James Horan Appointed Mayo Manager 2011

Started by Barney, June 06, 2010, 09:39:34 AM

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Who would you like to see as Mayo Manager in 2010

James Horan
Tommy Lyons
Anthony McGarry
John Maughan


Ah now mannix, I don't pay any heed to ANYTHING Martin Breheny says, (esp Mayo football) he's a Galwayman afterall...
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.

western exile

Quote from: mannix on September 15, 2010, 01:38:13 PM
who would you have in mind?  maughan or horan would be my guess, maughan has been there and knows the score despite not finishing the job.I see Martin Breheny is giving out that we did not take micko, 74 years of age is a big number for travelling that far every second day, or am I imagining it? I travelled a lot for work and hated it, and that was between 50 and 100 miles each way.
I was not giving my personal preference. 8)
But it would seem to me that the person most likely to be reluctant to go through the whole written application bureaucracy, would be the one that has been there / done that  before. i.e. Maughan.  If the committee boys did not want to accept his application, that would have been an easy way out for them i.e. our way or the highway! ( aside: I wonder was that why Micko backed away?)
On the other had, since they are willing to bend to his preference of interview process, do they prefer him?  ???


western exile, sorry about that, i was not saying you would prefer maughan.my post looked like that when I looked at it again but no that was not what i meant. I think they have maughan firmly in their sights if the did alter any process they have to suit him.


I reckon Maughan's been calling the shots all along. Reviews, committees, celebrity candidates - it's all a bottle of smoke. Prepare yourselves for Maughan III.


Crossmolina have only lost in the MW league and to Knockmore in the championship all year long. He (Maughan) must be doing something right with them.
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 03:04:29 PM
Prepare yourselves for Maughan III.

Coming soon...

Maughan III - This time he's bringing his own St Tropez


Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 12:27:34 AM
Speaking to The Mayo News last night, Sean Feeney explained why the sub-committee charged with examining the candidate's plans decided to meet them face-to-face, and not ask them to submit a written document.
"We felt that there would be too much of a delay if written application forms were to be sent in, plus some of the candidates were reluctant to put their plans into writing," he said. "The sub-committee decided that face-to-face meetings would be more suitable.
"They are all serious contenders for the position," added Feeney when asked about his impression of the three managerial hopefuls that had been spoken to on Sunday.
"All of them had done a fair amount of background work but we didn't get down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. That will be done by the selection committee when they formally interview the candidates."
Those interviews are expected to take place next week, after a meeting of the Mayo GAA executive and county board. "The whole process should be concluded within a fortnight," added Sean Feeney.

That sure sounds like the tail is wagging the dog right enough Iolar.

It's going to be some craic listening to the reactions, eg. David Brady, Kevin O'Neill, if JM does indeed get it  ;)


It seems to have a look of inevitability about it now ok. The only impediment may the that The Board will have to do without the Mayo Supporter's money if JM gets the nod. There is a suspicion out there that Lyons was their idea after they realised that they wouldn't be gettin Micko. I m sure they re well pissed off. Horan still can t be ruled out as the most attractive compromise for a Board with no money.



Quotelook of inevitability about it now ok

wjy ? because its be repeated ad nausem here?  or do you have more indepth knowledge
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


Quote from: rosnarun on September 15, 2010, 10:50:20 PM
Quotelook of inevitability about it now ok

wjy ? because its be repeated ad nausem here?  or do you have more indepth knowledge

Yeah, Of course I have more in depth knowledge. That s why I said it has the look of inevitability about it. But I qualified that look of inevitability. But still JM  is at least 80% nailed down. There may be a twist but it s looking that way. This may be ad nauseum, or even sickening, but it is where we seem to be going. Maybe you are aware of other developments?


