Marty Morrissey

Started by Dinny Breen, August 07, 2011, 09:50:53 AM

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Dinny Breen

"Michael Dara McAuley maybe on a yellow but he's confident enough to go for a diagonal ball"

That doesn't make any sense.

And to paraphrase his quote on Diarmuid Connolly "He has scored 5 points from play and every single time with his left foot"

No Marty he didn't, he scored his second point with his right.

Anyway, he is sucking the life out of games with his inane comments and don't get me started on his useless pieces of information it's regrettable that it wasn't the "Gooch" that put in the first half performance from Connolly last because then Marty probably would have self-imploded.

No doubt this will be RTE's reply to any complaints against Marty.



His most annoying trait for me is the smug, superior way he tells you which club a player comes from. It's almost as if he's saying 'I'm the only one who knows this, you peasants haven't a clue'


Switch to BBC. There's really no comparison between the BBC commentary and anything RTÉ can offer. Sidebottom is enthusiastic and reasonably knowledgeable and even the odd stretch for a ridiculous simile is not as annoying as the tweeness of Morrissey or the jaded cliches and phoney accent of Canning. When you add in Canavan vs. McStay/Carney it's a no-brainer. I watch BBC for the action, RTÉ for the punditry, though I think I'll soon be switching that off altogether.


Morrissey was wetting himself with excitement over Dublin last night. Obviously wants to get the AIF gig .
On the news interviewing Brian Cullen he started his gushing crap again ( the excitement is still palpable around Croke Park when all you could see was him, a few groundsme and thousandsof unoccupied seats ) but Cullen kept it all along the lines " the lads done well" and "it worked out well for us" and such like low key comments.

He is an absolete pain in the arse.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Marty is operating under the assumption that he has to 'sell' the game to the masses.
The masses just want to watch the fcking match Marty, not listen to your bullshit.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


My favourite Martyism was in the Galway v Clare hurling qualifier a few weeks ago, early July i think, take the stage Marty.......

"and Galway hurler Joe Gantley is actually a primary school teacher in Crusheen in Clare, he will be giving the pupils some slagging on Monday at school"

1,2,3,4,5..............and probably a dig in the guts from co-commentator Liam Sheedy

"except of course school is finished for the summer".
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Stevie g 8

just awful stuff from marty,i had to switch to bbc2 which isn,t saying a lot


He is truly awful.
It's a bad sign when the sound of Ger Cannings voice is accompanied by a sigh of relief.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Hardy on August 07, 2011, 11:15:51 AM
Switch to BBC. There's really no comparison between the BBC commentary and anything RTÉ can offer. Sidebottom is enthusiastic and reasonably knowledgeable and even the odd stretch for a ridiculous simile is not as annoying as the tweeness of Morrissey or the jaded cliches and phoney accent of Canning. When you add in Canavan vs. McStay/Carney it's a no-brainer. I watch BBC for the action, RTÉ for the punditry, though I think I'll soon be switching that off altogether.
your best bet is to actually go to the games - the brutal commentary is now making me go to as many as I can so I can skip the tv coverage!

dinny- spot on. he and many more like him havent a clue what they are watching , have no clue of the players and no iota of the rules.

minder- I laughed out loud at that !!


Morrissey the little Martian looking tub. Ger 'huggggggge one' Canning

Both of them terrible. Using played out clichés. Setting up little rhymes which go wrong to describe the action i.e. His name is Lar, he has a car, its over the...wide.

Peter Canavan is the best football analyst. Knows what he is talking about and can describe a situation because he has been in one himself.

Michael Duignan is the best hurling analyst. Always informative but never over bearing. Doesn't throw in useless information to demonstrate his wholesome knowledge compared to those other fools.


I thought Morrissey was cat on Saturday, but cat in that he was fiercely biased towards Dublin. It nearly sounded like he was operating on instruction. The only time he favoured Tyrone in an incident was when he got the Joe McMahon incident wrong.


Can we add the following exhibit into evidence?

When Denis Bastick scored a point at the start of the second half, Marty said it was "just like Barack Obama, YES HE CAN"

Another thing i have noticed that Canning and Morrissey are obsessed with is "rhythm" and teams getting into one, i didn't know they were musicians.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Canning has a word he repeatly includes in his commentry, i lost count of the amount of times he used in his last game, its called 'latitude' seriously WTF


Canning hasn't a clue. Leave him at it. It's a wonder Duignan doesn't break a hurl over him.

Armagh Cúchulainns

I see theres a facebook page - Coming home from a night out looking like marty morrissey - brilliant
Its all about the Hurling.