The Killing

Started by BerfArmagh, July 08, 2011, 10:09:56 AM

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QuoteI have been depressed since I finished the 'Wire', looks like this could be a replacement

Such a statement to come out with


Quote from: rolloutking on July 08, 2011, 10:05:57 PM
QuoteI have been depressed since I finished the 'Wire', looks like this could be a replacement

Such a statement to come out with
Figure of speech..... get over it....


Its finished here about a month now - have to see the original - but I've heard they are completely different

Main Street

Quote from: AFS on July 08, 2011, 06:06:33 PM
Quote from: Billys Boots on July 08, 2011, 04:17:13 PM
You should have watched the Danish original version (Forbrydelsen) on BBC4 on Saturday nights - it's very good (the US version too) and there's 13 episodes.

Good decision to cut it to 13 episodes. The original lost its way a bit in the middle with the full 20.

or you lost your way  :)
The Danish version was top quality from start to finish.
The US version is NOT cut to just 13 episodes.

The first series has 13 episodes and we (the discerning viewer) are only up to Orpheus Descending, it concludes when the politician got arrested. There is a second series to come.
The US version is bleaker imo,  classic film noir and it's always raining.
Having seen the Danish version first, I already know the plot twists so the all important tension is not there for me.
I've seen all 13 episodes of the first series and it's a first class remake of an excellent original. Actually I was surprised by it.


Maybe it was just me that lost my way, but I doubt it. I thought it slumped for four of five episodes in the middle, when things got a bit formulaic. They kept turning to new prime suspects, but with 7 or 8 episodes remaining you could always be sure that the new guy would be cleared an episode or two later, with someone else then becoming the focus of attention. I think it's telling that the second series only got 10 episodes. Interesting that the US version is effectively 26 episodes then.

Main Street

It doesn't tell anything that the the  second series (Forbrydelsen 2) has only 10 episodes. The 2nd series has little to do with the first, it's a completly different investigation.

The Danish version of Forbrydelsen 1,  had 20 x one hour long episodes, each episode took in a day of the 20 day investigation, it was split into 2 series but the punters couldn't wait until the next season and transmission of the 2nd bunch of 10 episodes was brought forward.
The US version has 45 min long episode and split up into 2 series of 13 episodes each, still makes 20 hours of drama.


Quote from: Main Street on July 10, 2011, 10:20:37 PM
It doesn't tell anything that the the  second series (Forbrydelsen 2) has only 10 episodes. The 2nd series has little to do with the first, it's a completly different investigation.

The police investigation in the second series follows very similar trends to that of the first. There's the same 'identify suspect, exonerate suspect, find next suspect, etc.' pattern. The shorter series length doesn't allow this to bore as much as it did in the middle of the first series. Maybe this was more by accident than design, but I thought the tighter format worked better.

Main Street

Personally I didn't get into Forbrydelsen 2,  I didn't follow it as avidly as yourself.

Forbrydelsen 1 was a critical and viewer success. I see the BBC 4 viewing figures were very good and those figures grew as the investigation unravelled. The '20 episodes being too long' argument doesn't hold water where it matters. It's very rare that a such a prolonged, slow burn investigation, subtitled to boot, works on screen and grabs the viewers. The 20 hour  format worked. Because it would not work a second time or would be nigh impossible to pull off, is no reflection on Forbrydelsen 1.

Billys Boots

I liked both Forbrydelsens, but as you say they were different, both from story and style perspectives, and am looking forward to Forbrydelsen-3 when it happens.
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Good episode last night, the two young bucks are in a spot of bother.... only downside is the adverts, far too many of them.... i see an investment in the box set coming

quit yo jibbajabba

Aye, thanks for the heads up on this chap; managed to tape the repeat of the 1st episode on wed nite, then watched it and last nites in one foul swoop :)
decent viewing;

sky plus works a treat for this sort of stuff, just tune in 20min after she starts, and fast forward the numerous ads.....


Just after finishing the last episode of the US Version there now... fairly entertaining stuff - could be accused of hopping around suspects a wee bit too much but that's probably being over critical.  I enjoy it anyway.... 

Any point in watching the original series now that I've seen the US one?
GAA Board Six Nations Fantasy Champion 2010


After 13weeks thought it was a pretty lousy ending to it.


Quote from: maggie on September 17, 2011, 10:07:50 PM
After 13weeks thought it was a pretty lousy ending to it.

Ahh no, I didn't... I think sometimes people can be disappointed if a series doesn't end with everything tided up and with a bow on it
GAA Board Six Nations Fantasy Champion 2010


haven't seen the us remake but am a nut for the danish v. the acting is so good that i can't imagine any of the characters playing anyone else. defining roles for a lot of them in my eyes. that actress is sarah lund, she can never be anyone else for me. + i love all the political intrigue and also how they used stereotypes to make us suspect a character though our biased attitudes and then dump us on our asses each time and show us the error of our ways. the stereotype angle was one of the elements of the show i really enjoyed, because suspicion was created subtley, i willingly took the bait each time it was feed to me even when it was just bait. great plot. nice and twisty.