The Spider

Started by DirtyDozen12, August 06, 2010, 09:24:12 AM

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The Real Laoislad

Had to pull a cable through this attic a few years ago,I lifted myself up into the attic and started to crawl down to the far end.
I turn on the head light and all I could see was cobwebs,I mean the whole attic was one big cobweb and there must have been a thousand or more spiders of all sizes everywhere.

All I could do was close my mouth and plough on through,when I got down out of the attic I was just covered in cobwebs and spiders from head to toe they were in my ears,nose,hair(it was a few years ago hence the hair).
Wasn't very pleasant.
You'll Never Walk Alone.


As much as I don't mind spiders LL I wouldn't be doing that.


I watched a spider climb up my waterspout and ate all the curds and whey I was making.
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You're never done with the curds and whey.


Spiders keep eating them on me  :'(
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there was a spider that lived on the gate in to my back yard for a good while.  Every evening I'd come home and he'd have a big web made across the gate and I'd have to break it to get the bike in. Every morning when I went out the web would be rebuilt and I'd have to break it. In the evening it would be there again. This went on for ages but it must have dawned on him it might be better building the web somewhere else.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Stubborn, like a spider.

It doesn't have greatest ring to it...

Wee Shea

Despise spiders. Not scared but just don't like the thought of them crawling over me while I sleep.

My bedroom is the attic room too so I get a lot through the skylight, who then get squashed and chucked back out the skylight as a warning to their mates.

Square Ball

Quote from: ziggysego on August 06, 2010, 09:34:35 PM
Spiders keep eating them on me  :'(

Zig and all, is it true that you eat the odd spider at night while asleep
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


Does anyone ever wonder how spiders stretch their web across a big gap like pog's gate? I.e. how do they get the first strand across? I always did until I found out.


I think the last few posters have missed the point of the original story.
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!


Quote from: Hardy on August 07, 2010, 10:57:41 AM
Does anyone ever wonder how spiders stretch their web across a big gap like pog's gate? I.e. how do they get the first strand across? I always did until I found out.

Floats on the wind

Sorry DD12


i know a man who's scared of spiders, i infact had to go round the house one night to get one out of the bath,he wouldn't even go into the bathroom! it was big enough, but more legs than body, y'kno them ones? got it out and fired it out the window, that wasn't good enough he wanted it dead!

same man was on holidays there last week, his wife shoed a wasp of him, wasn't enough the wasp was gone, he wanted it dead too..



i have read this thread and feel like vomiting.... i have a very big phobia about them.. when i see one my heart beat fastens and feel sick in my stomach and sometimes i cry, wish to god i could get over it and its a horrible feeling and theres not always someone around to get rid of them!

though great story dd12... get the moral, strenght and will power and all that, hoped ya did put shampoo bottle on it!
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..


On the subject of spiders, I haven't seen one in nearly a year. Are the dying out? What's going on?
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