Heaney loses the plot

Started by longrunsthefox, May 18, 2010, 11:45:53 PM

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Speaking of penalty kicks, what the f** was that on Sunday?

saffron sam2

Quote from: tyssam5 on May 19, 2010, 09:21:58 AM
Quote from: Winnie Peg on May 19, 2010, 09:16:27 AM
I thought it was a brilliant article from a brilliant journalist who is noit afraid to say it as he sees it. It is about time someone spoke out about this protected species whose only concern is  "me, me, me" and how I can take all the attention away from the players and heap it on him.
Remember, they are very well paid for their work and as for club referees, it is a verey lucrative sideline in these recessionary times, when you think thgat between adult and underage they could be refereeing four games per week without even taking the very well paid colleges into consideration.

Is it well paid? How much do you get a game? How come there's not neutral linesmen at senior club games then? I get a ref and two neutral linemen in the mickey-mouse soccer league I play in. They are normal completely useless, but they are neutral

Assuming you play under the auspices of the IFA, you must be playing Irish league, because outside the top division neutral linesmen are a rarity.
the breathing of the vanished lies in acres round my feet


Was speaking to a referee last week and he was commenting on the new rule of sideline ball, whereby the player must not cross the sideline and difficulties of implementing it.


Hes got one thing right, who'd want to be a ref in Gaelic? Most of the decisions you make will be hotly contested, because many decisions in gaelic are subjective. Its easy to see what is and isnt a foul in soccer for eg. Watch a gaelic match with someone who doesnt know the sport, and try explaining why one tackle is a foul, and another similar one isnt. It makes a joke of the game.

The GAA need to make the reffing of the game easier for the referee, by putting in place a set of guidelines which make it clear what is and isnt a foul, which must be able to be identified relatively easy at game pace. Its a big ask, and I'm not sure how they do it, but until they do the sanity of anyone doing reffing is right to be questioned. The lack of any consistency in refereeing is I think the greatest threat facing the game.


Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
Was speaking to a referee last week and he was commenting on the new rule of sideline ball, whereby the player must not cross the sideline and difficulties of implementing it.

Has that not always been the rule though? Were you ever allowed to kick a sideline ball from inside the sideline?
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on May 19, 2010, 02:53:55 PM
Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
Was speaking to a referee last week and he was commenting on the new rule of sideline ball, whereby the player must not cross the sideline and difficulties of implementing it.

Has that not always been the rule though? Were you ever allowed to kick a sideline ball from inside the sideline?

Maybe it stricter enforcement of it. His concern was club games when the linesmen are normally an appointed official from each team. ( Unless things have changed considerably most clubs have a boy or two, who lets say, have a tendency to put the flag in one direction only)


Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 03:21:06 PM
Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on May 19, 2010, 02:53:55 PM
Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
Was speaking to a referee last week and he was commenting on the new rule of sideline ball, whereby the player must not cross the sideline and difficulties of implementing it.

Has that not always been the rule though? Were you ever allowed to kick a sideline ball from inside the sideline?

Maybe it stricter enforcement of it. His concern was club games when the linesmen are normally an appointed official from each team. ( Unless things have changed considerably most clubs have a boy or two, who lets say, have a tendency to put the flag in one direction only)

I don't get what his problem is?  ??? Linesmen (and umpires) are there to advise the referee. The referee calls the shots and is free to take onboard their advice or not. Nothing has changed there other than the sideline rule now being as clear as day.

Not hard for a referee to see for himself if a player breaks the line on a sideline kick, surely? The game is stopped at that stage and there's a white line and all there to help him :D It would be a fool of a referee to take at face value the claim for an infraction from a club "official" he didn't see it for himself anyway if that's what he was getting at!

Must be quare craic at games down his way if he listens to every claim club linesmen make  :o

Sounds like a bandwagon moan to me. Your refereeing acquaintance wouldn't be familiar to Paddy Heaney by any chance?

red hander

The most shocking part of the article for me is the fact this 'top class' journalist can't spell de rigueur... and neither can his sub-editor  ;)  Maybe Paddy should be waxing lyrical about the poor standard of journalism rather than the poor standard of refereeing  :D


 the majority of people reading article will see it for what it is - a cheap bit of sensationalism from Mr Heaney in the wake of his beloved Doire being shunted out the front door once again. Heaney writes articles for water coolers and I wouldn't be one bit suprised he is lovin every not of controversey it raises.