Quote from: spectator on September 15, 2010, 07:24:17 PM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 12:27:34 AM
Speaking to The Mayo News last night, Sean Feeney explained why the sub-committee charged with examining the candidate's plans decided to meet them face-to-face, and not ask them to submit a written document.
"We felt that there would be too much of a delay if written application forms were to be sent in, plus some of the candidates were reluctant to put their plans into writing," he said. "The sub-committee decided that face-to-face meetings would be more suitable.
"They are all serious contenders for the position," added Feeney when asked about his impression of the three managerial hopefuls that had been spoken to on Sunday.
"All of them had done a fair amount of background work but we didn't get down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. That will be done by the selection committee when they formally interview the candidates."
Those interviews are expected to take place next week, after a meeting of the Mayo GAA executive and county board. "The whole process should be concluded within a fortnight," added Sean Feeney.

That sure sounds like the tail is wagging the dog right enough Iolar.

It's going to be some craic listening to the reactions, eg. David Brady, Kevin O'Neill, if JM does indeed get it  ;)

Neither David Brady, Kevin O'Neill nor John Maughan has gone on the record about how they got on. I remember Eoin McDevitt on Newstalk remarking to Brady that he had started many All-Irelands whereas the real story of Brady for my dollar is how few he started. But that has never been explored. Neither Brady nor O'Neill, that I know of, has ever had a cut at Maughan and I don't think Maughan has ever been challenged for the record on why he didn't pick those players.

The nature of how the media operates in this country means that he never will be, either. We see it in the grown up news currently about how it's bad manners to ask if someone is a bit too fond of the drop. But it's an awful pity.

And I would love to read a long, in depth interview with Anthony McGarry too. I don't know why he keeps applying to be continually ignored by the Board. What motivates him? Could it be ... patriotism? Love of the land where he was born?

Hoping for Horan, expecting Maughan.


Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 11:34:57 PM
Quote from: spectator on September 15, 2010, 07:24:17 PM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 12:27:34 AM
Speaking to The Mayo News last night, Sean Feeney explained why the sub-committee charged with examining the candidate's plans decided to meet them face-to-face, and not ask them to submit a written document.
"We felt that there would be too much of a delay if written application forms were to be sent in, plus some of the candidates were reluctant to put their plans into writing," he said. "The sub-committee decided that face-to-face meetings would be more suitable.
"They are all serious contenders for the position," added Feeney when asked about his impression of the three managerial hopefuls that had been spoken to on Sunday.
"All of them had done a fair amount of background work but we didn't get down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. That will be done by the selection committee when they formally interview the candidates."
Those interviews are expected to take place next week, after a meeting of the Mayo GAA executive and county board. "The whole process should be concluded within a fortnight," added Sean Feeney.

That sure sounds like the tail is wagging the dog right enough Iolar.

It's going to be some craic listening to the reactions, eg. David Brady, Kevin O'Neill, if JM does indeed get it  ;)

Neither David Brady, Kevin O'Neill nor John Maughan has gone on the record about how they got on. I remember Eoin McDevitt on Newstalk remarking to Brady that he had started many All-Irelands whereas the real story of Brady for my dollar is how few he started. But that has never been explored. Neither Brady nor O'Neill, that I know of, has ever had a cut at Maughan and I don't think Maughan has ever been challenged for the record on why he didn't pick those players.

The nature of how the media operates in this country means that he never will be, either. We see it in the grown up news currently about how it's bad manners to ask if someone is a bit too fond of the drop. But it's an awful pity.

And I would love to read a long, in depth interview with Anthony McGarry too. I don't know why he keeps applying to be continually ignored by the Board. What motivates him? Could it be ... patriotism? Love of the land where he was born?

Hoping for Horan, expecting Maughan.

