So Grimley isn't God after all

Started by crossfire, July 27, 2010, 09:09:16 PM

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Quote from: Logan on September 06, 2010, 03:08:26 PM
Anyone care to post the Irish News interview?

Where will he go now?
Looks like the Monaghan well has dried up - where next for him?

Thanks very much ONeill
(I was actually asking about the one where he had a cut off the Monaghan County Chairman ... but that's a great read!)


I'd also like to see a the Irish News article if anyone has it, seems he had a right go at Paul Curran alright. This should make Grimley's involvement with Clontibret(should he continue it) all the more interesting this year seeing as Curran is a Clontibret man.

Main Street

Good article, thanks for loading her up on the board.


Great read. Grimley calls a spade a spade which is as it should be.
