Back pain

Started by Peter Solan the Great, May 20, 2010, 09:29:10 PM

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Peter Solan the Great

I was playing some basketball last Sunday for the first time in years. I had put a bit of weight on since then too. I must of pulled a muscle in my back because the pain has got worse since then. Its grand during the day but when i get home and sit/lie down for a while its pure agony. Anyone else ever get this? anything to take for it?


When it happened you should have has ice on it.

Now you need to use heat rub or something like that. Physio also helps. It can take weeks to heal.
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JUst retired

You can get a rub called Arnica oil in health shops ,it is pretty good for muscle pain.

Catch the high ball

Tiger Balm is also a good job, can get it in most chemists.
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