Fairplay to Carrickmacross Councilors removing Isreali ambassador's signature

Started by SuperMac, March 07, 2010, 07:12:37 PM

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Bord na Mona man

Would the councillors in Carrickmacross take the same action if a Chinese diplomat signed their guestbook? China's human rights record is poor and their occupation of Tibet is widely condemned.
What about Iran, Burma or North Korea?

They've now set themselves up to be adjudicators on global politics, so they'd want to draw up a set of guidelines on who can and can't sign their book.


Quote from: Bord na Mona man on March 09, 2010, 03:44:56 PM
Would the councillors in Carrickmacross take the same action if a Chinese diplomat signed their guestbook? China's human rights record is poor and their occupation of Tibet is widely condemned.
What about Iran, Burma or North Korea?

They've now set themselves up to be adjudicators on global politics, so they'd want to draw up a set of guidelines on who can and can't sign their book.

Thats my thing on the Palestine occupation. There are many similar or worse situations as this in the world but this is the one that the sinners have latched onto. Is there a reason for this? Why isn't these other nations openly boycotted by them and similar protests carried out.

By the way, I'm no supporter of Isreal, far from it, I just find the links to this particular struggle strange. Or is it historic connections  ;)


Quote from: give her dixie on March 08, 2010, 01:36:32 AM
I think it was a brave decision and I support them for doing this.

People might think this was a stupid thing to do, or pettty, however, this news spread
across the world through the internet, and made the news in every major newspaper in Israel.

It has sent out a message to Israel that the world will not forgive them for their treatment
of the Palestinians, and what they did in Gaza last year.

That may be so dixie - but do you think for one second the ordinary israeli has done anything other than laugh at the fact that some eejits in Ireland tore a page out of a town hall guest book?

It's an embarrassing action, which doesnt really tell the world anything, except that we like a good barney as much as the next man and are ultimately thick. Which is a stereotype we already have.

Nally Stand - Id suggest it has caught peoples attention in much the same way as mooning at them out the back of a bus does. Stupid, childless, and ultimately pointless.


As an act of symbolism it is fine but it needs to be followed up by some sort of action otherwise its a bit empty.

A colleague of mine is currently out in the West Bank at the minute. He sent an e-mail describing what things are like on the ground. here's a few bits from it.

QuoteOutside of Jerusalem, Palestine can be difficult to move around - the cattle shed like checkpoints, the curtailed bus journeys and the thirty foot high concrete wall ridiculously dubbed a "fence" by the Israeli authorities.

The farm now known as the Tent of Nations has been owned and run by the same Palestinian family since 1916. The deeds and paperwork are all there to prove ownership; yet periodically land at the periphery is confiscated or made inaccessible by the Israeli authorities - even the main route to the farm and the nearby Palestinian village has been blocked with large rocks and there is a lawsuit in train to establish once and for all the right of the family to the land.

Overlooked from two sides by settlements under construction (in spite of the promised 10 month moratorium on settlement building in the occupied territories) and a prominent watchtower emblazoned with the Star of David, it?s impossible to forget the implicit claim that we are in Israel, not Palestine, and that but for their peaceful resistance, encapsulated in the words painted on a rock at the entrance to the farm: "We refuse to be enemies", Palestine would cease to exist, at least in this place.

The land I'm looking at is a jigsaw which doesn't fit together: a double layered country, where one set of people cannot use roads built for another, enclaves for one group are gouged from deep within the land formerly controlled by the other, rights and privileges applied to one, such as the right to build a house and construct utilities to it, but denied to the other. Spatially alone, there is no logic to the developing situation, other than this: given time Israel will occupy and settle the entirety of the West Bank, or such a large proportion of it that a remnant of Palestine is no longer viable; and there is nothing which anyone outside the Israeli government can do about it.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Awful lot of hysteria here. Between people going out of their way to play it down and other to play it up we are making a mountain out of a mole hill with both looking ridiculous.

The town council didn't want a record of the ambassador being an official guest in the town so they removed his name. Rather than use tip-ex the removed the page. It's no more and no less than that. If any of the posters here are offended by that then I think they are trying hard to be offended. If any think it's a strike against Israel by Ireland then they are deluded.

Bring back bird flu.

Baile an tuaigh

Once again Israel breaks the Hague treaty by announcing today that another 1600 homes are to be built in the West Bank. Palestine as a nation is almost finished and their ethnic cleansing complete by the Zionists. A Country that 80 years ago owned all their land are now down to less than 10%. The deplorable conditions that they live in are a humanitarian crisis with the average person making less than $6 dollars a day. What is happening now in Palestine is the same as what happened the red man in North America. They the Palestinians are walled in. Movement a round the camp is restricted by constant searches and road blocks. Sick people can't get to hospitals. Caissons are being put into the ground so they can't tunnel their way out. Watch towers are dotted along their boundaries. The navy patrol the sea a round Gaza. Drones fill the air monitoring their every movement. This is a tactic by Israel to make the quality of life for people unbearable and it is no surprise to read that almost 85% of Palestinians have contemplated suicide or have little desire to live.

People that say why do we take more interest in Palestine as opposed to other conflicts a round the world? Then ask yourself, why dose America donate more money to this state than the continent of South America and the Continent of Africa combined. My answer would be the lobbing system in America which is completely flawed is being used and exploited to its max by power full Zionist groups in the USA such as A.I.P.A.C.. If a resolution is not found soon we could see potentially a very horrible war that will suck in other Countries from a round the planet. This could be a disaster for is all. Not that it isn't for the people of Palestine currently.

