Flotilla To Gaza.

Started by give her dixie, May 20, 2010, 02:13:05 PM

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give her dixie

Well folks, as some of you already know, a flotilla of ships will be sailing to Gaza next week.

9 ships in total will be sailing, 4 cargo ships, and 5 passenger ships.

600 people and approx 10,000 tonnes of aid will set off from various ports over the weekend
and by next Tuesday, they should be in Gaza. So, as you can imagine, a stand off is on the cards
on the high sea's of the Med.

Last week, an Irish ship left Dundalk and is currently on its way to meet up with the other ships.

This Flotilla is been headed up by IHH, a Turkish charity. On the last convoy, they teamed up with
Viva Palestina, and together, 517 people in over 200 vehicles broke the siege and delivered aid.

The Turkish Government is fully behind this flotilla, and have given it full support. So, a major diplomatic
stand off is also going to occur.

I was to be on the Turkish ship, but I have decided not to go and instead, I will be managing the media
aspect of the flotilla. I will be in constant communication with the ships, and will be the 1st point of contact for a few of the groups on board, 24 hours a day. Viva Palestina will be represented with a delegation on board, and they will report directly to me.

I have set up a News site on Facebook, "Gaza TV News" (GTV) 

Each day at 6pm I will be filing a report, and if any breaking news develops, I will have it reported instantly.

This Flotilla is going to be a major news item next week, and as things progress, I will keep you all informed.


next stop, September 10, for number 4......

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Well done, the Palestines need all the help, support and solidarity they can get.

I also see this week that Israel has barred Noam Chomsky from the West Bank.


Hedley Lamarr

Fair play to you and all the organisers....hope it alls goes smoothly and safely.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:


It's wrong that over half of the population of Gaza is dependent on food aid. It could all be ended tomorrow.

Tony Baloney

I'm glad you posted that image to show the route of the ship from Ireland... I was wondering how they'd get there :)

Best of luck.

Baile an tuaigh

Safe trip John you are a legend. I currently reside in Chicago which has a large population of people from Palestine. A lot of them are well aware of the support they receve from Ireland.


Fair play to you.  The rest of us waffle on about this and that but you actually get off your ass and do something useful.
There are no proofs, only opinions.


Interesting that it is being run by a turkish outfit. Turkey used to be a key Israeli ally until Israel
went over to the dark side under Sharon. 

give her dixie

The Noam Chomsky affair from last Sunday has once again shown Israhell up for been a rogue state who don't care for anyone. Noam Chomsky, who is jewish, is regarded as been the worlds greatest living intellect, and he was due to deliver a speech in Palestine on Monday. At approx 4pm last Sunday, he was crossing from Jordan into Palestine, and the Israhelli Occupation Forces stopped him, interrogated him for 3 hours, and then denied himself and his daughter entry into Palestine.

Pretty much the same as Canada refusing entry to the US for someone from Mexico. They control every border around the West Bank, and they are ruthless. Of course, seeing as they are an apartheid state, there are Jew gates, and "Others". As you can imagine, the "other" gate has a long long line of people waiting to cross, while the Jew gate takes minutes to cross. They learned quite a lot from South Africa and the Warsaw Ghetto.

Israhell have been getting away with unbelievable acts of apartheid, genocide, racism, and just about every other form of crimes against humanity for far too long. Too many western leaders bend over backwards to help them, and turn a blind eye to their inhumane treatment of the Palestinians. Ireland is no exception.

If Israhell think they can attack this flotilla and arrest everyone, then they will have a rude awaking coming. Turkey will not stand idly by and let this happen. They are the 1st country to stand up to the Zionist oppressors, and hopefully, other leaders will back them up. It's time Israhell were taught a lesson.

Anyhow, below are 2 links for a video of an interview I had with Noam Chomsky a few months ago. He talks about Gaza, the flotilla, and prospects for peace in Palestine.
Well worth a watch.



Oh, and don't forget todays 6pm Gaza TV News:
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on May 20, 2010, 06:12:52 PM
The Noam Chomsky affair from last Sunday has once again shown Israhell up for been a rogue state who don't care for anyone. Noam Chomsky, who is jewish, is regarded as been the worlds greatest living intellect, and he was due to deliver a speech in Palestine on Monday. At approx 4pm last Sunday, he was crossing from Jordan into Palestine, and the Israhelli Occupation Forces stopped him, interrogated him for 3 hours, and then denied himself and his daughter entry into Palestine.

Very good from the Finkelstein site . Israel is way beyond saving at this stage. There is no future for the current brand of Zionism over the long term.



Best of luck John. But remember, the Turks are no angels. They still have a genocide of their own that they won't even admit happened and aren't too hot on human rights either.


Fear not, Iran has BIG plans for Israel.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: mylestheslasher on May 20, 2010, 09:34:05 PM
Best of luck John. But remember, the Turks are no angels. They still have a genocide of their own that they won't even admit happened and aren't too hot on human rights either.

Would agree totally, the Turks human rights record is appalling.

Dixie, do youse really think that youse can get past the israeli gunships when they appear?

give her dixie

Folks, I will not be on the boats, as i'm co ordinating media and management for Viva Palestina,
who have a team on board.

I know that Turkey have a shady history, but at least they are moving in the right direction.
The IHH charity is an incredible organisation, however, their part in this Flotilla has been
overshadowed by the death of 2 of their workers in the Afghan plane crash on Monday.
One of them was a good friend of mine from the last convoy, and their deaths have shattered
everyone involved.

Israel have stated that they won't allow the flotilla to proceed, however, under International
law, they have no right to stop them in international waters. Israhell have never worried about international
law before, and this will be no exception. However, if enough people are dialled into what is going on,
they they will be exposed once again for what they really are.

Israhell are slowy slipping down in the eyes of the world, and just like South Africa, it will take the
power of the people to make change, not corrupt Govenments. Thanks to the internet, there is a whole
new generation of people who now have access to the real truth, and not the manipulated zionist
controlled media we have been used to for years.

Lets hope they will be allowed to pass peacefully, and without incident. However, I somehow feel it is
going to turn ugly. Israhell are in a loose loose situation whatever they do, so not matter what,
they will be the ones with egg on their faces when it is all over.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Israel isn't allowing many types of carbohydrate in to Gaza. Imagine if
1.5 million Jews were confined to a space 25 miles by 25 for 4 years with only limited types of food
allowed in and the economy ruined. Imagine the furore there would be. This is what Israel is doing in Gaza.