2012 London Olympics - Official thread

Started by muppet, August 21, 2011, 10:54:14 AM

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The security fiasco from just before the Olympics must have worked out alright.

Never heard a cheep about it during the games!
"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"


Who sang "imagine" at the very end of last night's show on BBC ?

Nice version.


Quote from: orangeman on August 13, 2012, 08:33:42 AM
Who sang "imagine" at the very end of last night's show on BBC ?

Nice version.

Didn't stay awake til the end but there was mention of Yoko Ono re-mastering the Lennon original.


The media are now doing their best to sour the experience. The Olympics are over, but the Olympic stories have to keep coming, so the story now is the "homecoming" for the Irish team. This non-story is the top item on RTÉ news all morning and the hysteria has grown to the extent that one presenter tackled the Minister for Agriculture (yes, the Minister for Agriculture) about what he termed this "scandal". Another was getting dug into Pat Hickey about the OCI "misrepresenting" Pete Taylor (who, in media speak, is manifesting "fury") when it was actually a newspaper reporter who "quoted" him though he hadn't spoken to Taylor, who hadn't, in fact, opened his mouth on the subject.

What a contrast between the honour and decency of athletes and well, whatever is the opposite as displayed by these leeches.

If you value your sanity, avoid Joe Duffy today.


Well done to London. Great games imo and the closing ceremony last night was very good.

Comforting to see Irish sport quickly reverting to its default setting of infighting and bickering.

Jeez, saw the highlights of the "Ladies'" Hockey at the weekend ..... the Argentinian team were some coven of she-devils .............the umpires were at the receiving end of some abuse by them. Something I always thought doesn't happen in hockey.

Shamrock Shore

To borrow from Brendan Behan they first thing to look for when it comes to the OCI is the row.

I agree with Hardy that the boyos in Da Meeja will latch onto anything like this and blow it out of all proportion. FFS ye shower of gimps, focus on the success and not the lack of some old open top bus in the pissings of rain trundling through Drumcondra with the boys and girls on top looking like drowned rats.

Anyhoo who needs Kenny and President O' Gill hanging around looking for some kudos.

Closing ceremony was good - apart from Micky George (playing an unknown song) and the Spice Yokes. Yon lassie in the big green dress must have pictures of Boris. She was everywhere.


Quote from: Shamrock Shore on August 13, 2012, 09:28:21 AM
To borrow from Brendan Behan they first thing to look for when it comes to the OCI is the row.

I agree with Hardy that the boyos in Da Meeja will latch onto anything like this and blow it out of all proportion. FFS ye shower of gimps, focus on the success and not the lack of some old open top bus in the pissings of rain trundling through Drumcondra with the boys and girls on top looking like drowned rats.


The Indo today

QuoteHeadline : Fury of Katie Taylor's dad at Irish homecoming shambles

BOXER Katie Taylor's father spoke of his anger over claims he was behind a decision to pull the plug on a proposed homecoming celebration for our Olympic heroes.

and where did these claims come from ? Would that not have been Don Lavery's article in the Indo the day before  :o :'(


I see Barnes is likely to stay amateur, will Conlon, Taylor and Nevin do likewise?  People are saying the money isn't great at the lower weights and in womens boxing, but surely its not that bad plus how much funding do they get a year currently?  If they are ambitious enough should they not go pro and aim for the top?  Why is Kenny Egan still running about with his head gear on?  Would he be no good professionally?
'To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.'


Quote from: bcarrier on August 13, 2012, 09:39:29 AM
Quote from: Shamrock Shore on August 13, 2012, 09:28:21 AM
To borrow from Brendan Behan they first thing to look for when it comes to the OCI is the row.

I agree with Hardy that the boyos in Da Meeja will latch onto anything like this and blow it out of all proportion. FFS ye shower of gimps, focus on the success and not the lack of some old open top bus in the pissings of rain trundling through Drumcondra with the boys and girls on top looking like drowned rats.


The Indo today

QuoteHeadline : Fury of Katie Taylor's dad at Irish homecoming shambles

BOXER Katie Taylor's father spoke of his anger over claims he was behind a decision to pull the plug on a proposed homecoming celebration for our Olympic heroes.

and where did these claims come from ? Would that not have been Don Lavery's article in the Indo the day before  :o :'(

That's exactly what I thought when I heard today's Indo headline. Maybe the original claims came from elsewhere, but I wouldn't be surprised if it originated in the Indo, and they have the nerve to tut tut now.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


The Olympics was brillant, enjoyed it throughout. Great coverage from the BBC, missed nothing and they mixed it up brillantly with coverage, interviews, debate, informed commentators, etc etc. Their montages yesterday evening with Eddie Butler were top class.

Ireland have to be happy with their games, medals and some other close calls. This typical old shite and arguing over a homecoming is what we do best though. Put the athletes in a closed room and ask them if they want one.

The closing gig was surreal at times. Some brillant moments - Lennon, Freddie, Elbow, The Who, Eric, Muse and then the bizarre George Michael, One Direction, Spice Girls, Jessica J trying to spoil the Queen moment, the fashion thing. But the biggest balls up of the whole thing was Russell bloody Brand trying to do the Beatles. Whoever thought of that must have evaded the drug testing.


That was unforgivable. It was an awful pity the grassy knoll was part of the opening rather than the closing ceremony. One bullet - Bang-Bang, as Dan would say.

Shamrock Shore

Jesus - I had forgotten that gimp Brand. Never in the history of humankind has such a talentless gom got so much media attention.

I agree that it was a great Olympics and fair fecks to the organisers. I thought the North Korea flag thingy was a sign of things to come but gladly I was wrong.

The Lennon footage brought an auld shiver - even though I've seen that video 6 million times.

Square Ball

Quote from: Bingo on August 13, 2012, 10:37:41 AM
The Olympics was brillant, enjoyed it throughout. Great coverage from the BBC, missed nothing and they mixed it up brillantly with coverage, interviews, debate, informed commentators, etc etc. Their montages yesterday evening with Eddie Butler were top class.

Ireland have to be happy with their games, medals and some other close calls. This typical old shite and arguing over a homecoming is what we do best though. Put the athletes in a closed room and ask them if they want one.

The closing gig was surreal at times. Some brillant moments - Lennon, Freddie, Elbow, The Who, Eric, Muse and then the bizarre George Michael, One Direction, Spice Girls, Jessica J trying to spoil the Queen moment, the fashion thing. But the biggest balls up of the whole thing was Russell bloody Brand trying to do the Beatles. Whoever thought of that must have evaded the drug testing.

Eric Idle was class, laughed out loud when I realised it was him, any one have any ideas as to why oh why Russell Brant was used?
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


His agent was sharper than somebody else's agent.