US Presidential Election 2012

Started by thejuice, January 03, 2012, 12:33:33 PM

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QuoteDo you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
    Christian: 24
    Muslim: 39
    Not sure: 37

    Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
    Was born in U.S.: 36
    Not born in U.S.: 36
    Not sure: 28

    Do you believe in evolution, or not?
    Believe in evolution: 41
    Do not: 43
    Not sure: 16

Ignorance is bliss


I'm quite impressed with Obama's support for gay marriages. Whether he does anything about is a different matter. It's basically handing the lunatic wing Republicans a rope so they can hang their own party.

What'll be next, he'll openly endorse the teaching of evolution as fact in all schools or maybe banning creationism?
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: thejuice on May 10, 2012, 10:58:48 AM
I'm quite impressed with Obama's support for gay marriages. Whether he does anything about is a different matter. It's basically handing the lunatic wing Republicans a rope so they can hang their own party.

There's loads of lunatics with votes he's just after losing.

Granted he'll be getting the pink vote to offset this. California is in the (hand)bag!


They were never going to vote for him anyway. All this is doing is keeping the Republicans ugly side on show. This, the democrats hope will prevent much debate on the economy.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: thejuice on May 10, 2012, 10:58:48 AM
I'm quite impressed with Obama's support for gay marriages. Whether he does anything about is a different matter. It's basically handing the lunatic wing Republicans a rope so they can hang their own party.

What'll be next, he'll openly endorse the teaching of evolution as fact in all schools or maybe banning creationism?

He has changed his tune on gay marriage
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


About time he showed some balls and confirmed his support for gay marriage. If it costs him the votes of some bigots, so what?


Quote from: thejuice on May 10, 2012, 10:58:48 AM
I'm quite impressed with Obama's support for gay marriages. Whether he does anything about is a different matter. It's basically handing the lunatic wing Republicans a rope so they can hang their own party.

What'll be next, he'll openly endorse the teaching of evolution as fact in all schools or maybe banning creationism?

The problem is that the federal govt has decided it is a state issue and has no say over it. In this day and age you would think people would be more tolerant.
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Of course,

I am just looking at it as a strategy to win an election. But I don't expect anything from it. That's all it is. Its a bone thrown at the Republicans now watch them rolling on the floor and gnashing their teeth.

Obama's a good campaigner but as a president not so much.

It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: thejuice on May 11, 2012, 09:26:21 AM

Obama's a good campaigner but as a president not so much.

still better than the crappy alternative candidate...
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


I'm not sure his announcement on gay marriage will have any significant impact electorally. It might turn off a few more 'conservative' Democrats, but not many. It's not as if gay people were voting in numbers for the Republicans, so it won't steal votes from there. The most it's likely to do is encourage some gay voters who might otherwise have stayed at home.


Get them to come out, so to speak?


It may not affect too many individual votes but it could affect enthusiasm and turn out. If the Republicans can get the evangelical voters fired up about "Obama is going to force everyone to accept gay marriage" then they may turn out in greater numbers.


The evangelical/conservative type would have a pretty robust voter turn out as it stands.