Israel Attack Humanitarian Ship, 10 men killed

Started by give her dixie, May 31, 2010, 03:50:01 AM

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Quote from: ONeill on June 01, 2010, 10:34:36 PM
Isn't it mad that in this part of the world that Taig=Palestine Hun=Israel.


this cracks me up every time
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Windmill abu

QuoteIsn't it mad that in this part of the world that Taig=Palestine Hun=Israel.

Taig/Palestine=Oppressed, displaced people. Hun/Israel=Planter supported by British Government.

Not so mad from a green tinged point of view
Never underestimate the power of complaining


The great irony is that unionists/loyalists would be horrified if jewish people moved into their area. It is also many loyalists who are the biggest fans of Hitler, Combat 18 and the National Front. Basically they are full of sh*te.   


Tyrones own -  the thread title is wrong because dixie who started the thread has only been on for a few minutes as per his previous post and has obviously not had a chance to change it yet. the title was orginally 3 when the thread began then 8 and now 20 (as was being reported at the time by Israeli sources because of the media blackout)

The exact figure is still not known for sure and i am sure dixie will correct it when he has time. The only reason the exact figure is not known is because Israel (like in the Gaza slaughter/war/whatever it achieved) they have a complete media blackout and the only information anyone can get is their story. This tactic was succussful last time and will probably be sucussful this time, as when it comes to an investigation they will either do it themselves (whitewash) or refuse to accept and call it bias and anti-semtic if an independent investigation finds against them.

The fact all you manage to comment only on the title of the thread when at least 9 (source bbc) unarmed innocent civilians were gunned downed speaks volumes on your character. No matter what went before this was a savage attack and without warrant.

I am unlucky that one of the 10 english speaking channels i get in Thailand is Fox. There reporting of this incident shows again why this network is a farce. From your previous posting it seems its where you get the bulk of your materials or from very liked minded people or media sources. They comment on why bring the aid, Israel let in aid -it fails to mention that is only a faction of what is needed. It says the Palestinians get the most aid per head,  they don't mention that Israel has been withholding funds from the Palestinians or that Palestinians don't want aid they want control of their economy, borders, water, air etc. Also yesterday when i visited the website to see what the coverage was like, a link directly below the main article was "Gazaian enter Israel: 2 Killed" when i clicked the link, the article was nothing to do with incident (which i haven't found reported anywhere else) but about 2 more ships on their way, Rachel Corrie (an example of how whitewashed Israel Investigations can be). Today the link directly below it is about how some turkish charitys funds terrorists. Fox didn't have links to articles on previous America Massacres in Vietnam or killings of inoccent people in Iraq (even if only by friendly fire etc.), or christian fundamentists like Tim McVeigh after the Fort Hood Massarce. (what are they calling the killing of innocents now, its not called a massarce anyway)

That last paragraph was only an aside, it just pissed me off last night watching Fox. Before you say why do i watch it then. I watch it for the same reason i read Ian O'Doherty or Myers when i was in Ireland or read books about the Middle east from authors from different countries. It is because i want to see as many perspectives as i can and i make and chance my opinions on different issues depending on what information i have.


Quote from: ONeill on June 01, 2010, 10:34:36 PM
Isn't it mad that in this part of the world that Taig=Palestine Hun=Israel.


If you go to Israel and fly into the airport in Lod you can see hills in the distance. That is where all the Taigs live. Israel took all the best land by the sea and shunted the Taigs into the hills. It was exactly the same during the plantation of Ulster. the taigs were shunted off the best land which was then given to the huns and the Taigs had to live in the hills.

there is one significant difference through. The Brits never herded Taigs into a concentration camp such as Gaza which is effectively a holding pen for all the Taig refugees south of Jaffa who were pushed out to make way for a land without a people for a  people without a land .  Even at their worst the Brits still had some decency.


Quote from: seafoid on June 02, 2010, 08:24:08 AM
Quote from: ONeill on June 01, 2010, 10:34:36 PM
Isn't it mad that in this part of the world that Taig=Palestine Hun=Israel.


If you go to Israel and fly into the airport in Lod you can see hills in the distance. That is where all the Taigs live. Israel took all the best land by the sea and shunted the Taigs into the hills. It was exactly the same during the plantation of Ulster. the taigs were shunted off the best land which was then given to the huns and the Taigs had to live in the hills.

there is one significant difference through. The Brits never herded Taigs into a concentration camp such as Gaza which is effectively a holding pen for all the Taig refugees south of Jaffa who were pushed out to make way for a land without a people for a  people without a land .  Even at their worst the Brits still had some decency.

The Brits were the ones who partitioned Palestine in the fist place, much like they did in Irelland. The only difference is that after they partitioned Palestine they fucked off out of there.


Quote from: seafoid on June 02, 2010, 08:24:08 AM
Quote from: ONeill on June 01, 2010, 10:34:36 PM
Isn't it mad that in this part of the world that Taig=Palestine Hun=Israel.


If you go to Israel and fly into the airport in Lod you can see hills in the distance. That is where all the Taigs live. Israel took all the best land by the sea and shunted the Taigs into the hills. It was exactly the same during the plantation of Ulster. the taigs were shunted off the best land which was then given to the huns and the Taigs had to live in the hills.

there is one significant difference through. The Brits never herded Taigs into a concentration camp such as Gaza which is effectively a holding pen for all the Taig refugees south of Jaffa who were pushed out to make way for a land without a people for a  people without a land .  Even at their worst the Brits still had some decency.

The Brits used concentration camps in South Africa against the Boers.


Quote from: Sean3 on June 02, 2010, 09:01:58 AM
The Brits used concentration camps in South Africa against the Boers.

And in Cyprus they used them against the Jews.

Hedley Lamarr

It all boils down to this: There is no law but Israeli law, no legitimacy but Israeli legitimacy and no truth but Israel's version of the truth.

In spite of the shock, pain and anger that was felt across the world in reaction to Israel's bloody dawn attack against the humanitarian aid flotilla heading to Gaza on Monday, which killed and injured scores of international activists, the Jewish state brushed aside condemnations and criticisms and appeared unrepentant and shameless.

Not only that, but Israeli officials were quick to justify the massacre that its soldiers had perpetrated, alleging that the elite commando force was attacked, with sticks and knives, and even fired upon. One official said those on board were not peace activists and aid workers but sympathizers of Hamas and supporters of terrorism.  The organizers of the aid-to-Gaza flotilla had expected all possible scenarios; to be forced to turn back from where they came, to be diverted to an Israeli port and even to be arrested and later deported. But no one imagined that a cold-blooded massacre was in store; that unarmed civilian opponents of the three-year Gaza siege will be gunned down while the entire world was watching.

The flotilla of six ships, carrying around 700 international activists, including European parliamentarians, and laden with 10,000 tons of essential aid and building material to the people of Gaza, was on its way to the stricken strip when it was intercepted by Israeli helicopters and navy ships in international waters.

Video clips sent almost immediately by those on board showed Israeli commandos being lowered from helicopters onto the largest vessel, Marmara, followed by scenes of dead and injured passengers lying on the ground. The rattle of gunfire could be heard in the background.

Nothing can justify this latest Israeli crime. The attack was deliberate, ordered by Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak and blessed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Canada preparing for a visit to Washington on Tuesday to meet President Barack Obama.

Diplomatic nightmare

There were many quick and fiery reactions from world capitals, both public and official. From a PR point of view, it was a nightmare for Israeli diplomacy. But if Israel thought it can sustain few days of bashing by the international community before it could walk away, free of guilt and accountability, it was wrong.

Of all the angry reactions that poured from Arab, Muslim and foreign capitals, Turkey's was the most profound and sincere. After all, the Liberty Fleet mission was organized and supported mainly by Turkish humanitarian agencies and donors. The biggest ship in the flotilla carried a Turkish flag and many of the dead and injured were Turkish nationals.

Turkish-Israeli relations have been strained for months, and the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quick to denounce the attack, accusing the Israeli government of violating international law and of committing an act of piracy.

'Act of state terrorism'

It called for an emergency meeting of the UN's General Assembly and said Israel must endure the consequences of its action. Erdogan, who interrupted a visit to South America and headed home, described the Israeli interception as an act of state terrorism. They were tough words coming from a man who does not beat around the bush when it comes to expressing his emotions, especially on the continuing plight of Gazans.

Even in Israel there were voices that debunked the official version and expressed doubts about the wisdom of the government's action and long-term strategy on Gaza. Bradley Burston, writing in Haaretz, said that "we are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege, which is becoming Israel's Vietnam." He concluded by saying that instead of focusing on Iran, "Netanyahu must recognize that the world is now focused on Israel and the threat it poses to the people of Gaza."

The Arab reaction was confused and confusing. Qatar and Syria called for an emergency session of the Arab League at ministerial level, but between threatening to withdraw the Arab peace initiative and waiting to see where the White House will finally draw the line, nothing much was forthcoming.

