Armagh GAA "Fight Night" lives up to billing. (No comment or opinion, Tony?

Started by Evil Genius, October 14, 2009, 01:17:23 PM

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Evil Genius

Quote from: Franko on October 16, 2009, 11:59:58 AM
Where did EG go?  ??? ;)
Well I'd like to say that I was made to feel so impertinent, even chastened, by Lynchbhoy (reply #1), Saffron Sam 2 (#7) and ardmhachaabu (#25), that I retreated with my tail between my legs, sorry that I had the cheek to start a thread about a private GAA event which degenerated somewhat violently into a more public event. You know, on a GAA Board... ::)

Anyhow, whilst I was in fact otherwise engaged, I'm gratified to note that many other posters, who resisted the knee-jerk tendancy of the "Usual Suspects" to play the man rather than the ball whenever they see my name, have contributed to an interesting, informed and informative debate on the topic.

Of course, the discussion moved away somewhat from the original incident which gave rise to it, towards the subject of policing and public order generally, with specific reference to the Holy Lands.

On which point, those posters who consider that the problems which occur there eg on St. Paddy's Day, are actually a direct consequence of heavy-handed policing, rather than drink-fuelled blaggardism, might care to consider this intervention by a local public representative:

Tuesday, 13 October 2009 06:58 UK

MLA to meet police over Holyland

South Belfast MLA Alex Maskey will meet with senior police officers later to discuss anti-social behaviour in the Holyland area of the city.

"Since the beginning of the university term, we have seen serious levels of anti-social behaviour," he said.

In September, Mr Maskey met with Employment and Learning Minister Reg Empey to discuss the issue.

Last year, 520 students were disciplined by Queen's and the University of Ulster over behaviour.

"At the most recent South Belfast DPP sub-group meeting residents from the Holyland area, while praising the work being done by PSNI officers in the ground, were critical of the management of resources in the area by senior PSNI management," continued Mr Maskey.

"Residents stated that they had felt very let down by the PSNI when they compared the resources actually used in the area with what they had been promised.

"I believe that it is incumbent upon the PSNI to develop a strategy to ensure that they are using adequate resources in the Holyland area. This will be the focus of my meeting with them."

Mr Maskey is to meet with representatives of Queen's University Students Union to discuss problems in the Holyland area on Wednesday.

Then again, that Maskey is always sticking up for the Peelers and demanding more of them on the streets. He'll be all for issuing them with heavier batons, next, or even Hurleys, to administer some traditional "community justice"... ;)
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"