Sean Óg not part of Denis Walsh's plans

Started by heffo, October 18, 2010, 01:31:19 PM

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Quote from: heffo on October 18, 2010, 07:34:40 PM
Quote from: Reillers on October 18, 2010, 07:20:22 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on October 18, 2010, 07:11:10 PM
Quote from: Reillers on October 18, 2010, 07:08:29 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on October 18, 2010, 06:59:43 PM
Quote from: Reillers on October 18, 2010, 06:55:24 PM
So one of the greatest Cork defenders, a player who was part of the best HB line in Ireland, who has done so much for the game, retires, and that's all ye've got to say. Off ye pop to the soccer forums, where you'll fit in just fine.

A complete gentleman, who has done so much for the game, on and off the pitch, absolutely brilliant promoter of the game, with the exceptions of a few clowns who were taken in by media shite, most people have complete respect for a lad.
This bullshit about him and money is just that, bullshit, never looked for a cent when it came to presenting medals, but that never stopped the media or clowns who believed it.
But great to see the bitter, true colours of people on here being shown.

I wish him the very best in his retirement and hopefully he'll be involved down the line in some shape or form. Sad thing is that he is  an outstanding athlete and crazy fit, and could have kept going for year.

A fantastic player and ambassador for the GAA, never a more honest player you'd find.

And to think that all that was done, all his best performances were put in after he was told he'd never play again after that car accident.

Absolute legend of a player and will be missed big time even for his presence alone. And it'll be strange going into the championship without him. An absolute legend.
Ah yes the Cork propaganda machine kicks in. Reillers post some facts for a change. Under F in inthe dictionary.

As it happens I think Walsh has made a big mistake. Cork havent the hurlers to discard him.

What of what I said needs facts to back it up, I'm going to guess that it's not the praise of Sean Og, so it's the 3 or 4 words on the media bullshit and clowns who believe it? They never had an ounce of fact to back what they said, and sad thing is it was always "fans" it seemed to come from, and sadly, not even Cork fans at that, but you would struggle to find a single club where he presented medals and took money for it.

But what a bitter man you are. Even if he did, well f**k it it shouldn't matter, he was an outstanding ambasador to the game and just a genuinly honest gent. It shouldn't matter. But f**k it stay bitter and twisted for the rest of your life.

Reillers steady on. I'm sure you can re-necogiate with Adidas. No need to take it out on me.

I've already said Walsh has made a mistake. What more do you want.

Cork are really struggling at hurling now. Its hard to see where the net generation of Cork hurlers are. Looks like football is set to take over.

No your bitter bullshit, and the same goes for most who have posted on here so far, does my head in. You tell me what bullshit I wrote and what FACTS you have.

Sean Og is an absolute gent who was totally fucked over by so called "supporters" who know f**k all about the game, bullshit rumours about his agent, demanding hundreds off clubs for medal presentations, all rumours, no FACT. Like I said you couldn't find a single person in Cork who would tell you that he took a cent of any club. And the pathetic thing is that some people actually believed it.

The media doesn't mention that he'd always be one of the last standing there singing autographs for the kids, or going out of his way to be just nice to ya, a completely sincere lad and while he was never the best communicator to the media, and some of the things he said were taken the wrong way, and not gotten across what he actually meant.
A true gent and an ambasadar to the game, the rumours about Sean Og were always plain bullshit, and totally out of character for the man he is.

I'll try and wade through the crap & hyperbole that you've posted Reillers.

Looking for money for presenting medals - my brother-in law is heavily involved in a club in West Waterford - he was referred to Sean Óg's agent when he enquired after his availability to present medals, two years ago in the off-season. That is fact.

He was a fantastic player in his prime. He may have slipped a little in the last year or two, but imo still would've had a role to play in the panel even if not always in the first fifteen - bad move on Walsh's part imo..

Unfortunately for Sean Óg, his actions in the last strike will forever tarnish his reputation for a lot of GAA people..

You only replace experience when you have the talent to back it up.  And Cork haven't got it. And thats despite any other misgivings I have about him. Which are many.

Tatler Jack

I think I have been one of the harshest critics of the Cork hurlers and in particular the strike leaders including Sean Óg. Here was a fellow who was held in the highest regard among genuine GAA people up and down the country and then blew it by his part in one of the nastiest campaigns ever conducted against another GAA man (Ger Mac). During this episode Sean Óg came accross as having lost touch with what the GAA is all about – some of his comments about older club officials was particularly arrogant.  However I would like to put on record that on the occassions I met him (quite a few tmes) I found him an honest and sincere fellow who was probably a bit too serious about hurling and where it fits in to life.

Some years back I asked him to present medals in our club and hewas fantastic with the kids and refused the modest travel expenses I offered him A few  years back (pre strike!!) I called him in his office to ask him if he would autograph a hurley for a fundraiser for an Irish school in the North and he agreed without any problem I called to his office he signed the hurley and we spent a half an hour discussing hurling as Gaeilge. I know from many others that he refused any money for attending at presentations and outside of the strike would be known for his committment to the GAA.

