Gilmore for Taoiseach?

Started by barelegs, June 10, 2010, 09:13:59 PM

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Lone Shark

Odd though it sounds, I actually think that this has the potential to be exactly what this country needs. As far as I can make out, much more important than who holds what ministry in late 2012 is the removal of the cancer that is the current Fianna Fáil modus operandi from Irish politics. I hate that they have succeeded in convincing the country that parish pump stuff is the way to go, I abhor that they seem to have convinced everyone that charisma and likeability is more important than competence and honesty and above all, I fear for the fact that if things went on as they are, they would be right back in within a few years.

My view, for the little it's worth, is this.....

(1) FG and Labour are a marriage of convenience - in the same way that me marrying my next door neighbour would be convenient, except that I have no idea what language he speaks and I'm not particularly inclined towards guys. The basis would be simply a united sense of being "Not FF". Politically, they are diametrically opposed, and there is no way that the FG agenda and the Labour agenda could possibly co-exist. Even if they had 110 seats between them and FF were down around 30, it would be a recipe for FF to resurrect within three years, perpetuating their belief that they are the "natural party of government" operating the same way as they always have done. They would simply give out about everything from the opposition benches and slowly pretend that it was all the new govt's fault.

(2) For the above reason, we need a FG single party government next time, with Labour becoming the opposition.  That way FF can be left in the cold for a matter of two terms or more, which cuts their main oxygen source - that being favours and jobs for the boys. Without patronage, they are nothing.

(3) Following on from that, Enda has rebuilt the FG machine, but much like in the US presidential elections, to get the nomination, you have to appeal to your own base - which means going left or right, depending on which side you're on. To actually win the race, you have to capture the middle. Enda is safe, traditional FG and I think he would have been a fine leader, but the fact remains that while he appeals to FG people, the simple fact is that to others, he doesn't. I'm driven demented by people saying the same thing "I just couldn't vote for him" and when asked why "I don't know". We are a nation of idiots in that sense, but it is how it is. Enda has built the foundations, but to get the neutrals over the line, someone else must take over. I hope Richard Bruton can be that guy and I suspect he might.

Just to clarify, I am not FG, merely someone who feels that FF must be wiped out or as near as we can do it. Their polling 20% scares me - who are these 1 in 5 people who think that they are still capable? I mean seriously????

I don't care who's in charge as long as we do all we can towards that - and sadly for that, Enda has to go. I feel sorry for him since he has done nothing wrong except suffer at the hands of the FF spin machine, but you have to play the cards you're dealt and that's what's happening now.


My thoughts exactly Lone Shark


Bogball XV

Goddam loneshark, you speak purtier than a 20 dollar whore ;)

Billys Boots

Political 'machines' are the antithesis of democracy, and in the Irish context, are what has us the way we are.
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Watch out for a "compromise" leader in FG next. Coveney, Enright, English etc etc. Young, Cameronesque, sans baggage might be what FG go for.
Just think that Richard Bruton wil be tainted as a "backstabber". I accept that the Greystones/ Mayo and Golden Vale big farmer types will love Bruton but I don't think  he has wide enough appeal to trounce FF.

Lone Shark

I think that's a possibility, but I hope they don't. The next leader needs to be someone earnest and genuine - which Bruton is.A polished young thing spun to within an inch of their lives simply wouldn't make an impact to the same degree at all.

Also, how many of ye would play a game of football without at least giving thought to how your opponents are going to play? The only card FF have left is "experience". Experience of failure it may be, but that's what they'll play. You have to mark that threat.

Billys Boots

We need a Lemass/Whittaker combination, not f*cking Jim Hacker.
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


Spot on analysis, Lone Shark.

By the way, those who say Bruton mistimed his challenge may be off the mark. Some reports are saying that it was Inda who forced the issue by contacting Bruton at the weekend and demanding a public statement of support from him. Bruton couldn't do that and so the situation was forced.

