Top 10 lies that men tell women

Started by illdecide, May 25, 2010, 05:26:17 PM

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'I didn't have that much to drink'
According to the Science Museum's survey, this is the most popular lie that men tell women. Us ladies also use it on the lads, but not as frequently.

'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine'
Women aren't the only ones who lie about their feelings - men do it too! Saying 'nothing's wrong, I'm fine' is the second most likely lie to be told by the average male.

'I had no signal'
How many times have we heard this one, ladies? There seems to be a distinct lack of mobile phone signal in the UK, according to the men in our lives...

'It wasn't that expensive'
It's a well known fact that us ladies love to shop - but it seems that the boys are also up for a spot of retail therapy every now and then - and they are telling us porkies about their purchases, too!

'I'm on my way'
Is he really on his way? Probably not according to the study - lying about their whereabouts is the fifth most popular lie for men to tell their partners.

'I'm stuck in traffic'
The study found that the average male uses 'I'm stuck in traffic' as an excuse rather frequently - no wonder us ladies are always wondering what you're up to lads!

'No, your bum doesn't look big in that'
It's not what you wanted to hear, girls - when your other half tells you that your bum doesn't look big in that pair of tiny shorts - he may not be telling the truth!

'Sorry, I missed your call'
f your other half doesn't answer the phone, then it's quite possible that he is busy with something else but - according to the survey - he might just be ignoring your call. Saying 'sorry, I missed your call' is the eighth most popular lie that men tell women.

'You've lost weight'
Compliments from the men in our lives are always welcome - but not when they're fibs! The ninth most popular lie for men to tell women is 'you've lost weight'.

'It's what I've always wanted'
Both men and women are guilty of telling this lie - obviously neither sex wants to upset the other's feelings by saying that the gift they have just received isn't quite to their taste...

Again, feel free to add your own lies...
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch

Tony Baloney

Every man has used a variation of "sure it's good for your skin", "it won't taste that bad really"...

I've used the "I'm on my way and stuck in traffic" ones from my desk in work this very evening!


I'm glad someone started this thread because I forgot to read this month's Cosmo.

The Real Laoislad

I'd often lie about who is texting me.....
You'll Never Walk Alone.


I always lie about my bank balance, to keep her on her toes at the end of the month a few days before payday i'll say "lend me a few quid till i get paid" so then she thinks i'm broke and never asks how much i have in the bank
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch