Paul Galvin

Started by redandblackareback, December 21, 2010, 01:14:02 PM

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cant get over the cynicism of the last post, cqtch aq grip. i'll say this tht the documentary went out in december so it wasnt  DISTRACTION TO kerry the thing tht was a bti hypocritical to me was tht he doesnt watch or mind whts said on the sunday game then why was he so fu&king annoyed abt it


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Tony Baloney

Quote from: ross matt on December 28, 2010, 11:44:53 PM
There was  absolutely no point to the entire documentary. The guy is completely up his own ass.  He constantly contradicts himself... complaining about media intrusion whilst allowing himself to be the centre of a fly on the wall hour long tv show. Obviously looking to raise his profile and forge a career in fashion... possibly media. Trying way too hard to look cool and complicated... rebel without a cause and all that shite. How many shots were there of him poncin around jeans that were spray painted on to him FFS? Farcical stuff. Totally contrived crap. Plenty of leverage there for his 2011 opponents there.
Embarrassing post. This provided a a response to the radio shows, newspaper columns and The Sunday Game which slate the guy without giving him a right to reply. This was his right to reply so it's the exact opposite of media intrusion. At no point does he seem like he is trying to be cool or complicated. You might have a case with his Late Late appearance, but not this.


Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on December 28, 2010, 11:30:01 PM
Quote from: Last Man on December 28, 2010, 11:15:19 PM
The world will be a very boring place if we persist in hounding out chaaracters like Galvin, as for the fashion thing...f**king hilarious but magic at the same nutter.... but what a footballer

The GAA is often a boring place because of the lack of people who are willing to be honest and upfront. Galvin might not be everyone's cup of tea but he is who he doesn't try to be something he's not and you can take it or leave it.

No problem with that. But far worse things have been said about others and they just get on with it. There is an element of self promotion there no matter how he says otherwise. Great player and a reasonably sound individual from what I've heard. He needs to let some of the shit go. Life is too short to be worrying about all the things he appears to worry about.


He's a man who's very troubled - everyone is against him as far as he is concerned. I think it works for him on the football pitch as it's probably very easy to fire yourself up when you think everyone is against you. However in the rest of his life it'll cause him problems I would think.

Mattie Forde and Tomas O'Se to name but two have had a fair amount of "trial by television" and you don't see them going on tv raising all these problems.

I have no great problem with the guy - like I said before he's a very good footballer - however he does come across very troubled and I'm not sure he'd have the personality for a media career.

I have no idea whether he does or doesn't do any charity work but in the scheme of him as a footballer or him as a media personality it doesn't matter one iota.


I hope he can build a career for himself in whatever it is he wants to do.
Plenty of cavemen will give him abuse for being into fashion alright but the same cavemen will be giving other players abuse for wearing white boots, being overweight, too fond of drink/gambling or whatever.
Best of luck to him and I hope he keeps playing ball as long as he's able.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Jinxy on December 28, 2010, 11:03:42 PM
For a lad that never reads the papers.......

he sure reads a lot of papers!

If only he had had an opportunity to deny the Xposé story, if only the makers of the radio show had tried to contact him  ???

Also, did anyone else notice that the bit about him going on Xposé was out of sequence with the rest? It zoomed in on the date of the paper, July 18, but this bit was shown between the two Cork games, which were in June.


Definitely a colourful character. I missed the start of it and assume this was a documentary on the life of the then current Player of the Year? No problem with that and always an interesting concept.

The man may be full of contradictions, especially regarding his attitude to the media be it on TV or print, but it was decent viewing and much better than a lot of the crap we're subjected to over Christmas.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Thought he came across quite well. I was tipped off that he would be full of himself before I watched this but I didn't think this was the case. No more than any county players I know anyway.

The fashion sense was weird but each to their own


What is a metrosexual?
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians



Is the programme on the net or anything? the RTE site doesnt have it on their iplayer thing for us brits in the north.

Chris agus Snoop

A lovely propaganda piece for "poor" Galvin.

Reality is, he's a liar. He DID bust Cadogans mouth with an elbow before the tussel on the ground, he was also caught on camera throwing a right hook that didn't connect, but according to him he was on his "best behavior that day".

A complete baby looking for attention with his tattoos and his clothes.

Kerry Mike

QuoteReality is, he's a liar. He DID bust Cadogans mouth with an elbow before the tussel on the ground, he was also caught on camera throwing a right hook that didn't connect

put up your evidence for viewing or feck off with this shite. I have a clip of O'Halpin's headbutt in the hurling and a few great clips of Cadogan and Canty and a few others in "action" too if you want to play tit for tat. At least the winter boxing in Rylane last year wasn't wasted on the Cork Footballers, if only the dumb shites could figure out how to put in a gum shield !!

Had a great laugh at Noel O'Leary prancing about like a rabid dog trying to get Galvin provoked, and Galvin laughing at him. Fair play to Galvin, who gives a flying f**k what he wears, his hatred of all things Cork is great to see and the 2011 season can't come soon enough.
2011: McGrath Cup
AI Junior Club
Hurling Christy Ring Cup
Munster Senior Football


he is a tit, end of.

good footballer though. pity he has to ruin people's perception of him by his actions on the field and words off it