O Neill and Maughan have gone on record about those events. Briefly, but very revealingly in Scally's flawed but worthy The Best Of The West. O Neill comes across very well. He accepted the managers decision and wouldn't rock the boat because he has a team ethic. Maughan admits that he didn't think O Neill was good enough in his time in charge - that's all she wrote - and was astounded by his form in 06. So you have to go back and remember some of the forwards that JM thought were better than O Neill. Most GAA men would have written their epitaph with a statement like that but nobody seems to have noticed. I was shocked when I read it. But I have to admit I admired his honesty to admit how he felt as well. His judgement about O Neill was unbelievable and his admission of the same was equally strange but also refreshing because he could have talked about injuries and fitness to save face.  It says it all about JM really. He really is bigger than having to be called to account for poor decisions in the past. He is big enough and brave enough to make big calls and he makes them which is a great trait in a leader and you have to admire that. But his judgement has cost us dearly in the past as well. It s something we will have to accept again. For every Noel Connelly and James Horan gained, there are Peter Butlers, Brian Heffernans, Gary Ruane Kevin O Neills, Ciarán McDonalds/ David Brady (both for a while anyway) and Kevin O Neills lost.


Quote from: moysider on September 16, 2010, 12:11:15 AM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 11:34:57 PM
Quote from: spectator on September 15, 2010, 07:24:17 PM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 12:27:34 AM
Speaking to The Mayo News last night, Sean Feeney explained why the sub-committee charged with examining the candidate's plans decided to meet them face-to-face, and not ask them to submit a written document.
"We felt that there would be too much of a delay if written application forms were to be sent in, plus some of the candidates were reluctant to put their plans into writing," he said. "The sub-committee decided that face-to-face meetings would be more suitable.
"They are all serious contenders for the position," added Feeney when asked about his impression of the three managerial hopefuls that had been spoken to on Sunday.
"All of them had done a fair amount of background work but we didn't get down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. That will be done by the selection committee when they formally interview the candidates."
Those interviews are expected to take place next week, after a meeting of the Mayo GAA executive and county board. "The whole process should be concluded within a fortnight," added Sean Feeney.

That sure sounds like the tail is wagging the dog right enough Iolar.

It's going to be some craic listening to the reactions, eg. David Brady, Kevin O'Neill, if JM does indeed get it  ;)

Neither David Brady, Kevin O'Neill nor John Maughan has gone on the record about how they got on. I remember Eoin McDevitt on Newstalk remarking to Brady that he had started many All-Irelands whereas the real story of Brady for my dollar is how few he started. But that has never been explored. Neither Brady nor O'Neill, that I know of, has ever had a cut at Maughan and I don't think Maughan has ever been challenged for the record on why he didn't pick those players.

The nature of how the media operates in this country means that he never will be, either. We see it in the grown up news currently about how it's bad manners to ask if someone is a bit too fond of the drop. But it's an awful pity.

And I would love to read a long, in depth interview with Anthony McGarry too. I don't know why he keeps applying to be continually ignored by the Board. What motivates him? Could it be ... patriotism? Love of the land where he was born?

Hoping for Horan, expecting Maughan.

O Neill have gone on record about those events. Briefly but very revealingly in Scally's flawed but worthy The Best Of The West. O Neill comes across very well. He accepted the managers decision and wouldn't rock the boat because he has a team ethic. Maughan admits that he didn't think O Neill was good enough - and wait for it - was astounded by his form in 06.Most GAA men would have written their epitaph with a statement like that but nobody seems to notice when JM drops a clanger.  It says it all about JM really. He really is bigger than having to be called to account for poor decisions in the past. He is big enough and brave enough to make big calls and he makes them which is a great trait in a leader.  But his judgement has cost us dearly in the past as well. It s something we will have to accept again. For every Noel Connelly and James Horan gained, there are Peter Butlers, Brian Heffernans, Kevin O Neills, Ciarán McDonalds/ David Brady (both for a while anyway) and Kevin O Neills lost.

I've seen that book Moysider, but I've never been tempted to buy it. It struck me as being more interested in being worthy than being interesting.

This is one of the problems with when Maughan or Johnno or Brady are being interviewed nationally - a lot of the people asking the questions have a fairly superficial view of what's going on in a particular county, so Scally wouldn't have said "hold on a minute" when Maughan said that about O'Neill in 06 and pulled him up on it, or McDevitt made the error about Brady I mentioned earlier.

I'm open to correction on this, but isn't it odd that the most trenchant player criticism of a Mayo manager has been from the most media reticent player of recent years - Ciarán McDonald's Indo interview after John O'Mahony dropped him?


Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 16, 2010, 12:22:36 AM
Quote from: moysider on September 16, 2010, 12:11:15 AM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 11:34:57 PM
Quote from: spectator on September 15, 2010, 07:24:17 PM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 15, 2010, 12:27:34 AM
Speaking to The Mayo News last night, Sean Feeney explained why the sub-committee charged with examining the candidate's plans decided to meet them face-to-face, and not ask them to submit a written document.
"We felt that there would be too much of a delay if written application forms were to be sent in, plus some of the candidates were reluctant to put their plans into writing," he said. "The sub-committee decided that face-to-face meetings would be more suitable.
"They are all serious contenders for the position," added Feeney when asked about his impression of the three managerial hopefuls that had been spoken to on Sunday.
"All of them had done a fair amount of background work but we didn't get down to the real 'nitty-gritty'. That will be done by the selection committee when they formally interview the candidates."
Those interviews are expected to take place next week, after a meeting of the Mayo GAA executive and county board. "The whole process should be concluded within a fortnight," added Sean Feeney.

That sure sounds like the tail is wagging the dog right enough Iolar.

It's going to be some craic listening to the reactions, eg. David Brady, Kevin O'Neill, if JM does indeed get it  ;)

Neither David Brady, Kevin O'Neill nor John Maughan has gone on the record about how they got on. I remember Eoin McDevitt on Newstalk remarking to Brady that he had started many All-Irelands whereas the real story of Brady for my dollar is how few he started. But that has never been explored. Neither Brady nor O'Neill, that I know of, has ever had a cut at Maughan and I don't think Maughan has ever been challenged for the record on why he didn't pick those players.

The nature of how the media operates in this country means that he never will be, either. We see it in the grown up news currently about how it's bad manners to ask if someone is a bit too fond of the drop. But it's an awful pity.

And I would love to read a long, in depth interview with Anthony McGarry too. I don't know why he keeps applying to be continually ignored by the Board. What motivates him? Could it be ... patriotism? Love of the land where he was born?

Hoping for Horan, expecting Maughan.

O Neill have gone on record about those events. Briefly but very revealingly in Scally's flawed but worthy The Best Of The West. O Neill comes across very well. He accepted the managers decision and wouldn't rock the boat because he has a team ethic. Maughan admits that he didn't think O Neill was good enough - and wait for it - was astounded by his form in 06.Most GAA men would have written their epitaph with a statement like that but nobody seems to notice when JM drops a clanger.  It says it all about JM really. He really is bigger than having to be called to account for poor decisions in the past. He is big enough and brave enough to make big calls and he makes them which is a great trait in a leader.  But his judgement has cost us dearly in the past as well. It s something we will have to accept again. For every Noel Connelly and James Horan gained, there are Peter Butlers, Brian Heffernans, Kevin O Neills, Ciarán McDonalds/ David Brady (both for a while anyway) and Kevin O Neills lost.

I've seen that book Moysider, but I've never been tempted to buy it. It struck me as being more interested in being worthy than being interesting.

This is one of the problems with when Maughan or Johnno or Brady are being interviewed nationally - a lot of the people asking the questions have a fairly superficial view of what's going on in a particular county, so Scally wouldn't have said "hold on a minute" when Maughan said that about O'Neill in 06 and pulled him up on it, or McDevitt made the error about Brady I mentioned earlier.

I'm open to correction on this, but isn't it odd that the most trenchant player criticism of a Mayo manager has been from the most media reticent player of recent years - Ciarán McDonald's Indo interview after John O'Mahony dropped him?

True, and what good did it do Ciarán. Anybody that tried to criticise Johnno at the time was steamrolled. The wagons were circled.  O Mahoney was allowed to scorch earth for another 2/3 years without anybody lifting a finger.
Maughan s line about O Neill not being good enough was a nugget for a journalist.  In fact nothing else was needed to flesh it it out.  But obviously nobody noticed or thought anything wrong with his judgement. It leads me to believe people think he was correct not to pick O Neill. I don t but it appears most do.