It certainly doesn't seem to make sense that Bruton would have chosen this week as the optimum time for his move. Inda('s handlers) may have been quite clever in choosing this moment to force the issue as it gave him the best chance to portray Brtuton as the traitor in the party's hour of need, etc.

magpie seanie

I actually hope Kenny wins and am beginning to suspect he might. A pity then that he will be shorn of some talented people who rebelled needlessly. Bruton would be no more appealing a leader than Kenny. The real test of FG will be when peoples minds are focussed during an election campaign. That's when Labour will be found out and only a disastrous campaign from FG could mess things up for them.

Whether people like it or not there is a huge anti-Kenny media spin because of where he is from. If he defeats this challenge it could be the making of him.


Turning decisively for Bruton in the last few hours?

Quote from: Canalman on June 16, 2010, 10:24:39 AM
Watch out for a "compromise" leader in FG next. Coveney, Enright, English etc etc. Young, Cameronesque, sans baggage might be what FG go for.
Just think that Richard Bruton wil be tainted as a "backstabber". I accept that the Greystones/ Mayo and Golden Vale big farmer types will love Bruton but I don't think  he has wide enough appeal to trounce FF.

I think you are a quare few kilometres of the mark there on Mayo folk Canalman, the knives will be out for a long time to come for him here and among Fine Gaelers in Connacht in general. I was talking to a friend down in West Cork and Bruton may have crossed the line for them too in the Rebel county.

By the way Hardy, his name is Enda, nobody over here including himself calls him Inda, typical Eastern seaboard crappy Mayo accent. Stop using Mirraim Lord the stupid mare as a source of information.

Personaly I hope that Dublin doesn't get its Taoiseach, I trust them as little as they do us, they thought Bertie was a God ffs. This isn't a Parishpumb view its just I would like someone outside the Dublin commuter belt for a change, someone who will solve Ireland's problems not a glorified Mayor of Greater Dublin.

Yes Magpie Seanie, a lot of the medias problems with Enda is because he is from Mayo.

Another factor as long as RTE is not challenge for its pro-FF bias the longer Ireland will fester in the sewer of Failer deference.

Ryan Tubridy is a dangerous influnce as the presenter of the Late Late Show and now he takes over Gerry Ryans old slot, Tubridy by the way is a former member of Ogra Fianna Fail and he is related to the Andrews as well as many other current and former prominent FF's.

Ray D'Arcy is another FF fanatic & Brendan O'Connor is another FF songbird.

Of course Eoin Harris gets a Seanatorship for his "Lower Mount St calling, Lower Mount St calling" contributions.

We all know the Irish Independents leanings.

Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

magpie seanie

I'm hearing Kenny is going to win from a very anti-Kenny FG person.


Quote from: on June 16, 2010, 04:58:11 PM
By the way Hardy, his name is Enda, nobody over here including himself calls him Inda, typical Eastern seaboard crappy Mayo accent.

Nearly everybody over there calls him that. At least that's how it sounds to my ear. Isn't diversity great. Be proud of your accent and stop cringing in front of us "Eastern seaboarders" (and FFers and Irish Times journalists and RTÉ people and Ryan Tubridy and Eoghan Harris and Brendan O'Connor and Miriam Lord and Ray D'Arcy !!! and Richard Bruton and ...). How do you manage to keep track of all your bugbears?

Just as a matter of interest, why do you (and so many Mayo/Connacht people) feel the need to turn the FG leadership contest into a Connacht v. the world debate? I haven't heard anyone from Meath suggest that any opposition to Bruton or unfavourable comment on him is because he's from Meath.

Lose the paranoia.


Quote from: Hardy on June 16, 2010, 05:32:30 PM
Just as a matter of interest, why do you (and so many Mayo/Connacht people) feel the need to turn the FG leadership contest into a MayoConnachtv. the world debate?
Lose the paranoia.

Ahh sure the poor devils have to have something to keep them goin these days  :-*
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM