Ireland To Gaza 3

Started by give her dixie, September 15, 2010, 09:51:39 AM

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give her dixie

Well folks, the long wait is over, and tomorrow we set sail for Al Arish, Egypt.
I am pressed for time, so have included the folowing press release to update everyone.

Once again, thanks for all your encouragement and support. You make it all possible.

It is going to be emotional leaving the Palestinian refugee camp where we have been staying for the past 2 weeks. Over 10,000 Palestinians live here, having been kicked out of their homes in Haifa 62 years ago.

To this day, they have never been able to return to their homes that they had lived in for generations.
Today, Jews from all over the world are paid to go to Israel and live in their homes.
It is so cruel, and some day soon, justice will prevail and they will get the justice they truely deserve.

Fresh from his visit to Canada, and victory over a Canadian Govt decision to ban him from entering Canada 18 months ago, an emotional George Galloway addressed thousands of people tonight and wished us all well as we set off in the morning.

If only there were more men like George in this world who have the courage and conviction to stand up for the plight of the Palestinians, and recognise democracy, then peace could be achievable.

Yesterday, Mary Robinson and fellow members of the "Elders Group" visited Gaza, and met with the democratically elected leaders and called for the immediate lifting of the illegal and cruel siege imposed upon 1.5 million people by Israel and the US.

So, with an early start in the morning, and an emotional 20 hour sail ahead of us, I will sign off.
Hopefully the next time I post, I will have broken the siege once more, and delivered the ambulance loaded with aid to the besieged people in Gaza that I have driven 3,500 miles.

Stay tuned..........

Press Release:

On Monday morning, October 18th, an Irish humanitarian delegation will depart Syria and sail to Al Arish in Egypt on the last leg of an epic journey to Gaza. They are part of the international Viva Palestina convoy that left the UK on September 18th and travelled through France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Syria.

In total, over $5 million of humanitarian aid is loaded in 150 vehicles, with 400 people from 30 countries worldwide. This is the largest land convoy to date to attempt to reach Gaza since the illegal siege was imposed over 4 years ago.

This is the 4th land convoy organised by the British charity Viva Palestina in the past 18 months.
8 Irish men in 5 vehicles, with over $100,000 in humanitarian aid, have travelled over 3,500 miles to date.

For over 2 weeks, the convoy has been waiting in Latakia, Syria for permission from Egypt to dock in Al Arish.
Among the Irish travelling is, Padraig McShane, an independent councillor from the district of Moyle, 2 teams from Antrim, 1team from Belfast, and a team from Tyrone, and one from Tipperarry.

Today, the Egyptian authorities issued a list of 17 people who are banned from travelling. They include the convoy leader, former MP and founder of Viva Palestina, Mr. George Galloway, and 10 survivors from the Mavi Mamara, the ship that was attacked by Israel in which 9 men were brutally murdered.

En route to Al Arish, the ship will stop at the sport in international waters where the Mavi Mamara was attacked, and a wreath laying ceremony will take place. This will no doubt be an emotional experience considering there are 40 survivors travelling on the convoy.

The ship will dock in Al Arish on Tuesday morning, and following inspections, the convoy should hopefully enter Gaza some time on Tuesday.

next stop, September 10, for number 4......

Tyrones own

Quote from: give her dixie on October 17, 2010, 09:59:48 PM
Well folks, the long wait is over, and tomorrow we set sail for Al Arish, Egypt.
I am pressed for time, so have included the folowing press release to update everyone.

Once again, thanks for all your encouragement and support. You make it all possible.

It is going to be emotional leaving the Palestinian refugee camp where we have been staying for the past 2 weeks. Over 10,000 Palestinians live here, having been kicked out of their homes in Haifa 62 years ago.

To this day, they have never been able to return to their homes that they had lived in for generations.
Today, Jews from all over the world are paid to go to Israel and live in their homes.
It is so cruel, and some day soon, justice will prevail and they will get the justice they truely deserve.

Fresh from his visit to Canada, and victory over a Canadian Govt decision to ban him from entering Canada 18 months ago, an emotional George Galloway addressed thousands of people tonight and wished us all well as we set off in the morning.

If only there were more men like George in this world who have the courage and conviction to stand up for the plight of the Palestinians, and recognise democracy, then peace could be achievable.

Yesterday, Mary Robinson and fellow members of the "Elders Group" visited Gaza, and met with the democratically elected leaders and called for the immediate lifting of the illegal and cruel siege imposed upon 1.5 million people by Israel and the US.

So, with an early start in the morning, and an emotional 20 hour sail ahead of us, I will sign off.
Hopefully the next time I post, I will have broken the siege once more, and delivered the ambulance loaded with aid to the besieged people in Gaza that I have driven 3,500 miles.

Stay tuned..........

Press Release:

On Monday morning, October 18th, an Irish humanitarian delegation will depart Syria and sail to Al Arish in Egypt on the last leg of an epic journey to Gaza. They are part of the international Viva Palestina convoy that left the UK on September 18th and travelled through France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Syria.

In total, over $5 million of humanitarian aid is loaded in 150 vehicles, with 400 people from 30 countries worldwide. This is the largest land convoy to date to attempt to reach Gaza since the illegal siege was imposed over 4 years ago.

This is the 4th land convoy organised by the British charity Viva Palestina in the past 18 months.
8 Irish men in 5 vehicles, with over $100,000 in humanitarian aid, have travelled over 3,500 miles to date.

For over 2 weeks, the convoy has been waiting in Latakia, Syria for permission from Egypt to dock in Al Arish.
Among the Irish travelling is, Padraig McShane, an independent councillor from the district of Moyle, 2 teams from Antrim, 1team from Belfast, and a team from Tyrone, and one from Tipperarry.

Today, the Egyptian authorities issued a list of 17 people who are banned from travelling. They include the convoy leader, former MP and founder of Viva Palestina, Mr. George Galloway, and 10 survivors from the Mavi Mamara, the ship that was attacked by Israel in which 9 men were brutally murdered.

En route to Al Arish, the ship will stop at the sport in international waters where the Mavi Mamara was attacked, and a wreath laying ceremony will take place. This will no doubt be an emotional experience considering there are 40 survivors travelling on the convoy.

The ship will dock in Al Arish on Tuesday morning, and following inspections, the convoy should hopefully enter Gaza some time on Tuesday.

Any Idea why these 17 including George were banned by the Egyptians from traveling John?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


you might have forgotton TO but the Palestinians elected Hamas as their legit Goverment, it was the world powers that agreed with the democratic election. So the people support Hamas. Its time to stop burying heads in the sand and start to deal with the moderate elements in Hamas. Also you might of not remember the Oslo accords where Israel continued to build settlements and steal Palestinian land, Hamas were not in power then.

The stated mission is a load of crap, come on people in Northern Ireland refer to it as the North or North of Ireland, Londonderry and Derry, it is only words. By Offering a 10 year truce they were effectively accpeting an Israeli State as that is who the agreement is with.

Can you clarify what Israel stands for as a sovereign nation!?


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 17, 2010, 09:49:21 PM
Quote from: Arthur_Friend on October 17, 2010, 08:50:32 PM
[18]           The purpose and distribution of the aid delivered by the convoy is not disputed by the respondents. There is no evidence in the record that it was used by Hamas for any terrorist purpose. The unchallenged evidence in the record is that the cash delivered by Galloway was used to buy incubators and pediatric dialysis units for a Gaza hospital.
Yes of course evidenced by the "This is not Charity" three times before declaring "it's Politics" as he handed it over  :D

What part of The unchallenged evidence in the record is that the cash delivered by Galloway was used to buy incubators and pediatric dialysis units for a Gaza hospital. do you not understand?

Do you disagree with the findings of the Canadian Federal Court Judge?

By the way do you have any comment on 3.04 - 3.31 of the youtube video?

Tyrones own

Quote from: Arthur_Friend on October 17, 2010, 10:16:24 PM
Quote from: Tyrones own on October 17, 2010, 09:49:21 PM
Quote from: Arthur_Friend on October 17, 2010, 08:50:32 PM
[18]           The purpose and distribution of the aid delivered by the convoy is not disputed by the respondents. There is no evidence in the record that it was used by Hamas for any terrorist purpose. The unchallenged evidence in the record is that the cash delivered by Galloway was used to buy incubators and pediatric dialysis units for a Gaza hospital.
Yes of course evidenced by the "This is not Charity" three times before declaring "it's Politics" as he handed it over  :D

What part of The unchallenged evidence in the record is that the cash delivered by Galloway was used to buy incubators and pediatric dialysis units for a Gaza hospital. do you not understand?

Do you disagree with the findings of the Canadian Federal Court Judge?

By the way do you have any comment on 3.04 - 3.31 of the youtube video?
I'm sure you're aware by now that evidence can be made to show anything at all in this propagandized world we live in...
but how can you argue with his "This is not Charity..This is politics" statement ??? I'd say the horses mouth trumps any and all evidence that can be drummed up after the fact ::)
Oh.. and the comment on Auschwitz was absolutely appalling I thought  :'(
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


I see that hardcore terrorist Mary Robinson is involved now and who can forget the terrorist mastermind that is 86 year old Hepy Epstein, strangely a holocaust survivor, who was previously involved with aid to Gaza. Together with Galloway they surely form a new axis of evil. Thank god for holy warriors like TO and the Canadian Globe for setting us all on the right path.

Hedley Lamarr

TO, do you think Israel are serious when they enter "peace talks"....or is it just a show?
For over 40 years they have stolen land and treated the Palestinian people like second class citizens.
The reason that they keep doing it is because NO ONE will do anything about it.
Hamas are democratically elected.......just as Sinn Fein were in the north......some people don't like it ......but that's life.
America likes to portray itself as the great mediator/peace negotiator........but how can they when they sponsor one side to the tune of billions every year......and the other to very little by comparison.
As for a return to the 1967 borders.....that is never going to happen, but IF Israel were serious about peace then they have to stop the continued land grab and building of settlements.
Realistically no one really gives a shit outside of Israel and Gaza.....because it's all happening over there 
Anyway I hope any and all aid gets to those that need it most.
Just read this article and thought it might be of interest...

A devious plan
What is the connection between settlements and the national character of Israel?

With the Palestinians already threatening to walk away from the Middle East peace talks unless Israel renews its partial ban on West Bank settlements, the unveiling of 238 new homes for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem could well kill off the negotiations.

The new plans were approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who apparently could not wait for the settlement moratorium to end, for he is the winner no matter what. Look at the extraordinary basket of incentives Washington offered Israel for a one-off, 60-day extension of the freeze. They include a US pledge to support an Israeli Army presence in the Jordan Valley even after a peace agreement is signed; a veto on any UN Security Council resolution criticizing Israel for the duration of negotiations; an upgrade of weapons not covered in previous arms deals; and a promise not to ask for another moratorium beyond the extension. This by a country that grants Israel $3 billion a year in military aid. An extraordinary package for essentially nothing: Should Netanyahu agree to a moratorium extension of just two months, he will get all this. If he does not, he will probably get even more.

It's not clear what assurances Obama offered the Palestinians. For nothing in return, the Arab League, including the Palestinians, agreed at the Sirte summit to give the Obama administration 30 days to get Israel to adhere to the basics of the peace process, including pressuring Israel to renew the freeze on Jewish settlements. However, this one-month hiatus is aimed more at unburdening the Obama administration of the task of confronting Israel during the midterm US Congressional elections rather than seeing any concrete results from any renewed American efforts at reactivating an exhausted and unpromising peace process.

What the Palestinians want is an explicit statement by Obama that the 1967 borders will be the baseline for any final-status negotiations on a Palestinian state. But even if Obama were to endorse a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, it would have no more traction than his call for a settlement freeze unless Israel also recognizes them as a basis for negotiations. With Netanyahu at the helm, this is highly unlikely. His offer to extend the freeze in return for Palestinian recognition of "Israel as the National State of the Jewish people" was made only because he knew it would be refused. No Palestinian official would agree to recognize Israel as a Jewish state which is linked to the Zionist plan to expel most or all Arabs who have Israeli citizenship and who constitute around 25 percent of Israel's overall population.

