Mr & Mrs Robinson

Started by Orior, January 06, 2010, 09:21:06 AM

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Quote from: gerry on January 07, 2010, 10:54:38 PM
where they getting the texts from

just found out cheers pat
God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,


I like Selwyns style, keeping all the txts for his payday.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


going to rent 'the graduate' this week. heres to you mrs robinson


Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered


I've someone giving me a run down what's happening but I'm completely lost.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


MWWSI 2017


Never seen the likes of this ever. Never. What will happen? The DUP will surely be preparing the pitch caps. Will Unionism split up? Whither the Assembly then? God. It's astonishing. Wonder what pissed off Selwyn in the first place to have him spill his guts like this? Astonishing.


iris robinson has just been announced as tiger woods fifteenth mistress. She always had a thing for black c***ts

The Robinsions children have just come up with the DUP's new election slogan: 'Fucky Our Ma'

It turns out Iris Robinson had two lovers Gregory Campbell and Martin McGuinness. One took her up the waterside one took her up the bogside

The DUP have moved their Christmas dinner away from the Europa Hotel next year because two many people were slipping into Robinsons for a quick one!

Great news in Norn Iron as the UDA decommissioned thier guns and Iris Robinson decommissioned her knickers!
Iris Robinson 2day has formed a new party called the D.U.P - the Drop Ur Pants party!


"You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend''


Great TV... The woman is corrupt to the hilt!! Bye bye peter also. It would make you wonder what these public representatives get up to and how they can abuse power.


marty and gerry must be licking their lips watching this


Thats it! Peter is history.
"You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend''


youd like to say peter robinson cannot survive this, he knew so his goose should be cooked. but sure we know better

Geoff Tipps


Crooked basterds the both of them. - What goes around comes around srings to mind!!!!!! Love to be a fly on the wall in Big Ian's tonite