Did Kennelly get suspended ?

Started by Roashter, February 23, 2010, 01:30:08 PM

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Not sure if I'm way off the mark here or not.

On Sunday Sport last Sunday the fella from the CCCC made a very interesting comment. He made the point that in some cases suspensions are given but are not always publicised by saying that the CCCC will never ever comment on an individual case, and said that even though a player may receive a suspension it may not become public knowledge if the county board or player involved decide to keep it quiet. (obviously if a player is injured/retired for length of suspension then there's no need to publish it)
And then he stated that this has happened.

Now there were a few indirect references to challenges that happened in the 1st few seconds of games, and you could not but think that they were referring to Kennelly's tackle on Nicholas Murphy in the 1st minute of the all-Ireland final.

I'm not saying that Kennelly did receive a suspension, but if he did he would definately fall into the above category in that there was no need to publish the suspension as he had "retired" himself.

Any thoughts?

P.S. If a person receives a suspension then the GAA should publish the fact that the player has received a suspension IMO. There is enough cloak & dagger stuff going on in the displinary process without lads getting suspended and no one ever hearing about it.


Very surprised by that if its true. Its a poor way to be conducting affairs if such matters are kept in secret. Also it gives the anti-GAA sections of the media ammunition to say that the GAA have something to hide. Just publish suspensions on the GAA website in without undue fanfare.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


I wondered was Seamus Woods hinting at that too... but is so high profile would be very hard to keep it so secret.

Tyrone Dreamer

I think it's quite ridiculous if Kennelly was suspended and details not revealed. For a disciplinary system to be viewed as fair then it must be open and transparent, with everyone treated equally and seen as treated equally. Unfortunately this is a long way off in the GAA.


He didn't get suspended. All suspensions are revealed including ones with no impact e.g. Tom Kenny, Denis Bastick, Derek Kavanagh.