Accountant's brought to bookover raunchy e-mails

Started by Banana Man, November 10, 2010, 11:48:36 AM

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Quote from: Geoff Tipps on November 11, 2010, 03:43:18 PM
Quote from: Declan on November 11, 2010, 03:26:47 PM
QuoteFor the so called women being offended, is it not a bit rich letting the herald post there pics on the front page so the whole country can rate them.

How do you know they "let" them publish them

Yeah I'm pretty sure the Herald didn't ask any of them permission.
Could they not sue the herald so? Would the herald be stupid to take the risk if these girls are so easily offended?
"hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work"

Geoff Tipps

Quote from: SLIGONIAN on November 11, 2010, 04:08:42 PM
Quote from: Geoff Tipps on November 11, 2010, 03:43:18 PM
Quote from: Declan on November 11, 2010, 03:26:47 PM
QuoteFor the so called women being offended, is it not a bit rich letting the herald post there pics on the front page so the whole country can rate them.

How do you know they "let" them publish them

Yeah I'm pretty sure the Herald didn't ask any of them permission.
Could they not sue the herald so? Would the herald be stupid to take the risk if these girls are so easily offended?

I guess the fact that the email had gone "viral" meant it was already in the public domain.

Bogball XV

Quote from: Declan on November 11, 2010, 10:04:32 AM
Classy alright. You've got to love those professional types don't you - Just shows that Ross O'Carroll Kelly really is spot on in his characterisation of them.

Wonder would the Independent group now put the lads pictures on their front pages to let them know what it feels like - Muppets
There's quite a few former (and current) big 4 employees who post here regularly from what I can gather declan. 


Quote from: Banana Man on November 11, 2010, 02:09:17 PM
I'm panicking about the emails I've circulated over the years...

I think it's time to use the hotmail address instead of the work email...

On the story I'm sure it was harmless fun that 80% of us have done before, who hasn't rated women to mates before!!! although they shouldn't have done it through company emails...i can assure you I've sent a lot worse out that rating women

That's the thing, if everyone is honest with themselves, we'd admit it happens all the time by a lot of people, the lads were just unlucky to get caught

What happens all the time? Lads rating and commenting on women or lads being stupid enough to send it around their work colleagues through their work emails?

come on Pints, are you saying you never sent anything from your work email that you shouldn't have done?? They aren't the first to do this or likely to be the last...

There's a difference between "shouldn't" i.e. a few personal emails, harmless forwards etc and "you'd have to be a f**king idiot using your work email for that" i.e. slagging off the boss, the company, forwarding racist or sexist jokes...or rating the women in the office.

Quote from: SLIGONIAN on November 11, 2010, 04:08:42 PM
Quote from: Geoff Tipps on November 11, 2010, 03:43:18 PM
Quote from: Declan on November 11, 2010, 03:26:47 PM
QuoteFor the so called women being offended, is it not a bit rich letting the herald post there pics on the front page so the whole country can rate them.

How do you know they "let" them publish them

Yeah I'm pretty sure the Herald didn't ask any of them permission.
Could they not sue the herald so? Would the herald be stupid to take the risk if these girls are so easily offended?
Don't you think if any of the women are pissed about this they have a right to be?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 11, 2010, 06:09:53 PM
Quote from: Banana Man on November 11, 2010, 02:09:17 PM
I'm panicking about the emails I've circulated over the years...

I think it's time to use the hotmail address instead of the work email...

On the story I'm sure it was harmless fun that 80% of us have done before, who hasn't rated women to mates before!!! although they shouldn't have done it through company emails...i can assure you I've sent a lot worse out that rating women

That's the thing, if everyone is honest with themselves, we'd admit it happens all the time by a lot of people, the lads were just unlucky to get caught

What happens all the time? Lads rating and commenting on women or lads being stupid enough to send it around their work colleagues through their work emails?

come on Pints, are you saying you never sent anything from your work email that you shouldn't have done?? They aren't the first to do this or likely to be the last...

There's a difference between "shouldn't" i.e. a few personal emails, harmless forwards etc and "you'd have to be a f**king idiot using your work email for that" i.e. slagging off the boss, the company, forwarding racist or sexist jokes...or rating the women in the office.
Agreed. I can't understand the lack of intelligence from people who reckon that they were just unlucky to be caught. Anyone with half a brain knows that your work email is not private. And anyone with any degree of professionalism should know better regardless.