I still believe that his role in the strike has damaged his reputation both in Corkand beyond and that is a pity. But I want to be fair to him and acknowledge his contribution to Cork hurling (and football) and also point out my experiences with him as a person. I hope he enjoys retirement and maybe he will learn to take life a little less serious and put sport in perspective. 

By the  way Reillers will you stop the bluster and rehasihng stuff from Rebel GAA and also realise that the likes of Indiana and Heffo know a hell of a lot more about hurling and the GAA  than you do.


I have met the man on several occasions and found him to be a gent. He and his brother did an event for my lads school last year and got annoyed when offered money. We sent them a gift instead. I suppose the fact that it was a Gaelscoil in the parish where his parents live would ahve helped but he was most keen to help out. I have not agreed with everything he has said or done but I totally respect him and what he has done for the Gaeilge and the GAA . More power to him and any other player in Ireland for having an agent  for commercial purposes and they deserve everything they get for opening shops etc I believe it to be a mistake to drop him but it's a clear message to all the hurlers that Walsh is his own man.  Problem is there are no good outstanding players expecially forwards coming up in Cork and it's forwards they need most of all. His charisma is huge and it's his marketability for the GAA that will be missed most of all apart from his playing ability itself!! There was an irony in 2005 as I was the only person that understood his speech in Croke Park. There  were 110 of us watching the match in Florida, 105 from Cork but the pride I felt as disappointed as I was in hearing his speech that day  was immense! Fair plé dhuit a mhac agus lig do scíth!! Nar laga Dia tú!!


Quote from: cicfada on October 18, 2010, 09:14:12 PM
I have met the man on several occasions and found him to be a gent. He and his brother did an event for my lads school last year and got annoyed when offered money. We sent them a gift instead. I suppose the fact that it was a Gaelscoil in the parish where his parents live would ahve helped but he was most keen to help out. I have not agreed with everything he has said or done but I totally respect him and what he has done for the Gaeilge and the GAA . More power to him and any other player in Ireland for having an agent  for commercial purposes and they deserve everything they get for opening shops etc I believe it to be a mistake to drop him but it's a clear message to all the hurlers that Walsh is his own man.  Problem is there are no good outstanding players expecially forwards coming up in Cork and it's forwards they need most of all. His charisma is huge and it's his marketability for the GAA that will be missed most of all apart from his playing ability itself!! There was an irony in 2005 as I was the only person that understood his speech in Croke Park. There  were 110 of us watching the match in Florida, 105 from Cork but the pride I felt as disappointed as I was in hearing his speech that day  was immense! Fair plé dhuit a mhac agus lig do scíth!! Nar laga Dia tú!!

He is some character all right, there's this part of Donal Og's book where it perfectly describes Sean Og's character, where he had been asked to come to a charity event during the strike, something he agreed to long before any of the strike happened, and he gets Sean Og and Tom Kenny to go along with him,  to hotel, for this charity raising money for the children's leukemia ward in a Cork hospital, it's so funny to read it, a genuine laugh out loud moment, it really sums up his character.


Quote from: Reillers on October 18, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
Quote from: cicfada on October 18, 2010, 09:14:12 PM
I have met the man on several occasions and found him to be a gent. He and his brother did an event for my lads school last year and got annoyed when offered money. We sent them a gift instead. I suppose the fact that it was a Gaelscoil in the parish where his parents live would ahve helped but he was most keen to help out. I have not agreed with everything he has said or done but I totally respect him and what he has done for the Gaeilge and the GAA . More power to him and any other player in Ireland for having an agent  for commercial purposes and they deserve everything they get for opening shops etc I believe it to be a mistake to drop him but it's a clear message to all the hurlers that Walsh is his own man.  Problem is there are no good outstanding players expecially forwards coming up in Cork and it's forwards they need most of all. His charisma is huge and it's his marketability for the GAA that will be missed most of all apart from his playing ability itself!! There was an irony in 2005 as I was the only person that understood his speech in Croke Park. There  were 110 of us watching the match in Florida, 105 from Cork but the pride I felt as disappointed as I was in hearing his speech that day  was immense! Fair plé dhuit a mhac agus lig do scíth!! Nar laga Dia tú!!

there's this part of Donal Og's book where it perfectly describes Sean Og's character, where he had been asked to come to a charity event during the strike, something he agreed to long before any of the strike happened, and he gets Sean Og and Tom Kenny to go along with him,  to hotel, for this charity raising money for the children's leukemia ward in a Cork hospital, it's so funny to read it

I wonder has Donal Óg  ever seen the Harry Enfield sketch where the two fella's above continually talk about the charity work they do and always sign off with the catchphrase - "Do a lot of work for charity - don't like to talk about it"?


