Sigerson Cup 2011 - live scores

Started by GAA_Punter, February 16, 2011, 08:34:34 AM

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Any craic - UL manager Declan O'Keeffe says they were 'in turmoil' while DIT were winning the Ryan Cup by 13 points.


clips from the UL/DIT game. Some top notch scores in the game.


Quote from: Winnie Peg on February 17, 2011, 10:15:18 PM
Quote from: ck on February 17, 2011, 09:52:19 PM
Quote from: stronghold on February 17, 2011, 08:58:42 PM
Every single College has sports scholarships awarded by the College, the GAA and the GPA. One of the biggest currently are Maynooth and DCU but remember IT's can all play apprentices

Is that true? EVERY college has scholarships? I really don't think that's the case. When I say scholarships I mean the kind where they reduce points to get fellas in, usually fellas who have nowhere near the points asked. As far as I am aware DCU, DIT and UUJ do this which is very unfair. I was involved in IT Sligo and we had nothing like this.

FFS, when I was at Queen's Sligi IT were the biggest cheats in the sigerson cup, sure you had boys playing who werent even at your college and that is not even counting your carpenters and bricklayers. It was your college and the other ITs that caused all the problems.

Totally agree. That was slightly after my IT Sligo days. They ripped the piss big style much to my annoyance. I know for cert they had lads in a Sigerson final (1 Roscommon, 1 Donegal and 1 Sligo) who were illegal.
My point now is that DCU, DIT and UUJ are all ripping the piss, offering all sorts of blind incentives to young lads who would be better off trying to get a course that will get them a job!


CK :let me put it on the record that no one absolutely no one gets into UUJ with out the proper grades. Don't know what sort of system you operate in the south but if you do not have the grades in the north you do not get in.  The GAA are the largest club in UU but they have no influence on entrance. I agree most young people want courses that they can get jobs thats why they are going to UU. A large range of great courses and professional post grads that are populated by students north and south. One of the few places you can actually study physiotherapy. sports studies, quantity surveying one of the best engineering, business studies and accountancy faculties in the EU.  You tend to forget that in the north students and parents are paying massive fees, soon to be greatly increased.  It is an insult to suggest that would waste money going on a course they do not want to do. Jordanstown is the University of choice for most gaelic players because of the sporting and academic excellence. There are NO incentives given to any undergraduate from the GAA in UU.  There are four post grad bursaries awarded by the University if you are lucky and all post grads must have at least a 2:1
By the way have a good look at the queens post grads over the last number of years. Advanced Computer Science!!. People in glass houses should not throw stones.


Quote from: stronghold on February 19, 2011, 09:35:46 PM
CK :let me put it on the record that no one absolutely no one gets into UUJ with out the proper grades. Don't know what sort of system you operate in the south but if you do not have the grades in the north you do not get in.  The GAA are the largest club in UU but they have no influence on entrance. I agree most young people want courses that they can get jobs thats why they are going to UU. A large range of great courses and professional post grads that are populated by students north and south. One of the few places you can actually study physiotherapy. sports studies, quantity surveying one of the best engineering, business studies and accountancy faculties in the EU.  You tend to forget that in the north students and parents are paying massive fees, soon to be greatly increased.  It is an insult to suggest that would waste money going on a course they do not want to do. Jordanstown is the University of choice for most gaelic players because of the sporting and academic excellence. There are NO incentives given to any undergraduate from the GAA in UU.  There are four post grad bursaries awarded by the University if you are lucky and all post grads must have at least a 2:1
By the way have a good look at the queens post grads over the last number of years. Advanced Computer Science!!. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

A quick google search will show that you are talking out yir backside! So what are these "Elite athlete entry schemes" at Jordanstown then? Schemes that allow students gain access to courses they may not be able to access in normal circumstances. Elite athletes can get points for sporting prowess! which are added to their leaving cert scores.
As for UU being the University of choice for gaelic footballers? Get over yourself! I work with minor players in Sligo and most of them would never even have heard of Jordanstown. You should not believe your own hype.
As for you telling us how great UU is with all its great courses. No-one is arguing with ya... although thou protest too much me thinks.


