Stargate Universe

Started by bennydorano, December 07, 2010, 11:37:40 AM

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Any fans??

As a big fan of Sci-Fi and this franchise in particular, have to say SGU is fantastic, top top quality show.


Massive fan of Stargate SG1, and to a lesser extend Stargate Universe not really watched Universe.

I got hooked because of Richard Dean Anderson and who he was in a different series.


I assume you mean SG Atlantis. And McGyver :D

SGU is stronger than all previous series IMO, a lot darker and more serious.  Well into the 2nd series now.


yeah sorry. No way love the kinda comic element to it in sg1, not a fan of the darker element but must admit i haven't reallly seen it. might give it a go over xmas


Season 2 finished last night - end of a fantastic series IMO.  I checked Wiki today to see about future plotlines in series 3 - the bastards have cancelled it :'(  Totally gutted, my N1 show on TV. :'(