Where I think he has badly misjudged things this time is that some, hopefully not many, but some will see this as encouragement to give refs all the sh@t of the day. Things are hard enough for referees. No one does it for the money 20-30 quid to be called a wan£er for an hour and a half??  No chance. Heaney has behaved like a prize idiot here. In the mouth of all the recent campaigns to encourage respect for referees he goes and slaughters them, showing a crass lack of knowledge to boot. With refs being occasionally assaulted and continually verbally abused day in day out this has just given carte blanche for the idiot brigade to perpetuate the problem.

A disgrace of an article, pure and simple.


Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 03:21:06 PM
Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on May 19, 2010, 02:53:55 PM
Quote from: Bensars on May 19, 2010, 01:12:50 PM
Was speaking to a referee last week and he was commenting on the new rule of sideline ball, whereby the player must not cross the sideline and difficulties of implementing it.

Has that not always been the rule though? Were you ever allowed to kick a sideline ball from inside the sideline?

Maybe it stricter enforcement of it. His concern was club games when the linesmen are normally an appointed official from each team. ( Unless things have changed considerably most clubs have a boy or two, who lets say, have a tendency to put the flag in one direction only)

As overtheposts said, whats he on about? Just see where the line ball is being taken from, if its inside the line throw it up. He wont have to do it any more than twice in a game. Doesnt surprise me that hes a ref, he sounds simple.

Main Street

Quote from: Lar Naparka on May 19, 2010, 12:52:22 AM
Foxy, me ole buddy, is it possible that you are overreacting to Heaney's take on referees?
For my money, this was a tongue in cheek article and wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I know next to nothing about Heaney but I'd swear that this is a windup effort.
True enough, the article is a blatant tongue in cheek wind up.


Quote from: saffron sam2 on May 19, 2010, 12:41:52 PM
Quote from: tyssam5 on May 19, 2010, 09:21:58 AM
Quote from: Winnie Peg on May 19, 2010, 09:16:27 AM
I thought it was a brilliant article from a brilliant journalist who is noit afraid to say it as he sees it. It is about time someone spoke out about this protected species whose only concern is  "me, me, me" and how I can take all the attention away from the players and heap it on him.
Remember, they are very well paid for their work and as for club referees, it is a verey lucrative sideline in these recessionary times, when you think thgat between adult and underage they could be refereeing four games per week without even taking the very well paid colleges into consideration.

Is it well paid? How much do you get a game? How come there's not neutral linesmen at senior club games then? I get a ref and two neutral linemen in the mickey-mouse soccer league I play in. They are normal completely useless, but they are neutral

Assuming you play under the auspices of the IFA, you must be playing Irish league, because outside the top division neutral linesmen are a rarity.

North Texas Division 5, the Yanks like a bit of organisation. 3 officals I suppose seems easy compared to the other sports.


An absolutely disgracefull article from a self professed knowall of the gaa. how dare he brand honest hard working club members/ referees like that. He for gets that he wasn't much of a player himself in fact he was pretty useless as a senior footballer.


Quote from: longrunsthefox on May 19, 2010, 12:15:45 AM
Quote from: jodyb on May 18, 2010, 11:56:36 PM
Am I having deja vu, or did you not already post this?   :-\

I did and shortly after decided it weren't worth posting and deleted it and then changed my mind again. It happens! Sorry that a couple of comments went with it. It'll stay this time.   

Are you a Gaa referee?
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: thewanderer on May 20, 2010, 03:04:47 PM
An absolutely disgracefull article from a self professed knowall of the gaa. how dare he brand honest hard working club members/ referees like that. He for gets that he wasn't much of a player himself in fact he was pretty useless as a senior footballer.

What's that got to do with the article?