Even if those guys aren't sacked, they won't have much credibility next time they sit across a boardroom table with a client.


I wonder what their wives/girlfriends think about it
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: Bogball XV on November 11, 2010, 09:54:22 AM

Do you publish pics of all the trainees on the website or is it only for internal use?

We don't have anyone's pics on our website.  Everyone gets their photo taken for use in internal presentations, and when you move up the firm, for external pitches. 


Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 11, 2010, 07:10:45 PM
I wonder what their wives/girlfriends think about it
That'll be the worst punishment. The shame of your family finding out what you've been at - wife, girlfriend or parents. Not to mention trying to get another job if you are given the shove.


I've a fairly good insight into this one.

All of them got the bullet or are going to get it. None of them will get employment in Ireland again.

The girls in question havent officially started working there yet. Believe its next week. Had to be hid going out of the building yesterday due to the press. Not nice.

I agree this goes on everywhere but I've yet to see one be stupid enough to include photos in the email. And believe I've seen quite a few of these in the various financial institutions I've worked in.

It had gone viral before the Herald published it so no come back there. However it re-enforces its reputation as a rag.

Technically they could sue PWC. (Pricks with calculators) as I call them!

I presume everyone has seen the email.


Quote from: INDIANA on November 11, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
I've a fairly good insight into this one.

All of them got the bullet or are going to get it. None of them will get employment in Ireland again.The girls in question havent officially started working there yet. Believe its next week. Had to be hid going out of the building yesterday due to the press. Not nice.

I agree this goes on everywhere but I've yet to see one be stupid enough to include photos in the email. And believe I've seen quite a few of these in the various financial institutions I've worked in.

It had gone viral before the Herald published it so no come back there. However it re-enforces its reputation as a rag.

Technically they could sue PWC. (Pricks with calculators) as I call them!

I presume everyone has seen the email.

Thats absolutely ridiculous.


Got an email from PWC today advising me as a client that the matter is being taken very seriously and fully investigated and the main concern at this stage is supporting the girls in quesition who are particuarly upset, he didb't say what was being done to support the ones who didn't make the shortlist.............

Not impressed with the Indo for sticking pics on the front page, could have been a relation/family member /whaterver, no doubt they will use the "Race to the Bottom " excuse i.e. the Daily Bastard or whatever would have done it so we will publish pictures on our front page as some kind of semi serious news story.

Guys who got involved in this, stupidity of people never ceases to amaze. Whether right or wrong, the embarrassment caused to PWC will mean a few lads will get gate, can't see it helping their job prospects in the current environment.
Undefeated at the Polo Grounds

Geoff Tipps

Quote from: boojangles on November 11, 2010, 07:33:43 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on November 11, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
I've a fairly good insight into this one.

All of them got the bullet or are going to get it. None of them will get employment in Ireland again.The girls in question havent officially started working there yet. Believe its next week. Had to be hid going out of the building yesterday due to the press. Not nice.

I agree this goes on everywhere but I've yet to see one be stupid enough to include photos in the email. And believe I've seen quite a few of these in the various financial institutions I've worked in.

It had gone viral before the Herald published it so no come back there. However it re-enforces its reputation as a rag.

Technically they could sue PWC. (Pricks with calculators) as I call them!

I presume everyone has seen the email.

Thats absolutely ridiculous.

Couldn't agree more. FFS, has the world gone mad??


None of the lads involved have been sacked...yet! Although three of them were suspended yesterday after the story made the indo!


Quote from: hardstation on November 11, 2010, 08:13:03 PM
Quote from: boojangles on November 11, 2010, 07:33:43 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on November 11, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
I've a fairly good insight into this one.

All of them got the bullet or are going to get it. None of them will get employment in Ireland again.The girls in question havent officially started working there yet. Believe its next week. Had to be hid going out of the building yesterday due to the press. Not nice.

I agree this goes on everywhere but I've yet to see one be stupid enough to include photos in the email. And believe I've seen quite a few of these in the various financial institutions I've worked in.

It had gone viral before the Herald published it so no come back there. However it re-enforces its reputation as a rag.

Technically they could sue PWC. (Pricks with calculators) as I call them!

I presume everyone has seen the email.

Thats absolutely ridiculous.
Complete bollix.
Well they're unlikely to get another job in a professional services firm i'd imagine.