President Obama finds himself once more trumped by Netanyahu, who always puts himself one step ahead of his American allies. Now he is exerting pressure again on the Obama administration. As the Security Council debated Turkey's draft statement, the US stepped in to water down its wording; a gesture toward Israel, which could always rely on the blind backing of Washington, no matter the crime.

It is a setback for peace efforts, but the tragic death of humanitarian activists rallying to support over 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza under siege should not be in vain. This is an opportunity to end this unlawful, criminal and unjustified blockade once and for all.

It is ironic that there are those, among the Arab countries, who would not be happy if the Gaza siege is lifted, but this is no longer about politics; Hamas, Israel and Palestinian power struggle. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is unprecedented in modern history; it is a crime against humanity and an affront to international law and the Geneva Conventions. It must end and the time to end it is now.

On the other hand, Israel's disregard for international law must be brought to a just conclusion. The West, especially America, have justified Israeli atrocities and its fascist policies against the Palestinian people for too long. The time for reckoning has come and Israel's crime in the high seas should not go unpunished.

— Osama Al Sharif is a veteran journalist and a political commentator based in Jordan.
Posted by
Jun 1, 2010 22:55

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:


Israel's ambassador to the US has compared the deadly raid on the Gaza aid flotilla with America's battles against the Germans in World War Two.

In an interview with Sky's American sister station Fox News, Michael Oren described the operation, in which at least nine people died, as "perfectly legal, perfectly humane - and very responsible".

"Israel has to make some hard choices sometimes," he stressed, "We live in a rough neighbourhood."

When questioned about the global condemnation of the violence and accusations of "state-sponsored piracy on the open seas", he denied there had been any breach of international law in raiding the ships.

"Israel acted in accord with international law," he said.

"Any state has the right to protect itself, certainly from a terrorist threat such as Hamas, including on the open seas.

"The US acted under similar international law when it fought the Germans and the Japanese in World War Two."

These folks would put Goebbels in the hapenny place when it comes to propoganda and spin and yes I deliberately used that comparison because the Israeli government like to use WW2 as a reference point to justify the existence of their state


What I just can't understand is how a Jewish nation, of all people, can do what they are doing. I really can't get my head around it.

I sincerely hope that other world government grow a set of balls and hold these a**holes to account some day soon.


There is a theory that because what happened to them they have become  totally ruthless, and now the oppressors,  like 'never again will anyone f** with us.' Agression is often borne of fear. 


Israeli society is autistic. I had lunch with an Israeli on Monday and he started going on about Gaza and how the world hates the Jews and the only time they cared was after the war but that there was no sincerity in it and since then they don't care and they will leave Israel defenceless and so Israel has to do it all by itself like the little red hen and the world can go f**k itself. That was it in a nutshell. It's the zionist meme. You can read it on any website where Zionists write. Word for word. That is how people are educated to think in Israel. Palestinians are an inferior and a defeated people. gideon Levy said that Israelis are really nice people and would help an old lady across the road but that something switches when it comes to the Palestinians. there can be no recognition of them as equals. Otherwise the whole structure of Zionism is in danger of collapse.   

You take the kids and conscript them in an army for 3 years where their job is to button down the population so that more settlements can be built. They whup the Palestinians so that Settlers can run around the west bank like they own the place. you can't do that to your kids and expect there to be no mental damage afterwards. The violence inherent in the occupation is corrupting Israeli society. It's unsustainable - you can't run a society on hatred for very long.   

Zochrot is a very interesting charity supported by Trocaire which exists to educated Israelis about what happened in 1948. they have some class videos on youtube. they run seminars and visits to sites of destroyed Palestinian villages and do things like put up replica street signs from the days when the villages existed, as a form of remembering.

Israel officialdom can't tolerate the signs. Zionism is too fragile. That is why they lash out the way they do. They cannot acknowledge the right of the Palestinians to be there.  They cannot acknowledge that Israel was founded as a settler colony which expelled the natives.  They cannot acknowlege that the land did not belong to them or their forebears.


Looks like the Government have finally taken direct action.

They are going to petition the Israelis.  >:(

How about this Government do something worth while for a change. They can stick their petition up their arse.

I say they should storm the Embassy and kidnap the Israeli ambassador. They can then offer to swap the ambassador for Irish hostages held in Israel.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Israelis now trying to get "rid" of the aid workers as quickly as possible!
Send them home and hopefully things will calm down quickly!!