Dale Farm-The Eviction Live!!!

Started by cicfada, October 19, 2011, 09:48:24 AM

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 Looking at the eviction live now on Sky news, must be great for the media to have all this going on live with  protestors and cops to film as they battle it out! A dissapointingly  low  amount of flaking going on! A few clips of lads being arrested and moved on!! Looks like they are waiting for something to happen before they properly move in! Only around 40 or 50 activists in the  camp now They are on now about the 100 children who will have to move out of the encampment! I mean it's their parents who made the decision to move illegally into Dale Farm in the first place isn't it??


Quote from: cicfada on October 19, 2011, 09:48:24 AM
Looking at the eviction live now on Sky news, must be great for the media to have all this going on live with  protestors and cops to film as they battle it out! A dissapointingly  low  amount of flaking going on! A few clips of lads being arrested and moved on!! Looks like they are waiting for something to happen before they properly move in! Only around 40 or 50 activists in the  camp now They are on now about the 100 children who will have to move out of the encampment! I mean it's their parents who made the decision to move illegally into Dale Farm in the first place isn't it??

Apparently a lot of the travellers are Irish. 


There is a very interesting debate on the guardian site. A lot of anti traveller sentiment as well. 

•   Miamijim
19 October 2011 8:51AM

The area was not green belt...., when the land was operated as a scrap yard, basildon council would bring in tons of hardcore which they used to turn the ground into brownfield. The cars were then stored on this brownfield site which Basildon council itself created.
The issue we have here is that many influential people have coerced Basildon council into evicting these people from the area, I believe the plan is to turn the area into an energy sub station, the council have been paid off to move these people and have used the high court to do it. The council themselves are at fault in the first instance for turning the original greenbelt land into Brownfield and then letting it be sold in a private sale to the travelers.

•   bluebellnutter
19 October 2011 8:53AM

This is making me ashamed to call myself British. Even the United Nations has spoken out against this.
Do you think we can have some regime change please? Starting with the twerp at the top of Basildon council, who has sacrificed jobs, libraries and many local services for this pathetic and vindictive vanity project.
Typical Tory.
(P.S. Anyone saying they are pleased with this, I do so hope you will be more than happy to welcome them into your neighbourhood or garden. Because to do otherwise would make you a hypocrite among other things)

•    Giffard
19 October 2011 8:46AM

Would have thought that there'd be quite a bit of unused space at Balmoral, Buckingham palace or Sandringham. Seems a shame to see it go unused for most of the year.

•    disciple4d
19 October 2011 8:43AM

Finally the police are cracking down on planning violations! I can't move for the riot squads bursting in and knocking down illegal loft conversions and extensions in our neighbourhood this morning!
This is as much about breaking planning laws, as the Iraq war was about WMDs.
People break planning laws every day. They own the land, just as most of the people breaking planning laws do. This is about people not liking travellers.
The planning laws are just a way of enforcing that prejudice in a legal manner. Whether it is moral or not is in the eye of the beholder. I have no particular love of travellers, but spending a huge amount of time and effort kicking them off land they own, is not a direction I want our country to go in.

•    Kelorth
19 October 2011 8:42AM

How much has this cost US the TAX payer???? Pikey scum, my partners and I are having a total nightmare getting planning permission through for a dinky conservatory ffs, so tough s**t, and for all those idiots that support them, then put your money where your mouth is, and let these travellers pitch a caravan up in your back garden.

19 October 2011 8:40AM

The hatred direct at travellers on this thread is manifest. It's runs through almost every post that supports the evictions. It's as though some deeper malaise is being giving scope, an absence of empathy or concern that borders on the sociopathic. It's certainly deeply racist. On a simply human level, people are being evicted, violently. The glee that some posters express at other people being made homeless is palpable. Nice.


There's a protestor/activist  on  the TV now, saying that the travellers are right to be there illegally as  80% of travellers planning permission applications are  refused!!!   Cranes,  cherry pickers and diggers at the ready  to move in!  in "


should have left them alone... hey are only gonna go somewhere else and wreak havoc


lavey's finest


Christ I'd love to be there kicking the shite outta some of the knackers.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.

Agent Orange


The Guardian have been following up on what happened to one of the Irish families who were
evicted from Dale Farm even though they have 3 sites inside the compound


The knackers are Basildon council.