Steve Jobs RIP

Started by seafoid, October 06, 2011, 09:23:52 AM

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Sure Christy Cooney turned hundreds of thousands of supporters, volunteers and members into 'Patrons'. Customers are a piece of piss.


Great speech from Jobs here :

Well worth the 15 Mins ..



I'm more impressed with his Pixar work.

Anyways I guess no matter how influential you are or how many bucks you have in the bank, Cancer can still strike and be a brutal disease.

RIP Steve.

Main Street

He can't take his billions with him either, can he?
Death is a great leveller, all the same.


thought this as a good piece from him:

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving ony what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."


When I was a teenager I always dreamt of having a jukebox in my house. Stereo had been around a while, Dolby Sound was new, Hi-Fis were very new, and all the cool guys could give you a spec as long as your arm as to what sound systems they would have in their houses. In my tiny mind, I was cooler though because the jukebox in my house always trumped them. And I didn't have to quote any spec.

Jobs put a gigantic jukebox in my pocket. Then he put one in my phone. How cool was that?

This was after he put a computer on my desk.

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on October 06, 2011, 01:33:51 PM
When I was a teenager I always dreamt of having a jukebox in my house. Stereo had been around a while, Dolby Sound was new, Hi-Fis were very new, and all the cool guys could give you a spec as long as your arm as to what sound systems they would have in their houses. In my tiny mind, I was cooler though because the jukebox in my house always trumped them. And I didn't have to quote any spec.

Jobs put a gigantic jukebox in my pocket. Then he put one in my phone. How cool was that?

This was after he put a computer on my desk.

Yeah, but you can't lean against the jukebox in your pocket and drink sasparilla as you click your fingers. You were on a happy days kick.


Quote from: AZOffaly on October 06, 2011, 01:38:04 PM
Quote from: muppet on October 06, 2011, 01:33:51 PM
When I was a teenager I always dreamt of having a jukebox in my house. Stereo had been around a while, Dolby Sound was new, Hi-Fis were very new, and all the cool guys could give you a spec as long as your arm as to what sound systems they would have in their houses. In my tiny mind, I was cooler though because the jukebox in my house always trumped them. And I didn't have to quote any spec.

Jobs put a gigantic jukebox in my pocket. Then he put one in my phone. How cool was that?

This was after he put a computer on my desk.

Yeah, but you can't lean against the jukebox in your pocket and drink sasparilla as you click your fingers. You were on a happy days kick.

Not sure which particular planet I was on at the time.
MWWSI 2017


Ipod, Ipad and iphone have provided massive technological advances and he changed computing, the mobile phone and internet and probably music forever.

I'm not an apple fanboy. They've made technology much more accessible and appealing to the mass market and that was their great success in my view. Androids etc have went the way they have went though due to being forced to by apple developments.

Definitely the man had great vision and innovation and fair play to him for that. RIP.

It will be interesting, morbidly I suppose, to see what impact losing him will have on Apple. iPhone 4s announcement suggests a bad impact...


It's great to have a personal jukebox but will he be remembered in 50 years' time ?
Cluxton's free kick, on the other hand, is immortal.

Main Street

What will Apple do?
They will milk the publicity for all its worth, they will release a Steve Jobs special Mac which will include his greatest hits, also include a memoriam affirmation type application , designed to inspire you to overcome the imposed shackles of your environment.


Well, he won the race to cloud computing.

I'll get my coat.
MWWSI 2017

Main Street


Apple (never mind Jobs) didn't give us the MP3 player. Or the smart phone. Or the personal computer, for that matter*. Granted they did invent the yoke that's too big to be a phone, too powerless to be a computer, too big to put in your pocket ... but they put an "i" before the name of that electronic notepad and made a fortune out of it. That's genius, but it's the genius of P.T. Barnum.

*The first personal computer was developed by my old friend and employer, Mers Kutt.