Keith Duggan gets stuck into the Sunday Game panel

Started by Jinxy, September 03, 2011, 02:59:04 PM

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I think it's mentioned elsewhere but it merits it's own thread.
It's not before time someone called them out.
If you were any use you'd be playing.

NP 76

Great article hits the nail on the head with his comparissons of each pundit from sundays game to their own careers but different eras which makes it hard to compare


so does to wrongs make a right?no matter what way you dress it up and try and compare from mathes in the past nothing gets past the point that last sundays match was the worst match to be ever played in croke park,those example of matches were one offs and totally unlike donegal who played exactly the same every match they played this year,  i said it at half time and i will say it again if donegal had got to the final i would have missed the first final in 20 years and every other neutral beside was saying exactly the same so brolly,Spillane and O'Rourke were only saying what everybody else was thinking.and all this conspiracy crap about bias towards Dublin is just pure B S and just lazy journalism IMO.



Quote from: isourboydownyet on September 03, 2011, 03:24:05 PM
so does to wrongs make a right?no matter what way you dress it up and try and compare from mathes in the past nothing gets past the point that last sundays match was the worst match to be ever played in croke park,those example of matches were one offs and totally unlike donegal who played exactly the same every match they played this year,  i said it at half time and i will say it again if donegal had got to the final i would have missed the first final in 20 years and every other neutral beside was saying exactly the same so brolly,Spillane and O'Rourke were only saying what everybody else was thinking.and all this conspiracy crap about bias towards Dublin is just pure B S and just lazy journalism IMO.

Agree 100%. Hand picking a few bad games and low scoring games from the past does not have anything to do with this game in which 1 team plays 14 men behind the ball.


To be honest, I think he's looking at the analysis of the Donegal game as the straw that broke the camels back.
Spillane is at the same craic every week.
Constantly running down players and teams, saying they don't have the basic skills and spend too much time in the gym.
It's the tried and tested RTE model, be it Gaelic games, soccer or rugby.
Employ pundits to say controversial things, ruffle a few feathers and get the great unwashed chattering.
Spillanes nonsense about "Shi'ite football" was a contemptible piece of soundbite manufacturing, even by his own pathetic standards.
Newstalk have shown how the games can and should be presented.
Intelligent, young, enthusiastic contributors and analysts that actually provide some genuine insight.
No ham-fisted attempts at yokelry, no irrelevant facts about where the players great-grandparents are from.
I can guarantee you'll never hear the phrase 'kick-passing' on Newstalk.
The Sunday Game is geared towards the older generation and people with only a passing interest in the games.
That approach has a limited life-span in an age where there are hundreds of thousands of young, educated people playing and watching the games, who are tired of the same tired old rubbish week in week out.
If the Newstalk lads ever get a television platform to work off, they'll wipe TSG out.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Fantastic read the Sunday game panel have short memories.
Is the ref going to finally blow his whistle?... No, he's going to blow his nose


Keith Duggan's from Donegal isn't he? or am I mistaken.

Croí na hÉireann

Read that article this morning and found myself nodding to myself as I read through it. Brolly is the only one on TSG who provides a bit of insight and fed up to the back teeth of Spillane and his kick passing. Davis is infuriating to listen to as well, it's just a stream of unconsious thoughts that flow out of his gob, which is an unmistakable Cork trait. He wouldn't even let Jason Ryan finish his point the other night before butting in with his waffle. Toss up between himself and Marty for most annoying gobdaw in RTE.
Westmeath - Home of the Christy Ring Cup...


I think his overall point is correct. If Donegal came out and played a 15 v 15 man game the last day they wouldn't have stood a chance. In fact if they played that way they wouldn't be in a semi if we judge them on their last 20 yrs worth of performance.

McGuinness set them up they way he thought got the most out of them. And he's not far wrong. People can call it negative and that ideally its not the way to play football but Donegal don't exist in an ideal world. And Lacey going off was probably a bigger turning point than the sending off but got very little coverage.

And for Spillane to call it Shi'ite and war crimes and stuff like that is insensitive and insulting to a large minority of people. I can't believe he gets away with this cringeworthy stuff that passes as analysis.

Also history has turned the Meath team of O'Rourke's era into heroes despite a style of playing that was distasteful too many. Why is that? Because the won? Or because of a Leinster bias? I don't know.

Donegal aren't the harbingers of Armeggedon any more than Tyrone or Armagh or Meath or anyone else. Generally the best team in the country wins the AI and every other one tries their best along the way but ultimately they fail. And for whats its worth I believe we do have the two best teams in the country in the AI final.

the Deel Rover

Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on September 03, 2011, 04:35:42 PM
Keith Duggan's from Donegal isn't he? or am I mistaken.

Yes pretty sure he is Gbb. But his article is spot on and they definately lack class, sitting above in their studio getting their money and having a go at players . Jesus some sunday's it like watching Curley , larry and Moe with the three of them trying to out do each other talking shite 
Crossmolina Deel Rovers
All Ireland Club Champions 2001


Duggan is from Domnegal but he is also an advocate for the little man and the underdog. Just read "House of Pain and you'll see his affinity with the under achiever.

Wonderful bit of writing.... it was the ABC of journalism... articulate, had bullocks and a bit of class.

One crucial thing to be remembered here is that McGuinness and Donegal are not in the entertainment business.... Spillane et al are.

The three amigos in the studio have an paid obligation to provide some for of entertainment for the masses but McGuinness and Donegal do not have any obligation to entertain the three amigos.

The did what they felt they had to do in order to achieve as much as they felt they were capable of doing.

In my book.... job well done Donegal..... and I am sure that if Jim McGuinness was relived of his duties in Donegal tomorrow more than one county board chairman would be making a call to Glenties to see how the waters lie.


unfortunately duggan will have to go down as yet another journalist who is incapable of addressing a subject in a dispassionate manner. Awful article.


Quote from: irunthev on September 03, 2011, 05:08:31 PM
Duggan is from Domnegal but he is also an advocate for the little man and the underdog. Just read "House of Pain and you'll see his affinity with the under achiever.

Wonderful bit of writing.... it was the ABC of journalism... articulate, had bullocks and a bit of class.

One crucial thing to be remembered here is that McGuinness and Donegal are not in the entertainment business.... Spillane et al are.

The three amigos in the studio have an paid obligation to provide some for of entertainment for the masses but McGuinness and Donegal do not have any obligation to entertain the three amigos.

The did what they felt they had to do in order to achieve as much as they felt they were capable of doing.

In my book.... job well done Donegal..... and I am sure that if Jim McGuinness was relived of his duties in Donegal tomorrow more than one county board chairman would be making a call to Glenties to see how the waters lie.

That's the problem, he will infect some other county with his anti football tripe.


People are getting too hung up on the Donegal angle.
I don't think the article is pro-Donegal so much as it is anti-TSG.
If you were any use you'd be playing.