Started by Joxer, November 03, 2011, 09:37:16 AM

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And for the record Winnie, league tables are a pile of pish IMO. What does 193rd mean anyway? UUJ excels at some things and Queen's at others. Both are great universities. Queen's is part of the Russell Group which claims to be the top20 UK universities at research. Does that make them better than all the rest of the non-Russell Group universities? Not according to plenty of other league tables, not least the QS World University Rankings. Queen's and UUJ serve different (albeit overlapping) markets and both serve them very well. And "markets" is the new reality. And sport is an important facet of that marketing.

I have really only heard these superior/inferior taunts between Queen's and UUJ among Gah heads. It's a tribal thing, like Derry and Tyrone ones fighting over who is the more inbred. And for the record, Tyrone are well ahead of Derry in the Sunday Times Inbred league Table. <duck> Always have been </duck> :D


QuoteInsightful contribution there AhJaysusRef 

Did you get a big UCAS Tariff Points reduction then?

You went searching through my old posts.

Your too paltry to be a loser.

I want to be on you.


Let's be honest lads nobody really gives a flyin fcuk about which is the best University. Depending on what course you do a degree is not worth a whole lot anymore. If I knew now what I did then there would have been a whole lot of things done differently!!

It's just a stick Queen's players use to beat the Jtown ones with given the fact they'll let any dimwit into the University as long as they can kick ball!


Quote from: AhJaysusRef on November 29, 2011, 02:18:10 PM
QuoteInsightful contribution there AhJaysusRef 

Did you get a big UCAS Tariff Points reduction then?

You went searching through my old posts.

Your too paltry to be a loser.

I want to be on you.

Ah Jaysus. You're serious, aren't you? Well, all I can do is apologise then. I have never knowingly read a post of yours before or after in my life. It was just an off-the-cuff retort, not a heavily researched personal attack. I am sorry if UCAS Tariff Points is a sensitive personal issue. I should be more aware and will be more careful in future. Some of my best friends have low UCAS Points. What can I say, maybe there should be a minimum UCAS Points Tariff for going on the internet?

As for the rest of your post. I am speechless. I really am. But I have a nagging doubt that you're not a Monty Python fan are you?


I could reply to your idiotic sly digs but I couldn't be bothered because I honestly don't care.  ;D


Lads, many of you are completely missing the point on this thread. Nobody really cares which college or University is best, nobody actually even mentioned it till Stronghold started throwing his toys out of the pram. The issue being discussed was the fact that some colleges (or at least their GAA clubs) have zero integrity, they rip the piss, break rules year in year out and Yes UUJ are top of the pile where this is concerned. They have been at it for a generation now. The problem is that whilst many college GAA clubs are student led (like Trinity, Queens, UCG, UCC) but a few others like DCU and UUJ have a few aging "eternal students" in charge who are obssesed with their neighbouring colleges and getting one over on them. You will then have people like Stronghold on here telling lies. The best defence he has is saying that others are at it too and pretending to be someone else who has no connection to UUJ yet knows what every player has for breakfast! Pathetic.
I have no doubt UUJ is a great college, no-one argued that despite Strongholds tears, it's their lack of integrity I have a problem with and the fact that they have no-marks running the thing giving them all a bad name.


The only think UUJ are no 1 at is letting the dodos in. You could have 3 D's at A-level but as long as you can kick a ball you're guaranteed to get on your first choice course. Heard a fella this year got well bellow the min entry-requirements but because he played county minor he got onto his first choice course no bother!


Fair play to him!

Man Marker

Quote from: fitzroyalty on November 30, 2011, 12:03:34 PM
The only think UUJ are no 1 at is letting the dodos in. You could have 3 D's at A-level but as long as you can kick a ball you're guaranteed to get on your first choice course. Heard a fella this year got well bellow the min entry-requirements but because he played county minor he got onto his first choice course no bother!

If true, its brilliant and about time to that the GAA gives our young lads a bit of leverage. Thats is Jordanstown credit.


Quote from: Man Marker on November 30, 2011, 01:32:20 PM
Quote from: fitzroyalty on November 30, 2011, 12:03:34 PM
The only think UUJ are no 1 at is letting the dodos in. You could have 3 D's at A-level but as long as you can kick a ball you're guaranteed to get on your first choice course. Heard a fella this year got well bellow the min entry-requirements but because he played county minor he got onto his first choice course no bother!

