GAA club was the most likely to derive the most immediate and frequent benefit from access to the stadium, the judge said. It had established a "substantial interest" in the case and had raised the necessary "substantial" grounds required for leave to be given for judicial review of planning decisions.

On the face of it, the loss of the possibility of any use of the stadium as a result of the February 2006 decision would appear to be a substantial detriment to the Thomas Davis GAA Club. However, the development, if carried out under the December 12th, 2005, resolution, would have a significant potential benefit to the club, he said.

© 2007 The Irish Times


So Dublinfella, when you first came on here you said they'd be more or less laughed out of court, now no doubt you're conviced the judge is a fool, but he says that have substantial grounds for complaint. Could it be that you're opinions are totally blinkered against the GAA point of view? The way you take every single point as proof that TD are just trying to keep soccer out would  suggest as much.

Seems to me It's time for the mininster to compromise I would have thought. That way Rovers wll get access to the new stadium and Dublin GAA get the use of a stadium in south dublin wihtout having to build a whole new stadium from scratch, it's the sensible option. Otherwise this could drag of for years, the 20th of April date is only to set the format of the judicial review. SORT IT OUT MINISTER!!!


Quote from: dublinfella on March 19, 2007, 05:50:50 PM
Again Deiseach, basic stuff. TD are taking leave for a judicial review, the application was adjourned till tuesday because some emergency case came up. The sumbissions have to at least be heard for the judge to theow it out.There is a significant chance it will be thrown out on Tuesday,with the possibility that the judge will retire for a week to decide if the case has merit enough to warrant a judicial review. I'm more confident than ever that this will be given short shrift as the timewaste that it, especially as it appears TD scored a serious own goal in the opeing submissions.



Thomas Davis statement:

"We are pleased that the High Court has granted leave for our judicial review against the March 2006 planning decision of the South Dublin County Coucil to proceed.

"This outcome confirms that there are substantial grounds for the position which Thomas Davis have taken on this matter and also makes it clear that whoever else may be responsible for the delays caused over the past 12 months to the completion of the Tallaght Stadium, it is not Thomas Davis.

"However, there are no victories in this process. In our view, Thomas Davis and the GAA community, Shamrock Rovers and their supporters, and the entire community in Tallaght are all victims of the totally intransigent and untenable position that has been adopted by the Minister for Arts, Sports and Tourism, John O'Donoghue, in relation to the stadium. Ultimately the Minister's position will have to change.

"Our objective is to ensure that the stadium is developed to the benefit of the entire community in Tallaght including the GAA, but recognising the priority use of the stadium by Shamrock Rovers. We have been pursuing a number of measures to give life to this objective in recent weeks and will be up-scaling these efforts in the weeks ahead and thereafter while we await the substantive planning point coming before the court."

Executive Committe Thomas Davis GAA club


Quote from: tayto on March 31, 2007, 12:14:01 PM

Thomas Davis statement:

"........"Our objective is to ensure that the stadium is developed to the benefit of the entire community in Tallaght including the GAA, but recognising the priority use of the stadium by Shamrock Rovers. We have been pursuing a number of measures to give life to this objective in recent weeks and will be up-scaling these efforts in the weeks ahead and thereafter while we await the substantive planning point coming before the court."

Executive Committe Thomas Davis GAA club
What a reasonable and common sense attitude.?
I notice Soccerfella has vanished :P GOOD RIDDANCE
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


I was away for the weekend and not online.

My understanding of the judges ruling is that he said that the second vote allowing 'multi sport' usage within TD's parish area means they have an interest in the case, something they werent even arguing.

He also went on to say that he realises the stadium will not be built to GAA size but thats not his call.

All in all a serious result for TD, but to be fair, head scratching logic from the judge. He awarded them a review on a point they didnt raise.

All the judge did was rule TD are entitled to bring a case as they are affected by a soccer ground in theur area, he didnt touch their actual gripe. That comes next where TD have to show how a reversal of a decision back to an original plan is illegal under section 8 planning law, something i still remain highly sceptical they can do.



Quote from: dublinfella on April 02, 2007, 12:38:00 AM
I was away for the weekend and not online.

My understanding of the judges ruling is that he said that the second vote allowing 'multi sport' usage within TD's parish area means they have an interest in the case, something they werent even arguing.

He also went on to say that he realises the stadium will not be built to GAA size but thats not his call.

All in all a serious result for TD, but to be fair, head scratching logic from the judge. He awarded them a review on a point they didnt raise.

All the judge did was rule TD are entitled to bring a case as they are affected by a soccer ground in theur area, he didnt touch their actual gripe. That comes next where TD have to show how a reversal of a decision back to an original plan is illegal under section 8 planning law, something i still remain highly sceptical they can do.

head-scratching logic? Yep, but I wouldn't level that accusation at the judge. Your post above on the other hand..........


Hardly surprising that he can put spin on it, he's spun every single point so far. amasing to see. Now TD really don't srtand a chance eh. They've really blown it.


dublinfella, read td's statement and if that not good enough for you and the rest of scamrock rovers to sit down and COMPROMISE then ye deserve every bit of the delay thats coming your way....


