The Apprentice 2010-2011

Started by Square Ball, October 06, 2010, 10:00:11 PM

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Tony Baloney

Quote from: ONeill on October 06, 2010, 11:42:08 PM
Feck me, can't believe I watched the last half and hour of that tonight. Reminded me of why I stopped watching reality shows yonks ago. The producers pick morons or those who will make themselves appear as idiots but are probably fine in 'reality'. Sprinkle in a few lookers and a demographically widespread cast. They know that the audience will shake their heads in unison and shout at the TV, head into work the next day agreeing that such and such was a w**ker. You even get watchers talking about 'Lord Sugar'.

Why do people watch people they say they cannot stand? Don't they know that Sugar et al have you by the nuts. They knew exactly how you'd react before the editing even commenced. It's all about making the public feel better about themselves, like a drug. There are plenty of real institutions you can achieve that goal if you wanted to seek them out but that'd be sick! There's something feckin cruel about the whole thing. Fame hungry young'uns with an obvious screw loose, apart from 1-2 who have been earmarked as respectable winners, hoored into doing tasks that are more than likely going to make them look like idiots for the benefit of the baying audience, some of whom would actually abuse the contestants if they met them in person! Quality TV my hole.

All the same, looking forward to next week.
More importantly did you find out what thon yoke is in the western sky? The eldest made me find out about Jupiters appearance a while back and now he needs info on this new boy.


Not sure. The iphone app is telling me it's Arcturus from the constellation Bootes. It's over Pomeroy anyway.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Alex Epstein C unt
Chris Bates  C unt
Christopher Farrell  C unt
Dan Harris  C unt
Jamie Lester  C unt
Joanna Riley  Bit scarey
Joy Stefanicki  Bit scarey
Laura Moore  Bit scarey
Liz Locke  Babe
Melissa Cohen  Scarey
Paloma Vivanco  C unt
Raleigh Addington  Babe
Sandeesh Samra  Babe
Shibby Robati  C unt
Stella English  Babe going on  Milf
Stuart Baggs C unt
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Quote from: Orior on October 07, 2010, 12:54:00 AM

Alex Epstein C **t
Chris Bates  C **t
Christopher Farrell  C **t
Dan Harris  C **t
Jamie Lester  C **t
Joanna Riley  Bit scarey
Joy Stefanicki  Bit scarey
Laura Moore  Bit scarey
Liz Locke  Babe
Melissa Cohen  Scarey
Paloma Vivanco  C **t
Raleigh Addington  Babe
Sandeesh Samra  Babe
Shibby Robati  C **t
Stella English  Babe going on  Milf
Stuart Baggs C **t
He seems like a decent enough lad. I wouldn't call him a babe though.

Banana Man

watched the last half hour, that was the first time ever and had to laugh at the boys cutting each other's throats in the board room

All Dan had to say was, well I was team leader, he thought he was bullet proof

The thing that shocked me the most was the house, it looks like a 3 storey student house from the outside then you go inand there's a massive downstairs kitchen, a mini pool/10 man bath, a gym, a massive living room and a big garden out the back in the middle of london, how much would that house cost, even now in recession??


I had to laugh at one of their job titles 'Unemployed Head of Communications' - so that would just be unemployed then??

I thought that Raleigh fella was going to cry at one stage with his 'Its shameful' outburst at the team leader.

Did anyone catch Your Fired on bbc 2 afterwards? Dara O'Briain hosting it now and thought he was very good.


That guy that came out with the "its shameful" comment needs treatment to get that out of him. Good craic the lot of them.  The guy that went out has probably never worked with and for anybody but himself, the salesman however to me would have been the first to go,  he has no common sense nor concept of the line being crossed, surely its not up to the show to put that into him.   

quit yo jibbajabba

Quote from: tyroneboi on October 07, 2010, 09:05:54 AM
I had to laugh at one of their job titles 'Uemployed Head of Communications' - so that would just be unemployed then??

I thought that Raleigh fella was going to cry at one stage with his 'Its shameful' outburst at the team leader.

Did anyone catch Your Fired on bbc 2 afterwards? Dara O'Briain hosting it now and thought he was very good.

had a snigger at that myself; im an unemployed president of a country myself if i ever go on the show ;D


There seems to be even more c***ts than usual this year. Should be good craic.


Absolutley useless shower. Some people never learn, in a new group like that to keep the head down go about the job and let the attention seekers fight for the limelight.
The bit that stuck out for me was the pratt beside the sausage machine who had just pressed the button to mix the contents and was then roaring to the rest  who's job it was to collect the contents of the  now mixed batch. Lazy hewer  couldnt work in a fit !
To early to call potential winners however very easy to see 5 or 6 that will get the boot early on.

Derry Dolly

watched last nite for the first time, very good entertainment value i thought..some rare characters alrite!

as much as i didnt like Dan, that Stuart was an absolute prat..was praying alan would fire his pompous ass. couldnt believe he was only 21  :o looks about 30?!
the short haired blonde girl did my head in say she wouldve faced the chop had the girls lost.


Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


In fact, eyes like mine except hers point in the same direction.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians