Ardmhachaabu RIP

Started by Mack the finger, November 06, 2010, 04:14:12 PM

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Sinn Fein delivers -

British rule

Norf Tyrone

Geezus lads. This is terrible news.

I, like others on here, never knew the fella. However it's strange in this wee virtual universe that we exist in, that sometimes we feel like we do know the people behind the screen, and rightly, or wrongly we forge relationships with them. Good and bad.

However behind all the slagging, keyboard stomping and name calling exists real people. Sometimes we tend to forget this.

As a father of two wee ones myself, I can only say a wee prayer for Ardmhachaabu's two wee ones tonight and his missus.

The GAA community is an association based on giving, and reaching out the hand. A theme that was very much to the fore of today's GAA conference in Armagh.

I don't like stepping in at a sensitive time, but is there something tangible we can do in virtual world at this time? The obvious one would be to have a whip round for Ardmhachaabu's family. However I appreciate that this is not always appropriate or welcomed. Perhaps one his friends on here could sensitivelly advise.

RIP Ardmhachaabu.
Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone


Very shocked and sad, may he rest in peace and i wish family all the strength in the world.
"hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work"


Bloody hell that's awful news! My sympathy to his family, I can only imagine the pain they are going through! I didnt know the lad either but judging by the fact that there's 7 pages already I'd say he was very well respected! RIP Ardmhachaabu!
That was never a square ball!!


The names used on here may not be real, but there's no mistaking how real the feelings are among posters surrounding this sad news. Equally up-lifting and heart-breaking.

All thoughts with the children, too young to understand and with the family, too sad for words.

Rest In Peace fella.
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
H. L. Mencken


Quote from: Hoof Hearted on November 06, 2010, 09:31:45 PM
yeah, 2 sons under 2 years of age. As someone else pointed out, too young to even remember their father. Probably laughing and smiling with them on Thursday, next day he's gone ! Unreal.

Unbelievable. Great poster on the Computer Help thread.

41 and gone just like that. Very sad.

MWWSI 2017



After my initial shock, was just thinking, it's one of the things that makes the GAA great, this board is the personification of what the GAA is about! I didn't know Ardmahachaabu but I'm genuinely upset by this news! Our great association enables us to form bonds with people we don't know! It enables us to feel part of a family that is unique to us as GAA people! I've lost count of the number of times when outside of Ireland I've met an Irish person and within minutes been chatting like old friends about Gaelic games, much to the amazement of my English girlfriend! No other nation has this unique bond and I think this is why we all feel so hurt by the death of Ardmhachaabu! I've had a few drinks now and perhaps shoulda posted this on the I'm pissed thread! RIP
That was never a square ball!!

Niall Quinn

Seemed like a decent old spud too. Rest in peace.
Back to the howling old owl in the woods, hunting the horny back toad


My heart is pounding by this and I didn't know the lad, i was pissed 10 Min's ago, and after logging on to play my usual sat nite pissed poker game I'm going to bed sober as a judge, I'm so proud of all you guys the way you have responded to this death with such love and community and really does leave a sense of satisfaction in the heart if the same fell on any one of us. What happened this guy(pm), but as a 27 year old father of four I just feel so sad for his wife and family. May he rest in peace. R.I.P


Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 06, 2010, 10:10:09 PM
Crazy stuff, only turned on the computer to see this thread, thought it was a sick wind up.

I worked with him for about 3 years in Springvale training, He was the Computer technician, maintained all the computers servers and all that stuff, Armagh man to the hilt and married his wife whom he met online, and was a decent fella who was one happy guy when he got married.

past him on the Falls the other day while he was pushing the pram, Armagh shirt on and of course i hurled abuse at him.

I'm really shocked and have sent out texts to many of his ex colleagues, who are also shocked. if someones the circumstances of his death could you PM me please

Rest in Peace Stephen

That was brillant to read Milltown Row 2

What I liked and admired about Ardmachaabu was his political  beliefs which I recognise not all on this board would agree with,  but where what I would have agreed with him myself.

He had his position and he stubbornly stuck with it . Really admired him for that.
Backed me up only last weekend on the Thatcher debate.

Quality poster!!!

"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"

JUst retired

I have just read this very sad news this morning. It feels like a family member has passed away,and I never knew the person. My prayers this morning will be with his wife and kids. May he rest in peace.

Ball Hopper


Shocking sad news , thoughts and prayers are with his family . RIP Ardmhachaabu .


I didn't want to say too much yesterday on this thread, as the news came too much of a shock to me. I guess that is the measure of the man and the board. That someone who is effectively faceless and nameless can have such a bearing on you. He truly was a gentlemen and spoke of great love and affection for his wife and children. It was not hard to see the joy that they brought into his life and has ONeill said yesterday and Ardmhachaabu alluded to in a previous thread, they have made these last few years the happiest he has ever been.

I would have spoken to him many times here on the gaaboard, Facebook and on Twitter. A fantastic man, who wasn't shy in reminding me that Tyrone may have won 3 All-Ireland, his beloved Armagh got their first.

The gaaboard will miss him, as indeed will I.

RIP Stephen.
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