John Leahy on the Late Late

Started by Premier Emperor, October 26, 2009, 05:47:11 PM

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Quote from: longrunsthefox on October 27, 2009, 11:24:56 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on October 27, 2009, 11:23:49 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on October 27, 2009, 11:18:43 PM
You must have led a very sheltered life if you are going to hold that against him for ever  :P

you'd be happy going around with scars on your face inflicted by someone who glassed you would you?

He did wrong and has acknowledged that ... get over it ffs

Get over what? You'd be happy with that would you. Give over. Something like that is near unforgiveable.

Asal Mor

Its amazing to me that some people still judge John on an incident that happened 13 years ago and ignore all the good work he has done since - all the help he has given others. It's a miserable bastard who thinks that way. Have ye people gone out and lived lives at all? If so I'm sure ye've made a few big mistakes too. Maybe not the same mistakes as John Leahy but big ones all the same. What have ye done to put it right?

People change. Try to look for the good in people. There is a lot thats good about John Leahy.


All I know is that he ruined somebodys life, I have lived my life but none of my mistakes involved glassing some guy in the face (because I haven't, maybe I haven't really live my life ???) We all know the work he is dong now and he deserves respect for it, however even if it was 13 years ago the fact still remains that he tried to kill somebody (Please don't say I am being over dramatic as glassing somebody is attempted murder like stabbing)


Jaysus lads, cut the fella some slack. He seems genuinely repentful about that and a couple of other incidents during his dark days and seems to be genuinely trying to put things right after turning his life round. what else would you have him do?


What is wrong people can't show forgiveness to someone who has accepted he did wrong. They must think they are above God. They sound like that fool Willie Frazier.


So if someone glasses you in the face and leaves you marked for life you would forgive them??? you are either a saint or stupid...


He didn't glass me in the face. He's repentful and wants to do good in the world currently. I say fair play to the lad for seeing the error of their ways. I think society will forgive him's the right thing to do as a society (but a bridge to far for the victim and his family no doubt). Two very separate entities that you seem to be unable to distinguish Eddie
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I am replying to the comment that the guy is a legend off the pitch, I don't hold a grudge against him but I am stating a fact that his assault on somebody with a pint glass would never make him a legend off the pitch, clearly you believe he is a great guy because he has said sorry and does good by society now.


Quote from: EddieMerx on October 28, 2009, 10:58:51 AM
So if someone glasses you in the face and leaves you marked for life you would forgive them??? you are either a saint or stupid...

Sorry I didn't realise he glassed you in the face. I have heard of people forgiving people for doing far worse but obviously you are one to hold a grudge.


So by your reasoning because he didn't glass me then I shouldn't care less, wow you really are one selfish person. I don't hold a grudge but the reality is I wouldn't hold him in high regard because of this incident and other un-confirmed incidents which I can't mention as I heard it from other people so not first eye reports. As I said, I am just poininting out that for his sins of the past I wouldn't consider him a Legend


Quote from: EddieMerx on October 28, 2009, 10:58:51 AM
So if someone glasses you in the face and leaves you marked for life you would forgive them??? you are either a saint or stupid...

are these people stupid Eddie?

Gordon Wilson (25 September 1927 – 27 June 1995) was the father of Marie Wilson, one of 12 victims of the Enniskillen
He came to national and international prominence with an emotional television interview he gave to the BBC the same evening in which he described his last conversation with his daughter, a nurse, as they both lay buried in rubble. He expressed forgiveness to his daughter's killers and pleaded with Loyalists not to take revenge for her death.
Ulster loyalism

Trevor McKeown, was convicted of murdering Catholic teen Bernadette Martin.  He was handed a minimum jail tariff of 22 years for the brutal murder which happened on July 15 1997.
In July 1997 Bernadette was blasted to death by the LVF as she slept in bed at the home of her Protestant boyfriend Gordon Green on the Soldierstown Road in Aghalee.
After their daughter's death Bernadette Martin's parents, Laurence and Margaret, said they forgave her killer and her mum revealed she could live with Trevor McKeown walking free within a year if it helped bring peace to Northern Ireland.
The mother-of-five said: ""We can forgive him. I don't even hate him."


maybe stupid as you also suggested  :o


No, Did I not Say Saints or Stupid????????? ???


so you get to decide which?  ;)