Israel Attack Humanitarian Ship, 10 men killed

Started by give her dixie, May 31, 2010, 03:50:01 AM

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Hedley Lamarr

Some International reaction.....

Reaction from around the world to Israel's attack:

Statement from the Turkish foreign ministry

The interception on the convoy is unacceptable ... Israel will have to bear the consequences of its actions.

We strongly condemn it and await an immediate explanation.

By targeting innocent civilians, Israel has once again clearly displayed that does not value human lives and peaceful initiatives.

We forcefully condemn these inhumane activities by Israel.

The incident that occurred in open sea which is a gross breach of international law, could cause irrevocable consequences for our relations.

We wish to express our condolences to the bereaved families of the deceased, and swift recovery to the wounded.

Ismail Haniya, Hamas leader in Gaza

The government of Hamas call on Palestinians to carry out a total strike in Gaza and West Bank to show solidarity and protest the Israeli crimes.

We request emergency session for the UN Security Council, Arab League and Islamic Conference and we demand the Palestinian Authority to stop all forms of negotiations.

The government decided to grant those on board Freedom ships the medal of honour.

We appeal to the UN to withdraw from the Quartet.

The government has decided to name the May 31 "the freedom day". We demand the Arab League to carry out all decisions to stop the siege of Gaza.

We say to those heroes that the essence of your honourable blood has reached us before the aids you are carrying to us.

We salute everyone on board the Freedom ships.

Salam Fayad, Palestinian prime minister

Israel went beyond all that could be expected.

This [attack] is a transgression against all international covenants and norms and it must be confronted by all international forums.

Statement from the Palestinian presidency

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemns the crime perpetrated by the occupation authorities against international solidarity activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla.

The Palestinian leadership is closely following the developments and the President calls on the United Nations to confront Israel, which is disregarding all international laws and norms.

The attack on the Flotilla is an attack against humanity.

This incident will have grave consequences in the region and the world.

Statement from the Arab League

Secretary General Amr Moussa has called for an emergency meeting at the League's headquarters in Cairo on June 1.

The attack clearly shows Israel's aggressive nature and its disrespect to international and humanitarian rules and laws.

We call on the international community to take immediate steps against Israel, a rogue state that practices all forms of terrorism and piracy, and instigates tension and instability in the region and in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.

Saad Hariri, Lebanese prime minister

The Israeli attack on the aid convoy is a dangerous and crazy step that will exacerbate tensions in the region.

Lebanon firmly denounces this attack and calls on the international community, notably major powers ... to take action in order to end this continued violation of human rights and threat to international peace.

Spokesperson for EU's foreign policy chief

High Representative Catherine Ashton expresses her deep regret at the news of loss of life and violence and extends her sympathies to families of the dead and wounded.

On behalf of the European Union she demands a full enquiry about the circumstances in which this happened.

The continued policy of closure is unacceptable and politically counter-productive. She calls for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of the crossing for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza.

Guido Westerwelle, German foreign minister

I am deeply concerned about the events last night in the waters off Gaza ... These are disconcerting initial reports.

The foreign ministry is now working to establish the full facts of what happened.

Diego Lopez Garrido, Spain's secretary of state for EU affairs

The Israeli storming of a flotilla of activist ships heading for Gaza is unacceptable and very serious event.

We have have summoned the Israeli ambassador [to Spain] to give us explanations and, of course, we will investigate and will start handling this matter immediately.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian president

[The attack was an] inhuman Zionist regime action against Gazans.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, Emir of Qatar

The Israeli act of piracy against Arab and foreign activists who tried to break an non humanitarian unjust siege imposed on our fellow citizens in Gaza Strip, for no reason but they exercised their democratic right of choice.

The crimes purportrated this morning against the civilians supporting the Palestinians remind us of the unjust siege the open bleeding wound in the Strip; and all those who preach freedom, justice and democracy are required now to move and act to break this siege so the bloods of those free men do not go down the drains.

This is also message addressed to the Arab states who were brought to the moment of justice by those free men on board.

Micheal Martin, Irish foreign affairs minister

I am gravely concerned at the reports emerging of the storming of a Turkish ship this morning by Israeli commandos.

My department is seeking to establish the full facts of what has occurred and confirm the safety of the eight Irish nationals who sailed with the
Turkish-led flotilla.

The reports of up to 15 people killed and 50 injured, if confirmed, would constitute a totally unacceptable response by the Israeli military to what was a humanitarian mission attempting to deliver much needed supplies to the people of Gaza.

Statement from Britain's Stop The War Coalition

The action should see Israel condemned under international law.

Israel has repeatedly flouted law and public opinion worldwide in its treatment of the Palestinians.

The decision by Israel to attack the flotilla with such loss of human life shows it is arrogant and deadly intent in opposing any aid to the Palestinians.

Navi Pillay, UN high commissioner for human rights

I am shocked by reports that humanitarian aid was met with violence early this morning reportedly causing death and injury as the boat convoy approached the Gaza coast.

The blockade keeps undermining human rights on a daily basis.

The current situation falls far short of what is necessary for the population to lead normal and dignified lives.

I condemn once again the indiscriminate firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:


To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!

eggy bread

Shocking but NOTHING will be done, Israel can do what it wants', all condemnation is welcome but won't change the way these bastards operate.


I'm honestly shocked and disgusted by this action. Don't know, why as Israel have form. This is way beyond anything before. f**king animals. I hope that the rest of the world's eyes are finally opened to the actions of these bastards and action is taken against them.
Testing Accessibility

give her dixie


Hassan Ghani is a very good friend of mine, and he is one brave reporter.

Israel.........................     Your time is now up.    Get your coat
next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 31, 2010, 11:03:20 AM
Quote from: Zapatista on May 31, 2010, 11:00:05 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 31, 2010, 10:56:13 AM
Surely they have no right to board ships in international waters anyway?

They send assasins across international borders under false passports without a problem. I'd say they can do what they want in international water.
I know they do what they want but they're really not allowed to are they.

I think they can. There is nobody to police International waters. It's each to their own out there I think. That's why all the drug swaps and transfer of weapons are done out there. I wouldn't be surprised if these international waters are actually Palestinian waters occupied by Israel.


Which one of you bitches wants to dance?



It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


This is unreal stuff- That Israeli guy is blatantly lying


Quote from: Declan on May 31, 2010, 12:12:17 PM
This is unreal stuff- That Israeli guy is blatantly lying
I'm not even interested in hearing their excuses.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera

Down South

Jesus H F*CKING Christ, who is this c*nt. Israel has a right to defend itself? Defend itself from what, humanitarian aid?


Now the spin is that they should have known that any attempt to gain access to Gaza would meet Israeli resistance - Jaysus