Quote from: cicfada on October 18, 2010, 09:14:12 PM
I have met the man on several occasions and found him to be a gent. He and his brother did an event for my lads school last year and got annoyed when offered money. We sent them a gift instead. I suppose the fact that it was a Gaelscoil in the parish where his parents live would ahve helped but he was most keen to help out. I have not agreed with everything he has said or done but I totally respect him and what he has done for the Gaeilge and the GAA . More power to him and any other player in Ireland for having an agent  for commercial purposes and they deserve everything they get for opening shops etc I believe it to be a mistake to drop him but it's a clear message to all the hurlers that Walsh is his own man.  Problem is there are no good outstanding players expecially forwards coming up in Cork and it's forwards they need most of all. His charisma is huge and it's his marketability for the GAA that will be missed most of all apart from his playing ability itself!! There was an irony in 2005 as I was the only person that understood his speech in Croke Park. There  were 110 of us watching the match in Florida, 105 from Cork but the pride I felt as disappointed as I was in hearing his speech that day  was immense! Fair plé dhuit a mhac agus lig do scíth!! Nar laga Dia tú!!

It's nice to hear a moderate & balanced opinion about him


Reillers problems in his first post start when describing Sean Og as part of the best HB line in Ireland.

Wonderful hurler, wonderful athlete and an inspiration to the next generation of hurler in Ireland who will have large numbers from many different ethnic backgrounds.

As said however, the off the field antics will tarnish his reputation outside Cork.

Also as mentioned, Cork haven't hurlers of his calibre coming through and could be in serious trouble over the course of the next decade.


I watched the International rules yesterday on tg4 when he played ( 2004 I think it was ). Was that the year he got picked which caused a bit of a stir cos he didn't play football that year ??

Anyways, he was a class footballer as well as an outstanding hurler.

He played corner back that day and lorded it.

Being told that he was surplus to requirements is defintely not the way he would have wanted to go.

3 All Irelands, a good few All Stars over a fantastic career.

Hope he enjoys his retirement but somehow I don't think he is the retiring type.


Quote from: orangeman on October 18, 2010, 11:12:20 PM
I watched the International rules yesterday on tg4 when he played ( 2004 I think it was ). Was that the year he got picked which caused a bit of a stir cos he didn't play football that year ??

Anyways, he was a class footballer as well as an outstanding hurler.

He played corner back that day and lorded it.

Being told that he was surplus to requirements is defintely not the way he would have wanted to go.

3 All Irelands, a good few All Stars over a fantastic career.

Hope he enjoys his retirement but somehow I don't think he is the retiring type.

If Walsh gets a trimming from tipp it'll be p45 time. Really am surprised by this. If I were walsh id have taken him as usual in the spring and assessed his form before making a call like this. Especially when you cant be sure you have the replacements. Big call.


I'd say he'll be training away like a man possessed over the winter and will push himself to try and give it another lash.

He'll not take rejection well and he'll be out to prove that Dennis was wrong.

As Indy says, God help Dennis if Tipp give them a trimming.


I just can't see where youse are coming from

Cork with or without SOOH will not be winning an AI in the next year or two. It was evident to me anyway that the man (and cork in general) has slowed up and is not the force that he was. Far better now for walsh to work on finding young replacements. Simple as. Everyone is expendible and as a player you just have to live with that reality.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Is there more to this than meets the eye?

"It has emerged that some Cork hurlers had already got together in recent weeks in anticipation of a cull by management."


Cusack made it clear in his autobiography last year that when Sean Og's time was up, his could be up too. "I wonder how long I'll have a home for myself in the Cork dressing-room and I think it is as long as Sean Og is there," he wrote.

There we go....clear as mud.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera

Asal Mor

Quote from: Reillers on October 18, 2010, 06:55:24 PM
So one of the greatest Cork defenders, a player who was part of the best HB line in Ireland, who has done so much for the game, retires, and that's all ye've got to say. Off ye pop to the soccer forums, where you'll fit in just fine.

A complete gentleman, who has done so much for the game, on and off the pitch, absolutely brilliant promoter of the game, with the exceptions of a few clowns who were taken in by media shite, most people have complete respect for a lad.
This bullshit about him and money is just that, bullshit, never looked for a cent when it came to presenting medals, but that never stopped the media or clowns who believed it.
But great to see the bitter, true colours of people on here being shown.

I wish him the very best in his retirement and hopefully he'll be involved down the line in some shape or form. Sad thing is that he is  an outstanding athlete and crazy fit, and could have kept going for year.

A fantastic player and ambassador for the GAA, never a more honest player you'd find.

And to think that all that was done, all his best performances were put in after he was told he'd never play again after that car accident.

Absolute legend of a player and will be missed big time even for his presence alone. And it'll be strange going into the championship without him. An absolute legend.

Here here Reillers. A legend of the game and a massive personality who did so much for the profile hurling. One of the most honest players I ever saw (can't remember a cynical foul he made). To come back from the accident that should have ended his career to be player of the year in '05 was amazing. Like Lance Armstrong without the steroids (allegedly).


Quote from: Asal Mor on October 19, 2010, 12:06:57 PM
A legend of the game and a massive personality who did so much for the profile hurling. One of the most honest players I ever saw (can't remember a cynical foul he made). To come back from the accident that should have ended his career to be player of the year in '05 was amazing. Like Lance Armstrong without the steroids (allegedly).

Here here...but totally unrelated to the thread topic.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera