The Best Diet Ever?

Started by DrinkingHarp, November 09, 2010, 04:42:55 AM

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Twinkies Diet: Nutrition Prof. Loses 27 Pounds Eating Junk Food (Video)By Jack Phillips

Epoch Times Staff Created: Nov 8, 2010 Last Updated: Nov 8, 2010

Mark Haub ate only Twinkies, donuts, and other junk food for 10 weeks.A nutrition professor lost 27 pounds eating almost nothing but powdered donuts, Twinkies, Doritos, Oreos, and other junk food items, according to his Facebook page.

Mark Haub, for 10 weeks, endured and enjoyed the junk-food goodness, eating one of the aforementioned items every three hours instead of meals.

Haub, who is a professor at the University of Kansas, said that pure calorie counting is the most important aspect of losing weight, not nutrition.

He dubbed the experiment the "convenience store diet" and limited himself to less than 1,800 calories per day, according to CNN.

His body mass index (BMI) went down from 28.8 to 24.9, and he now weights 174 pounds.

"That's where the head scratching comes," Haub told CNN. "What does that mean? Does that mean I'm healthier? Or does it mean how we define health from a biology standpoint, that we're missing something?"

His LDL cholesterol dropped from 153 to 123, and his HDL cholesterol raised from 37 to 46, according to his Facebook page.

"I'm not geared to say this is a good thing to do," he told CNN. "I'm stuck in the middle. I guess that's the frustrating part. I can't give a concrete answer."

Haub added that he also downed a protein shake, took a multivitamin every day, and ate a minimalist amount of vegetables, according to CNN.

Note: The Epoch Times in no way endorses the use of the "Twinkies Diet." :D
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