Anybody fancy a spot the difference competition?

Jan 28, 2004


" Sports Minister John O'Donoghue said the landmark decision would bring Ireland's national sporting infrastructure into the 21st century.  He said a decision on Croke Park was entirely a matter for the GAA, but emphasised Gaelic games would be welcome in the new stadium. "


Wednesday April 4th 2007


"I've said it before, agreement was reached originally that this stadium in Tallaght would be a home for Shamrock Rovers. I gave Shamrock Rovers my word that this would be the case. That remains the position. I am not going to break my word because to do so would be quite wrong," he said.

Yeah John, we all know how much your word was worth the first time.
Why is it suddenly so sacred now?

Voters of South Kerry - show solidarity with the GAA and kick him out.


 Indo - 04.04.07
Minister not for turning on Tallaght

Embattled Sports Minister John O'Donoghue has insisted he won't break his word with Shamrock Rovers over the use of the municipal stadium in Tallaght.

A successful application by the Thomas Davis GAA club in Tallaght to the High Court paved the way last week for a judicial review of the terms that govern the use of the stadium.

But the Minister is not concerned about what conclusions the judicial review could draw and has again urged Dublin GAA to forget about Tallaght and look to Rathcoole, where a considerable land bank has been built up.

Speaking in Croke Park at the official opening of the Breaffy International Sports Hotel near Castlebar, Mr O'Donoghue said it was "extraordinary" that he had been portrayed as 'anti-GAA' in some quarters.

The Thomas Davis club had criticised Mr O'Donoghue last week for taking up an "intransigent and untenable position" on the Tallaght stadium and said this would "have to change."

The judicial review will examine the terms of the March 2006 planning permission granted by south Dublin County Council, which allows for a soccer-only facility.

"A judicial review examines the processes by which a decision was made and they will now be examined by the court, and that's fair enough," said O'Donoghue yesterday.

"We are not a part of these proceedings at all. They are between Thomas Davis club and south Dublin Co Council.

"I've said it before, agreement was reached originally that this stadium in Tallaght would be a home for Shamrock Rovers. I gave Shamrock Rovers my word that this would be the case. That remains the position. I am not going to break my word because to do so would be quite wrong," he said.

O'Donoghue reiterated his view that another League of Ireland club would be housed in Tallaght at the exclusion of any GAA activity.

He urged the GAA clubs, and by extension Dublin County Board, to consider developing Rathcoole as an alternative, and promised discussions about possible financial support.

"I have said it again and again - the GAA has 25 or 26 acres at Rathcoole. I'm perfectly prepared to enter into discussions with the GAA, at a time of their choosing, with a view to developing a facility there for Thomas Davis and other GAA clubs in Tallaght.

"I want to ensure that there is an opportunity for Gaelic players in the Tallaght area at the most convenient location, but what I can't do is go back on my word to Shamrock Rovers." He said his relationship with the GAA was "excellent" and he had "no problem whatsoever" with the organisation.

On the subject of criticism over his stance, he was less tolerant. "I come from a GAA background. I was chairman of a local GAA club in Kerry for some years. I'm immersed in the GAA. The criticism of my position from peripheral GAA sources to me seems quite extraordinary.

"That's a personal matter - it is irrelevant in an overall context. What is important here is that we gave our word and we are going to keep it."

Colm Keys

peripheral GAA sources -- best description of kennedy i have ever heard.

this is getting surreal. for a minister of the republic to get threatened by a small club for sticking with a legal agreement with shamrock rovers is hetting sinister. has one politician lent support to the gaa position on this despite intense lobbying? the respose to the herald today from td was pathetic. now their line is john p'donoghuw is irrelevant and hasnt the power to stop the gaa getting in. a week after they abused him for blocking their god given right to shit on soccer.
TD are starting to seriously lose the PR war with this nonsense. people need to take a step back and look at this rationally.

snatter in his little competition is of course ignoring the fact that gaelic games are welcome in the stadium. tedius thing facts.



Quotesnatter in his little competition is of course ignoring the fact that gaelic games are welcome in the stadium. tedius thing facts.

So the GAA are welcome in Lansdowne? News to me. Probably news to O'Donoghjue / irfu / fai as well.
If so, how? when the pitch is too small for gaelic games?

If you had bothered to read the first article you would see that "the stadium" refers to lansdowne, not the freebie tallaght you fraudsters are getting.

Explain, oh wise and unblinkered one!

Ah, but I forgot, you never bother to read articles, or deal facts.


dublinroverssoccerfella, were you drunk or just angry when you wrote that?

Davis' a small club? Really? It seems to me like they're doing a fine job of digging in their heels for a 'small' club.

roversman, if you knew anything about the GAA, in terms of the community they're located in, there is no such thing as a small club. But then you don't know anything about the GAA now, do you?


Guys its official, roverssoccerultrasfella has gone over the edge.
Hes on the shamrock rovers ultras thread defending the "Thomas Davis GAC, f**k OFF AND DIE" banners at the rovers games.

Lost the plot altogether