CK: Great you got a reality check. you started of pontificating about incentives and bursaries. Elite Athlete schemes are totally different and colleges from waterford to magee have them in place. Why shouldn't GAA players male and female be rewarded for their sport.  Hockey, Rugby, Soccer have been doing it for years. We are no longer second class citizens. My main point ,which you totally ignore is that queens throw shit at every other college in Ireland and of course Johnstown in order to camouflage what they have been up to for years.
By the way  Conor Davey, potential full back for Sligo is a first year at UUJ and I believe the Sigo County coaching officer is also a graduate. The gospel is spreading.
Anyway enough of this nonsense, hope the sigerson weekend back to the 3 days is a feast of football- no further comment


Oh right, so one second you are saying that no-one gets in without the right grades and now you are saying that they can get in with lesser grades? Mmmm Then you change tact and hide behind the fact that other sports are doing it. Cut the crap. Jordanstown have been at it for years and everyone knows it. Your lies are just making you look stupid.

Your defence of UU is pathetic especially given that a previous comment of yours is as follows: "FFS, when I was at Queen's Sligi IT were the biggest cheats in the sigerson cup"
So you were also at Queen's? ...but you have slagged them off above. Jesus, I'm confused. I'm coming to the conclusion that you sir are just full of shite! A bit like your defence of cheating the HE system which has degraded the sigerson for years. I believe in fair play and when all this reduction of points came in to get players courses I just got disillusioned with the whole thing, unlike your good self who just blames everyone else.

As for the "gospel is spreading". I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The gospel according to who?! Unfortunately it's this gospel crap being spouted by UUJ, DCU and DIT who are leading young lads astray.

You finish by saying No further comment. Comment away as long as there is no further bullshit!


Sounds like someone has a bunch of sour grapes towards UUJ!

Great coaching, great facilities, great passion for the sport and attract great players.

Up the 'Poly'!


CK Talk about covering old ground!

Maybe your place was taken on the Sligo IT team by one of these so called illegal players?
The key to success is to be consistently competitive -- if you bang on the door often it will open


Quote from: supersub on February 20, 2011, 12:30:11 AM
Sounds like someone has a bunch of sour grapes towards UUJ!

Great coaching, great facilities, great passion for the sport and attract great players.

Up the 'Poly'!

No sour grapes at all bud. I'm sure their facilities etc are a credit to them. I only have isssue with those who stretch the eligibility rules, and those who attempt to defend it.


Quote from: ross4life on February 20, 2011, 12:39:44 AM
CK Talk about covering old ground!

Maybe your place was taken on the Sligo IT team by one of these so called illegal players?

Yeah trying not to hi-jack threads but self control isnt a virtue I'm afraid.
LOL It would have taken a much lesser player to take my place than those brought in to play for the day!

Don Johnson

Q. What do you get when you drive quickly through the poly campus?

A. An undergraduate degree.

Q. What does a poly student call a Queens student after graduation?

A. Boss.

Q. Did you hear that the library at Jordanstown burned down?

A. Naturally, the students were very upset. Some of the books weren't coloured in yet.

Q. Why do poly graduates put a copy of their diploma in the window of their vehicles?

A. So they can park in handicap spaces.


Don:Typical queens crap.  I actually think you believe this superior upper class nonsense. Young lads nowadays are laughing at this, but when we put away the colouring books , the POLY sure can play football. 


Very good....

Q. What does a Queens student see when they look in their trophy cabinet?

A. Their reflection.


I'll tell you what you nordys know how to do it alright.
Stronghold, for a man who claimed to have gone to Queen's you are fierce uptight about your beloved polytechnic when someone adds a joke to the page. You sound like a man who has an inferiority complex who is obssesed with Queen's! No-one even mentioned Queen's till you nearly broke into tears about them.

Let young lads pick the college they want, let them gain entry on merit and let them get an education first and football second.