The PLO formally recognized Israel's right "to exist in peace and security" in an exchange of letters before the signing of the 1993 Oslo Accords. What is the connection between settlements and the national character of Israel? The real issue threatening peace talks is settlement activity that continues with or without a moratorium. According to Israel's own statistics, in the first half of 2010 — the period of the "freeze" — the West Bank settler population grew by 8,000, almost the same rate as 2009 and triple the average population growth inside Israel.

The new East Jerusalem project is part of a larger announcement allowing developers to bid on thousands of housings contracts across Israel. As such, for its duration and any period to come, the moratorium was and is a sham, much like the negotiations themselves.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

Banana Man

That's the stuff Give her Dixie, you can tell Padraig McShane his weekly column in the Coleraine Chronicle caused a stir with the loyal brethern on the North Coast, it was inthe Sunday World yesterday and John Taylor/Lord Kilcooney has ordered an investigation into it, talk about a bloody nose  :D

glens abu

Quote from: Nally Stand on October 16, 2010, 08:53:58 PM
Quote from: glens abu on October 15, 2010, 01:59:32 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on October 15, 2010, 11:21:03 AM
Well folks, and the news to report today is that we are to sail on Sunday from Lattikia, Syria, where we have been parked up for 13 days now.

The mood among everyone is fantastic, and everyone can't wait until we set sail, and hopefully reach Gaza next Tuesday or Wednesday.

There is a slight element of danger involved, as Israel could choose to disrut or stop our journey. Their prior behaviour in Internatiional waters is well known, and we are prepared for the worst possible outcome.

However, our stated port of docking is Al Arish in Egypt, so any moves on their behalf will once again be illegal under international law.  (Not that Israel obey international law)...........

Lets hope common sense prevails, and both Israel and Egypt allow us a safe passage to the besieged region of Gaza in occupied Palestine.

I will keep you posted as our plans unfold.

Below is a link to the latest Press TV news report on the convoy, with a short interview with myself.

Great work John,I know you have good Antrim men with you this time so safe journey and once again you are a credit to us all.Slan

What are you trying to say!!!  :D :D

:D :D ;)

Hedley Lamarr

Israel says Hamas has anti-aircraft missiles

Published: Oct 18, 2010 23:37 Updated: Oct 18, 2010 23:37

JERUSALEM: Gaza's Hamas rulers have obtained anti-aircraft missiles, Israel's prime minister said Monday, in a potentially game-changing development that could threaten the Israeli air force's ability to strike at the militant group.

Israeli aircraft have long dominated the skies over Gaza, striking suspected Hamas military installations and assassinating dozens of wanted militants. The Israeli air force played a key role in a fierce three-week offensive in Gaza early last year, which began with airstrikes that killed hundreds of Hamas fighters. The air raids also destroyed vast amounts of infrastructure and killed hundreds of civilians.

Speaking to his Likud Party, Netanyahu disclosed that Israel's aerial freedom has been compromised by the new weaponry, presumably smuggled into Gaza through tunnels connected to neighboring Egypt. He said any future peace agreement would have to include security arrangements to deal with the threat.

Israel believes that despite its military offensive and Egypt's stated goal of halting arms smuggling, Hamas has managed to restock its arsenal with longer-range missiles that can strike the heart of Israel.

Netanyahu's assessment was the first time an Israeli official has openly said Hamas also possesses anti-aircraft weaponry, though intelligence officials have privately suspected that was the case.

"The security problem is not just the new rockets that will enter the area and will threaten city centers. I don't know if you know this, but today we are struggling to fly near Gaza because they have anti-aircraft missiles there," Netanyahu said.

He warned that the missiles could also threaten air traffic at Israel's international airport. "Israel's security needs are real, the solutions have to be real, not on paper. We need to find long-term solutions that give Israel security," he said.