I disagree with people who play down the incident in Carrickmacross. Just google the incident, most news papers a round the world have ran the story. It was symbolic in nature. For a humble Country like Ireland I will take that, that some people will stand up for the down trodden makes me feel better a bout the situation. Especial when  an evil vindictive organization who use Irish peoples passports to kill other people for their own selfish gain. Unfortunately some people can't see past their noses and decided to use the incident as a Sinn Fein bashing exercise but conveniently forget that there was other political parties who voted to remove "hitlers" name from the guest book.


Quote from: SuperMac on March 07, 2010, 07:12:37 PM
Carrickmacross Councillors removed a page signed by the Israeli ambassador. Well fair play to them I say. Appearently it was supported by Sinn Fein, a Green and a Fianna Fail councilor. However Foreign Affairs minister Micheal Martin criticised the council's decision but then what else would you expect from mega hypocrite in the Dail.

Obviusly the blueshirts didn't support it but then they have a histroy of admiring fascism like Franco's gang in the Spainish civil war so naturally they would be fans of the zionist state.

Go back to your cave Mary Lou, a SHINNER is a SHINNER.

I know my own spelling is very poor but at least I can spell Israe:P
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Quote from: deiseach on March 07, 2010, 11:30:42 PM
Quote from: Rav67 on March 07, 2010, 11:19:58 PM
Certainly not pro-Israeli myself but this is the sorta nonsense schoolchildren would be at.  Hardly the way to make a point about Israeli aggression.


+1 aris

This is how this was reported in Israel

a great blow for the Irish nation, and the Peace loving Palestinians and Israelis.

I despise the Israeli hawks, security services, mossad and Islamic terrorists equally.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

Nally Stand

"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Quote from: mayogodhelpus@gmail.com on March 09, 2010, 06:58:08 PM

Certainly not pro-Israeli myself but this is the sorta nonsense schoolchildren would be at.  Hardly the way to make a point about Israeli aggression.

Let me make it simpe for ye,

A local thug steals 10 cars and robs ten old people. He then he calls to your door and asks you for a cup of tea. You tell him no as he is a local thug. I then say to you "that was an embarassment, he steals ten cars and robs ten old people and you show your disgust by refusing him a cup of tea. It was hardly worth your while you should have just give him a cup of tea!."


Quote from: Zapatista on March 09, 2010, 07:22:04 PM
Quote from: mayogodhelpus@gmail.com on March 09, 2010, 06:58:08 PM

Certainly not pro-Israeli myself but this is the sorta nonsense schoolchildren would be at.  Hardly the way to make a point about Israeli aggression.

Let me make it simpe for ye,

A local thug steals 10 cars and robs ten old people. He then he calls to your door and asks you for a cup of tea. You tell him no as he is a local thug. I then say to you "that was an embarassment, he steals ten cars and robs ten old people and you show your disgust by refusing him a cup of tea. It was hardly worth your while you should have just give him a cup of tea!."

+1 the gesture was a complete waste of time, the Irish government, diplomats, passport office & security services should be hounding Israel about this, not the rent a mob crew acting like children as usual.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Quote from: Nally Stand on March 09, 2010, 07:16:31 PM
And a blueshirt is a blueshirt.

I noticed in the Irish Independent today that someone pointed out Mary Lou was bemoaning the fact that others called them Shinners, yet she proceeded in her next sentence to call Labour and Fine Gael, Blueshirts and Stickies. I would also add that they call the SDLP stoopers.

Sinn Fein calling Fine Gaelers Blueshirts is more akin to Fine Gaelers calling Sinn Feiners Terrorists than calling them Shinners. Must be noted the so called Blueshirts where only ever a tiny minority of those that went on to make up Fine Gael. I would be more than confident that there are more Terrorists/ex-Terrorists in Sinn Fein than ex-Blueshirts in Fine Gael. Not to mention the bank robbers and Garda killers.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Quote from: Zapatista on March 09, 2010, 07:22:04 PM
Quote from: mayogodhelpus@gmail.com on March 09, 2010, 06:58:08 PM

Certainly not pro-Israeli myself but this is the sorta nonsense schoolchildren would be at.  Hardly the way to make a point about Israeli aggression.

Let me make it simpe for ye,

A local thug steals 10 cars and robs ten old people. He then he calls to your door and asks you for a cup of tea. You tell him no as he is a local thug. I then say to you "that was an embarassment, he steals ten cars and robs ten old people and you show your disgust by refusing him a cup of tea. It was hardly worth your while you should have just give him a cup of tea!."

Zap, I know it's not the point you are trying to make but your example shows the utter pointlessness of the exercise either way.
MWWSI 2017


Mary Lou is a **** and a ****.

She called to our door one time in Belfast. The shock on her face when she was politely to f**k right off was hilarious.


Quote from: muppet on March 09, 2010, 07:45:46 PM
Zap, I know it's not the point you are trying to make but your example shows the utter pointlessness of the exercise either way.

It shows that he did all that would be expected of him and that I was being unreasonable.

Quote from: gallsman on March 09, 2010, 07:47:30 PM
Mary Lou is a **** and a ****.

She called to our door one time in Belfast. The shock on her face when she was politely to f**k right off was hilarious.

Different type of politness from what I learnt as a boy.