Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution

Started by ludermor, February 02, 2010, 05:18:19 PM

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MWWSI 2017


  Should public school students be taught that the book of Genesis in the Bible explains how God created the world?

    Yes 77
    No 15
    Not Sure 8

Scopes 'monkey trial'. (or at least play based on it.)
William Jennings Bryan: 'The earth was created by God on October 23rd, 4004 BC at 9am'
Clarence Darrow: 'Would that be Eastern Standard Time'?

Tony Baloney

Quote from: tyssam5 on February 02, 2010, 10:18:43 PM
  Should public school students be taught that the book of Genesis in the Bible explains how God created the world?

    Yes 77
    No 15
    Not Sure 8

Scopes 'monkey trial'. (or at least play based on it.)
William Jennings Bryan: 'The earth was created by God on October 23rd, 4004 BC at 9am'
Clarence Darrow: 'Would that be Eastern Standard Time'?
An Armagh man is to blame for that one.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:40:04 PM

I have to laugh at the republican haters, they cry foul that republicians pander to the rich and middle classes and blame them for the current universal healthcare mess yet they just lost the safest senate seat because of their absolute refusal to acknowledge that it is not just republician voters that hate the thoughts of this bill, it is their own rank and file, their own members that dont want it in it's current state.

Is there a poll to point this issue out as the reason they lost the seat? Any reports I've heard (haven't really been interested to be fair) have come from unreliable sources.


Quote from: Zapatista on February 02, 2010, 11:16:26 PM
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:40:04 PM

I have to laugh at the republican haters, they cry foul that republicians pander to the rich and middle classes and blame them for the current universal healthcare mess yet they just lost the safest senate seat because of their absolute refusal to acknowledge that it is not just republician voters that hate the thoughts of this bill, it is their own rank and file, their own members that dont want it in it's current state.

Is there a poll to point this issue out as the reason they lost the seat? Any reports I've heard (haven't really been interested to be fair) have come from unreliable sources.

Imagine a bye election being lost by those in power.  ???

Never happens. Must mean Stew is right then.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 11:18:18 PM

Imagine a bye election being lost by those in power.  ???

Never happens. Must mean Stew is right then.

Atleast they had the balls to hold the election I suppose.


Quote from: Zapatista on February 02, 2010, 11:21:55 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 11:18:18 PM

Imagine a bye election being lost by those in power.  ???

Never happens. Must mean Stew is right then.

Atleast they had the balls to hold the election I suppose.

They do like their elections.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 11:18:18 PM
Quote from: Zapatista on February 02, 2010, 11:16:26 PM
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:40:04 PM

I have to laugh at the republican haters, they cry foul that republicians pander to the rich and middle classes and blame them for the current universal healthcare mess yet they just lost the safest senate seat because of their absolute refusal to acknowledge that it is not just republician voters that hate the thoughts of this bill, it is their own rank and file, their own members that dont want it in it's current state.

Is there a poll to point this issue out as the reason they lost the seat? Any reports I've heard (haven't really been interested to be fair) have come from unreliable sources.

Imagine a bye election being lost by those in power.  ???

Never happens. Must mean Stew is right then.

Thats typical liberal bullshit is that.

Here is what happened. The democrats lost one of if not the safest democratic senate seat in America, you know the one muppet, the one were that no character sc**bag twat ted kenedy held fr what seemed like centuries. After teddy boy died they had to have an election, the democrats thought they could win it in a canter and in their arrogance they didnt even bother to check the pulse of the electorate and run straw polls. The republician candidate ran on an anti obamacare ticket, worked his arse off, got his message out and the good people of massachussetts agreed with him and voila, a republician senator takes the place of one ted kennedy.
I am right when I say the American people have lost their patience with Obama and his numbskull approach to healthcare, the economy and pretty much everything else he touches. I want him to do well but I have a feeling that the electorate will send him a message loud and clear come mid term election time.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 11:43:18 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 11:18:18 PM
Quote from: Zapatista on February 02, 2010, 11:16:26 PM
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:40:04 PM

I have to laugh at the republican haters, they cry foul that republicians pander to the rich and middle classes and blame them for the current universal healthcare mess yet they just lost the safest senate seat because of their absolute refusal to acknowledge that it is not just republician voters that hate the thoughts of this bill, it is their own rank and file, their own members that dont want it in it's current state.

Is there a poll to point this issue out as the reason they lost the seat? Any reports I've heard (haven't really been interested to be fair) have come from unreliable sources.

Imagine a bye election being lost by those in power.  ???

Never happens. Must mean Stew is right then.

Thats typical liberal bullshit is that.

Here is what happened. The democrats lost one of if not the safest democratic senate seat in America, you know the one muppet, the one were that no character sc**bag t**t ted kenedy held fr what seemed like centuries. After teddy boy died they had to have an election, the democrats thought they could win it in a canter and in their arrogance they didnt even bother to check the pulse of the electorate and run straw polls. The republician candidate ran on an anti obamacare ticket, worked his arse off, got his message out and the good people of massachussetts agreed with him and voila, a republician senator takes the place of one ted kennedy.
I am right when I say the American people have lost their patience with Obama and his numbskull approach to healthcare, the economy and pretty much everything else he touches. I want him to do well but I have a feeling that the electorate will send him a message loud and clear come mid term election time.

In 8 years George Dubya Bush and his cronies destroyed the world economy (amongst other things). But it is Obama's fault for not fixing it in 1 year.  ::)
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 11:43:18 PM
the democrats thought they could win it in a canter and in their arrogance they didnt even bother to check the pulse of the electorate

worked his arse off, got his message out

So there may have been other factors?


Hardly a surprising poll result given the role of the religious right within the Republican party and the shocking level of scientific knowledge among Americans in general. But what do you expect when people are brought up to think that they'll go to hell if they don't accept Jesus and a literal interpretation of Genesis? When science educators are continuously fighting wave after wave of shape-shifting creationists trying to get their nonsense taught in school science classes (and its all about school kids - they don't give two fucks about the science itself, only that young Joe Bob and Nancy Sue might be in danger of coming to possess the knowledge to think for themselves and put two and two together). The fact that Ken Ham could raise almost 30 million to build a ludicrous museum of creationism, complete with dioramas depicting dinosaurs living happily side by side with Adam and Eve tells you all you need to know about the state of science awareness in America.


Quote from: AFS on February 03, 2010, 12:58:28 AM

That can't be real?!! :D

Edit: looking at those colours, it obviously a parody!

But a good one!;D

Turlough O Carolan

Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:40:04 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 06:13:45 PM
Quote from: ludermor on February 02, 2010, 05:18:19 PM

Who would have thought that both sides in the Stormont negotiations would have so similar views!

Remember these are the people who think a government giving health care to the sick is treasonous. Religion is a badge to chest thump for some, it is certainly not something to live by.

Thats a load of shit to be fair. the proposed universal health care bill cannot be sustained by the tax paying public, the country cannot afford it and that is why people dont want it.

Jaysus when Wall Street got sick, there was no shortage of billions thrown at it.