Netanyahu gave no evidence to support his claim, and aides would not discuss details about the missiles.
::) ::) ::)
The Israeli military refused to comment on Netanyahu's remarks.

Security officials said they have long assumed Hamas has smuggled in Russian-made Strela anti-aircraft missiles, presumably supplied by Iran. Some versions of the Strela are shoulder-fired and are designed to target planes, helicopters and drones at ranges of around two and a half miles, according to the military information website

Hamas has yet to deploy the weapons, but Israeli pilots fly over Gaza with the assumption that the missiles are there, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity according to military protocol.

Hamas refused to say whether it has any anti-aircraft weapons and accused the Israeli leader of spreading propaganda to justify future attacks in Gaza.

"These remarks reflect the intention of the Zionist enemy to commit more crimes and more future aggression against our people, taking advantage of the American support and the Arab silence," said Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza.

"We emphasize that the Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves against any future aggression and this is a national and holy duty," he added.

Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said the militant group had learned its lessons from the last battle.

"If they want war, we are ready for it. But it will not be like the last war in 2009 in which we realized the strength and weakness of our enemy," he said.

Hamas has fired thousands of rockets and missiles into Israel in recent years, though it has largely refrained from attacks since Israel's offensive.

On Sunday, an Israeli airstrike killed two Gaza militants who Israel says were preparing to fire rockets over the Gaza border. The Israeli military said more than 165 rockets and mortar shells have been fired at Israel from Gaza so far this year, a significant drop from the numbers before the 2009 war.

Hamas is a not a party to the newly restarted Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which are deadlocked over Israel's refusal to extend restrictions on Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank.

In a rare interview to an Israeli television station, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas appeared to make a significant gesture toward Israel. He said the Palestinians would be willing to end all historic claims against Israel if a Palestinian state is established on lands captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war: the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

Once the Palestinians have established their state inside the 1967 borders, "there is another important thing to end, the conflict, and we are ready for that, to end the historic demands," Abbas told Israel's Channel 1.

Though Abbas did not elaborate, this has typically alluded to the Palestinian demand for Palestinian refugees to have a right to return to their homelands inside what is now Israel.

Israel fears the Palestinians will press for refugee rights even after the creation of their state instead of settling in the future Palestine, thus undermining Israel's Jewish character.

Netanyahu said he heard Abbas' words, but preferred to have the conversation face-to-face.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

give her dixie

Well folks, after a 18 day wait in Syria, we finally left today and have now arrived in Al Arish, Egypt.
Yesterday, all the vehicles were loaded on a ship and it is due to dock in a few hours.
All the convoy members took 2 flights today and everyone is safe and well in a hotel for the night.

Tomorrow, if all goes well we should enter Gaza and break the siege once more.
It has been a long journey, and everyone will be relieved once we cross through the Rafah border into
Gaza, and occupied Palestine.

I will keep you posted on how we get on.......
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Banana Man

give her dixie

Well folks, after 33 days on the road, we finally entered Gaza this afternoon.
The scenes once we crossed through the Rafah crossing were amazing. Tens of thousands of Palestinians
lined the streets as we made our way to Gaza city.
It has been an amazing journey, and not without it's difficulties.
However, what we endured is only a drop in the ocean to what these brave people endure day after day.
I will post later with more details, and for now, i'm away to have a shower and something to eat.............,

Viva Gaza, Viva Palestina..............
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on October 21, 2010, 09:10:34 PM
Well folks, after 33 days on the road, we finally entered Gaza this afternoon.
The scenes once we crossed through the Rafah crossing were amazing. Tens of thousands of Palestinians
lined the streets as we made our way to Gaza city.
It has been an amazing journey, and not without it's difficulties.
However, what we endured is only a drop in the ocean to what these brave people endure day after day.
I will post later with more details, and for now, i'm away to have a shower and something to eat.............,

Viva Gaza, Viva Palestina..............

Well done yet again John - you and your comrades are an inspiration to all.