New footage of Japan tsunami

Started by DrinkingHarp, April 23, 2011, 04:53:39 AM

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"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"


My God that is brutal. It's like one of those Apocalypse movies.

Capt Pat

Some of them took their time getting out of the way. Did somebody get washed down that storm drain? Looks like they had a couple of people in wheel chairs and one of them and a helper got washedaway.


The ones taking their time may have been old or exhausted from running through the town. Did ye see the two people that went down to help others up onto the hill, they got swept away, shocking stuff.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Some very brave people in that clip.


Quote from: turkey+ham on April 23, 2011, 08:56:52 PM
hard to take in.. easy to think what you'd do..? try doing a simple fire drill in your own home.. set off a fire alarm and see what  happens.. "whats that noise?" "that f**king fire alarm" "must be the toaster.. stuck again.." kids still sleeping? are they going to open an upstairs bedroom door and let the smoke in? is the fire upstairs or down stairs? i did it and it took us ten minutes to get outside the recomendations are less than 2 minutes. i doubt the people in the video even had 2 mins you can see cars driving toward the wave no warning could have come quick enough 
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Holy sh*t.

Guy in the top left hand corner towards the end in a red jacket was still trying to grab material stuff when he's near being dragged in himself. You find yourself nearly shouting at it. I thought he was a goner for a minute but he managed to get back out.



Unreal footage, shocking how quick that happened.

Capt Pat

The funniest bit was when that person decided to get out of the car as the tsunami hit and a couple of seconds later went back to close the door. WTF :'(

Capt Pat