Attack in Armagh game

Started by beer baron, June 16, 2010, 01:10:55 PM

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beer baron

Just read a report on Hoganstand about young Nugent getting assaulted in a club game,hope the perpetrator is banned for life.I know all clubs like to rough up young talented players on the opposing team but this is sickening!Reminds me of a similar story where Joe Canning i think it was received a broken jaw in a game when he was only about 17.Anyone ever caught and suspended for that?The G.a.a has to make a stand and sort out these thugs!


This one sounds worse - doesnt appear to have been a single blow...


It's a man's game....what happens on the field should stay on the field....what the referee didn't see should be left alone...

Am I on the wrong thread?

There should be zero tolerance to thuggery and thuggish acts. No whataboutery, no excuses. Whether gouging or putting a young fellah in hospital.  Our tolerance for such thuggery shouldn't depend on the outcome :-[


What sort of punishment could the perpetrator expect? Knowing how things are done in Armagh they will pay lip service to the incident, hand out a less than adequate punishment, more than likely let the guilty part appeal and then whole thing will be swept under the carpet!


theres already a full scale discussion on Armagh Club page in Local section


Good to see that this incident has got the press now involved with the article in today's Irish News. This may put a bit more pressure on the county board to do something instead of just ignoring it and thinking it will go away
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


Hate to say it but if it was my cub done like that in an unprovoked attack I'd have the police in.


Quote from: longrunsthefox on June 16, 2010, 05:13:16 PM
Hate to say it but if it was my cub done like that in an unprovoked attack I'd have the police in.

What if it was your cub who was the culprit?
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Interesting point - if one of your own team-mates did something like this to an opponent what would you do?

A Quinn Martin Production

Souns like horrific injuries:

From the BBC:

Kevin Nugent, one of the stars of the Armagh Minors All-Ireland winning team, is in hospital recovering from injuries sustained in a club game on Sunday.

Nugent underwent extensive surgery for injuries caused by the vicious assault during a Division One club game between Maghery and Cullaville.

The 19-year-old was knocked unconscious and suffered horrific facial damage.

Armagh's disciplinary authority, the CCC, is in the process of launching an investigation into the incident.

The attack, which occurred in the final moments of the game, caused damage which will prevent the teenager from chewing solid food for four months.

Nugent suffered a broken chin, broken jaw, split lower gum, and all his lower teeth were displaced and part of his lower jaw dislodged.
The CCC will seek to establish the facts surrounding the incident and quickly identify who was responsible.
Antrim - One Of A Dying Breed of Genuine Dual Counties


Just read the armagh club thread - this is very serious, and absolutely disgusting. For a young fella to be out playing a game he loves to be subjected to any kind of assault is disgusting.

Hopefully his recovery is not too long and he gets the support and encouragement he needs to be back playing again. Armagh don't need to be losing talent in any way.

Whoever carried out this attack needs to be punsihed to the fullest extent of the law.


Quote from: Orior on June 16, 2010, 05:29:58 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on June 16, 2010, 05:13:16 PM
Hate to say it but if it was my cub done like that in an unprovoked attack I'd have the police in.

What if it was your cub who was the culprit?

I'd hardly call the police on my own son... jees! man. But would expect him to accept responsibility. I guess this fellow ddin't set out to do this damage but he done it and has to accept responsibility for that. If it was my own club would expect the person also to have the courage to accept it and admit it.


Who ever did this shouldn't be on a football pitch ever again. His own club should expell him.


Quote from: fitzroyalty on June 16, 2010, 05:36:41 PM
Interesting point - if one of your own team-mates did something like this to an opponent what would you do?
report him -  to whoever it needs to be reported to.  No place for this in sport.


that is just absolutely horrific and vile. There better be something done on this. Obviously they know the attacker. disgusting. hope Nugent will be ok.