If true, its brilliant and about time to that the GAA gives our young lads a bit of leverage. Thats is Jordanstown credit.

No it's not! Why should somebody skate through life just because they are decent at football. What about people who studied hard to meet the minimum entry requirement only to be told a course is over subscribed... I'd be sick if that happened to me!!


Is college football overrated or rather the importance of it overstated by the colleges?  Its not like the US say where college sport is a huge money spinner or their is a progression from it into the professional sport ie College sport is main recruiting ground.

College football is all about one knock-out competition and seems to have really risen in self-importance in recent years, with colleges going all out to recruit players rather than playing with what they have.

Man Marker

We'll have to disagree on that one, I think that its about time being a good GAA brought benefits. Its been happening to soccer and Ruby players for years, GAA players south of the boarder have been getting these benefits for years. Its about time our northern players got additional recognition to help their careers.


Fair play to Queens tonight best team won in the fresher B replay.
But some people are talking a serious amount of shite on this tread either from an ignorant or blinded point of view.  I stated that I have a son at UUJ and a daughter at Queens at the minute.  I went to Coleraine but after some time in private industry I am now a senior lecturer at UUJ and have a great interest in gaelic games.
So for all those, who obviously don't know how a University works or believes everything idiots tell them.  No-one but no-one gets into any University in the North for an undergraduate course with points below the minimum entry. Doesn't matter who you are or who you play football for, it simply cannot happen.  It is against the law and no registrar in any University can break these rules. 
DCU, UUJ, Waterford and Maynooth all operate elite athlete systems but for all of these you must have the course entry requirements. Also for those uninformed out there, under GAA rules you must also have the course entry requirements to play in Higher Education competitions.
Some people are show showing a serious lack of intelligence in the Higher Education system in Northern Ireland and insulting to the registration staff within the University.
I think it is totally wrong for an individual to smear another University or to makeup wild unfounded and spurious rumours.
There are no colleges or Universities any better or worse than any other.  It looks however for some people jealousy has a lot to do with it, rather than fact.


Quote from: stronghold on November 30, 2011, 09:38:40 PM
Fair play to Queens tonight best team won in the fresher B replay.
But some people are talking a serious amount of shite on this tread either from an ignorant or blinded point of view.  I stated that I have a son at UUJ and a daughter at Queens at the minute.  I went to Coleraine but after some time in private industry I am now a senior lecturer at UUJ and have a great interest in gaelic games.
So for all those, who obviously don't know how a University works or believes everything idiots tell them.  No-one but no-one gets into any University in the North for an undergraduate course with points below the minimum entry. Doesn't matter who you are or who you play football for, it simply cannot happen.  It is against the law and no registrar in any University can break these rules. 
DCU, UUJ, Waterford and Maynooth all operate elite athlete systems but for all of these you must have the course entry requirements. Also for those uninformed out there, under GAA rules you must also have the course entry requirements to play in Higher Education competitions.
Some people are show showing a serious lack of intelligence in the Higher Education system in Northern Ireland and insulting to the registration staff within the University.
I think it is totally wrong for an individual to smear another University or to makeup wild unfounded and spurious rumours.
There are no colleges or Universities any better or worse than any other.  It looks however for some people jealousy has a lot to do with it, rather than fact.

Oh stronghold stronghold:


"Under the Elite Athlete Entry Scheme, the University of Ulster allows a reduction in the points required for entry to full-time undergraduate courses.  For the academic year 2012-13 successful applicants to the Scheme will be offered a reduction in entrance requirements of 40 UCAS Tariff Points or the equivalent in other accepted entrance qualifications.!"


LOL ah Stronghold, so now you are a senior lecturer?!  ::) Sure we can't believe a word you say. You havent even the basic intelligence to make sure your porkies are consistant.  :P
The world and his mother knows that UUJ pull in players every year (I know a player who was approached and noted the offerings!) yet you consistantly come on here denying the fact. Less of the oul senior lecturer, I have a daughter at Queen's nonsense (what has that got to do with anything anyway) and just let lads apply to the college if they want to go there. By approaching players you simply underline your own lack of confidence in the fact that players actually don't want to go there without these incentives and dropping grades and the likes.