The next rule change?

Started by Jinxy, October 26, 2010, 02:38:12 PM

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Quote from: The Biff on November 01, 2010, 05:16:03 PM
Apart from supporting a few suggestions already made, here's my own (and don't knock it because it may seem to copying another code; I'm not trying to make Football be more like that code ...)

Advantage Rule - play on possible but call back play for the free if Advantage does not accrue properly.

Similar to the Rugby idea but I would not let play run nearly as long as happens there.  It only needs to go for one successful pass, or the "fouled" player to break free and regain proper control of the ball.  It would also lift some of the pressure on Referees who feel they have blow the whistle instantly as soon as they think they see a foul being committed.  Give the fouled player a chance to see if he can break through the foul and play on.  Surely one of the most frustrating sights in Football is a player on the run who has just managed to break a tackle and then is called back for a free to his own team.  Everyone howls at the ref to let the game go on, but the ref has seen a foul and has just adjudged that no advantage was likely to be gained, then blew the whistle just as the player broke free.  If the ref had two or three seconds extra to assess what he thinks he has seen, then we should have less "bad" decisions, and an extra incentive for players to actually try to break a tackle rather than just fall and hope for a free. 

The ref already has the option to allow advantage, despite what people might try to tell you otherwise.  He does not have the power to bring the play back though.

Quote5.41 When a team commits an Aggressive Foul,
the referee may allow play to continue if he
considers it to be to the advantage of the
offended team. He shall signal that advantage
is being played by raising an extended arm
upright. Once the referee allows the play to
continue, he may not subsequently award a
free for that foul. He shall apply the relevant


No need for any rule changes, rules are fine the way they are.  Referees should be told to implement them.  Sin é
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: Jinxy on November 01, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
Quote from: DUBSFORSAM1 on November 01, 2010, 08:51:54 AM
Quote from: thewobbler on October 31, 2010, 09:43:02 PM
QuoteFor me it's ban the fcukin handpass

why don't you just watch an cic fada?

I really don't understand why the likes of you watch the game at all.

What is wrong with actually wanting players to kick the ball more than they handpass???

I was watching Laochra Gael yesterday about Tony Hanahoe.
Showed plenty of footage of those great Dublin & Kerry teams handpassing like crazy and it wasn't even a proper handpass.
It was that daft- looking overhand 'push' pass.

i saw dat. looked very gay. no?


The GAA is expected to introduce extended goalposts to aid score detection.

The news comes as Hawk-Eye prepares to make a presentation to the Management Committee today regarding goal-line technology, which could be introduced for the 2012 championships. GAA officials are proposing that the current 10.67-metre height of posts be increased at all levels of the game.

The GAA's Research Committee is recommending that posts at provincial venues rise to 16m, at county grounds to 13m and 11m at club level. Currently, the highest goalposts in the country are at Croke Park, measuring 13m.

"With longer posts, the foundations will obviously have to be stronger so it would be a case of bringing in posts that pass the requisite safety standards," the GAA's Head of Games and Research Committee member Pat Daly said.

"We feel this is a necessary step towards improving score detection."

The higher goalposts are part of a presentation by Tallow-based GoalPost Ireland (GPI). GPI are manufacturing posts with each upright featuring a "point catcher", a net which runs from the crossbar to the top of each upright and breadth-wise measures out one metre to a back set of posts.

The idea is that any ball that is directed towards the posts but wide will bounce away wide from the net while points would drop over the bar and into either of the posts' nets.

So is someone going to come round the clubs and measure their goal posts?
That was never a square ball!!


Something which has been under reported by the media is the GAA's decision to postpone the countdown clock being used in league games by a year supposedly due to cost.  This isnt good enough.  Womens football are able to manage it and they had a full year to get them installed in every ground.  I watch game after game where teams waste time consistently and referees fail to play sufficient extra time.  This years All Ireland Minor Final was a perfect example.  Tyrone were an absolute disgrace and the referee let them away with it.  Stop all this talk about goal line technology when you cant even implement the motions which have already been passed.  They have been given far too easy a ride for this failure.

Bogball XV

Quote from: screenexile on November 01, 2010, 01:34:13 PM
What are peoples views on the sin bin? I think it would make a massive difference to the way our game is played . . . for the better I might add!
definitely has to be tried again, that and a timer are the two most obvious changes that should be introduced and would be much more effective than so many of the stupid rules tried over the past few years - is it that they're stolen from other sports ro what's the problem?